Chapter 866 Yellow Stone! (two more)

Tang Zhong could tell that the shadow was here to catch the octopus, but the octopus was his.

No one can take it away.

He still needs to find eight stones to save Weiwei.

Go forward immediately.

At this moment, the black shadow kept muttering about the task, and when he reached the octopus bound by the black flame chain, he immediately stretched out his hand: "Refining, refining!"

The sound seemed to be mechanized, and then he grabbed the black flame chains that bound the octopus.

In an instant, the black flames in his hands condensed towards the top again.

The power of the chain became even stronger, and then it was crushed crazily.

Under this force, the body of the octopus shrank even more, and at the same time, the white light on its body became more intense.

Tang Zhong came up, saw this scene, immediately took out the Tang knife, and directly slashed at the black shadow.

"Go away!"

Seeing Tang Dao approaching, Hei Ying immediately stretched out his other hand, and Hei Yan blasted out like a cannon.

With a bang, Tang Dao fell down.

Then refine the octopus again.

I saw that under the continuous crushing of the chains, the octopus became smaller and smaller, its white light became brighter, and water gushed out of its body.

Tang Zhong stood firm, then looked forward, his face was extremely ugly, he had no way to get close to this black shadow, in this case, he would not be able to hurt the opponent at all.

No, you have to go up!
Tang Zhong beheaded the past again.

Burn the sky and chop.

I saw a flame burning on Tang Dao's body.

In the air, a flaming blade came from the sky, crushing down on the black shadow with all its strength.

The black shadow was still refining the octopus. At this moment, he felt Fen Tian chopping towards him, and murmured in a low voice: "Dangerous, dangerous, we must dodge!"

Seeing that Hei Ying gave up on refining the octopus, stood up abruptly, and hurriedly blocked Tang Zhong's Fen Tian Zhan who was about to chop it down.

He covered his hands with black inflammation, and then reached out to pick them up.

Fen Tianzhan killed it.

This is the martial skill taught by Shidao Yanlongbing. At this moment, the raging fire is burning, and the skill used now is much stronger than the one used when facing Hu Ge before.

The black shadow directly reached out to pick it up, and clamped Fen Tianzhan with both hands. At that moment, the violent power was released towards the surroundings in an instant, and the power spread out, and the surroundings shook.

The black shadow was standing on the strange sea.

The strong fluctuations exploded at this time, and one could see that in the underground sea, the sea water was constantly tumbling, and several tornadoes were rolling in it.

At the same time, Fen Tianzhan slashed at Hei Ying's body.

Tang Zhong's pupils widened, wanting to see what would happen.

But at this time, he saw the black shadow standing in front of him, as if nothing had happened.

"How is this possible?" Tang Zhong looked forward in shock.

What exactly is this black shadow? The power of the Burning Heaven Slash just now is not simple at all. Even a peak martial artist will be hacked to death directly.

But this black shadow was actually intact, and this powerful body reminded Tang Zhong of the Martial Dao Supreme.

But this is obviously a fighting machine, and it is controlled by some force. It should not be the machine that is powerful, but the force that controls it.

But at this time, Tang Zhong saw that the black shadow's movements seemed to be slow, and it seemed that the Burning Heaven Slash still had an effect.

Sure enough, at this time, I saw that the movement of the black shadow was much slower. Although there was no damage on his body, the strength of controlling him was much less.

"Those who hinder the completion of the task will die!"

Visibly weaker than before.


The black shadow turned around and grabbed the octopus: "Refining, refining!"

"No, this guy still needs to be refined!" Tang Zhong said, ready to go forward.

But at this time, the black figure suddenly waved his hand, and a black light shot out, forming a black cover around him, like a protective cover.

Tang Zhong couldn't get close and was blocked outside the cover.

Looking inside the cover, the octopus has been continuously refined, and it has become only a few meters long.

Tang Zhong took out his Tang knife and slashed frantically at the black cover regardless of any pauses.

The sound of ding ding ding sounded.

It can be seen that on the cover, there are sparks flickering constantly, and white lights are constantly shining on the cover, but the cover will not break, and it is very hard.

"How could it be so hard?"

Tang Zhong frowned, looking at the octopus, already in the process of refining the black shadow, weakened by the white light, and the tentacles on his body were constantly decreasing.

Tang Zhong looked at what happened inside through the black cover, and was even more anxious. In this case, even if the black shadow refined all the octopuses, there was nothing he could do.

But at this moment, another voice came from Tang Zhong's ear.

"Quick, save me, save me, I can't be taken away by it!"

Tang Zhong looked intently, the sound came from the octopus, but not from the mouth of the octopus, but from the soul of the octopus.

Tang Zhong could feel that the voice was transmitted to him by the octopus through his soul.

His soul has been transformed into a soul through cultivation, and it is already very powerful. This octopus can do this, which shows how powerful his soul is.

But what made Tang Zhong more determined was that this black shadow had no soul, otherwise, such a powerful soul could be completely suppressed.

Sure enough, this black shadow was manipulated by someone, and the power behind it was very powerful.

This octopus Tang Zhong was completely sure that it was the stone he needed. Although he didn't know why the stone became like this, at least this thing belonged to him, and he absolutely couldn't let this shadow take it away.

The Tang knife in his hand was slashing wildly.

"Ah... ah, break it for me!" Tang Zhong roared.

The speed of swinging the knife was too fast, it was full of sparks, and I saw flames burning on the black cover.

At the moment when Tang Zhong swung his knife for the last time, the violent power was fully suppressed and fell directly on the black cover.

At that moment, many cracks appeared on the black cover.

There was a clicking sound.

There were many cracks on it, and then from the cracks, rays of light radiated, and the black cover, with a bang, directly turned into light and scattered towards the surroundings.


Tang Zhong immediately moved forward with Tang Dao.

But at this moment, it was discovered that the octopus was surrounded by black shackles, and those shackles were still rotating, causing the octopus to lose its shape and become smaller and smaller, and now it is less than one meter.

Tang Zhong saw the pupils of the octopus at a glance.

At that moment, his soul was trembling: "Don't let me be taken away by it, remember!"

The voice came from the octopus.

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow drove the chain to rotate, and the white light flickered.

The entire size of the octopus was gone, and what appeared in everyone's eyes was a stone, a deep yellow stone, which was grabbed by the black shadow.

"Mission accomplished!"

(End of this chapter)

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