Chapter 863 Octopus tentacles! (four more)

The sudden black shadow quickly disappeared into the distance.

People in the Philippines didn't see who it was at all, but now they are facing these sculptures of shrimp soldiers and crab generals who don't know why they are alive.

They are constantly being defeated, and they are not the opponents of these sculptures at all.

Almost a thousand people came in together, and now more than half of them have died under the massacre of these sculptures.

They really can't take it anymore.

"Where is Root?" At this moment, there was a shout from outside.

From the entrance, a figure wearing a silver robe appeared, it was the Silver Guardian.

As soon as he appeared, he started to move, and slapped the shrimp soldier sculpture with his palm.

Nuo Da's palm slammed directly up, and the whole shrimp soldier was directly sent flying, and then fell to the ground, bursting directly, and water gushed out of it, directly losing its vitality.

General Root and the others saw who was coming, and immediately knelt on the ground to greet them, "Silver Guardian!"

"Yeah!" As soon as Guardian Silver appeared, he put his hands behind his back, giving off an air of superiority.

Among the witch bishops, the status of the gold and silver protectors is second only to the high priest.

Everyone else will bow down when they see it!
"Get up!" Guardian Silver raised his hand.

"Thank you, Guardian!" The people around also got up.

Guardian Yin glanced at the people in front of him, and said, "You guys did a good job. This cave is what the high priest wants. As long as the high priest can get that treasure, he will be rewarded with rewards after returning. Do you understand? However, what happened here, You must not leak it out, understand?"

When the living people heard this, they all understood the meaning of Guardian Yin. How so many soldiers died here, they must not tell it. Everyone is not a fool, so they can understand it naturally. The death of others has nothing to do with them , As long as they are still alive, they can still get rewards. This feeling is really refreshing.

"we know!"

"Very good, you all get out of here!" Silver Guardian ordered.

"Yes!" Root and other living people nodded.

"Wait a minute, leave a few death squads here. If you say death squads, you will be prepared to die. However, if anyone in the death squads survives, they will be promoted to nobles, and they can hold important positions among the witch bishops!" Silver Guardian His eyes swept over the audience, and then he continued.

When the people around heard this, their gazes became scorching. Serving in the Witch Bishop, this reward is really extraordinary.

To be honest, many people were moved, but when they remembered that the sculpture was alive before, they felt a little scared. This place is obviously not a good place, and there are many dangers. It is very likely that they will never come out again.

When Root heard this, he was taken aback on the spot, Death Squad?Didn't people from the Philippines already go in?Why do you need death squads?
"Guardian Silver, there was a person and a shadow that went in before, and that person helped us behead these sculptures. Isn't that person the Bishop of Witch?" Root looked at Guardian Silver and asked.

When Protector Yin heard this, his face suddenly changed: "What did you say? You mean someone has already entered? Who is it, have you seen the appearance clearly? I am the first to come here as Bishop Wu, and someone else broke in Here, have you seen anyone else before you came here?"

The people present were stunned when they heard this, they never expected such a result.

Root began to recall the past: "We only met three people, an old man and a girl, and a young man. The girl and the old man seemed to have jumped into the sea. As for the young man, he seemed to have run away!"

"I caught the old man and the girl. The young man is the most suspected one. Do you know where the young man ran?" said Guardian Yin.

"Guardian, you don't know. That young man is a martial arts master. The person who went in before is definitely not him. I can't kill those sculptures, and he can't even!" Lute laughed.

He thought of Tang Zhong's strength before, and directly gave a negative.

"I see, I'll go in first and talk about it later!" After finishing speaking, Guardian Yin walked straight into the depths of the cave.

Next to him, two hunchbacked men followed immediately.

The three of them quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

But at this moment, in the cave, Tang Zhong continued to shuttle.

There are not too many sculptures in front, but there are more in the place where you just entered the cave, and now there are more strange buildings.

But Tang Zhong knew that the area they were in now must be under the sea.

Under the North Sea, there is actually such a strange place.

If it is mined here, it will definitely be a sensational beauty in the world.

It's like the real East China Sea Dragon Palace, no, this should be the North Sea Dragon Palace.

Legend has it that Dragon Kings live in the Dragon Palace. I don't know what lives in this place?
Although the surroundings were full of beautiful scenery, Tang Zhong did not dare to relax his vigilance at all. The calmer the place, the more dangerous it is.

The place where Tang Zhong is now is a hall.

It's a big space, with those crystal tables all around, and crystal chairs, and if you put a few glasses of wine on it, it's really perfect.

But this made Tang Zhong even more suspicious that there was a problem here.

And Tang Zhong also discovered a very problem, that is, here, his soul was unable to detect the surroundings, as if something was suppressing him.

It was as if he was now within the radiation of another person's soul.

In short, it feels very strange.

Just when Tang Zhong thought about something else.

But suddenly, Tang Zhong felt something was wrong.

At this time, the ground trembled.

Tang Zhong immediately became vigilant.

He looked down at the ground, fearing that something might happen, he couldn't guard against it, so he stood still and looked around.

The ground is also very crystal clear, just like crystal!
Suddenly, Tang Zhong saw something swimming in the ground. Under the crystal floor, it seemed to be water, and the swimming thing seemed to be a snake, but he couldn't see the whole picture at all.

And in the next second, I saw the ground break open, as if something broke out of the ground.

Tang Zhong immediately became cautious.


The crystal-like ground was directly broken, and then a flesh-like thing was seen protruding out, covering the sky and blocking the sun, gushing out from the ground and directly into the sky.

Tang Zhong retreated again and again, waiting for the protruding thing to be completely exposed, his face changed instantly.

Because the thing gushing out of the ground is nothing but a living thing, and it can be said bluntly that this is an octopus tentacle, which is very thick and large, wriggling in the air.

(The problem of the first update today has not been resolved. The editor is off work and cannot be contacted. Wait until tomorrow. Sorry, everyone.)
(End of this chapter)

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