Chapter 867 Divide into two! (three more)
I saw that octopus turned into a deep yellow stone, and was directly caught in the hand by the black shadow.

"Mission accomplished!"

In Tang Zhong's mind, what the octopus said before was still in his mind. He never imagined that now he can be sure that this octopus is the stone he needs.

He always thought that a stone was a stone, but he never imagined that a stone could turn into such a creature.

This stone turned into an octopus!

This made Tang Zhong more curious about these stones. Where did these stones come from?

Now that this octopus is a stone, then it can be said that this octopus belongs to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong must find the eight stones, and he must not let this shadow steal the stones.

Immediately holding the Tang knife, he came towards the black shadow: "Hand over the stone to me!"

The black shadow held the stone and murmured, "Mission complete, leave here!"

Immediately, the whole person turned around and prepared to leave.

"If you want to leave, there's no way!" Tang Zhong teleported directly in front of the black shadow, and slashed down with his sword.

"Whoever hinders the task will die!" Soi Ying said again in a low voice.

The fists were clenched tightly together, turning into black flames, to welcome Shang Tang Dao.

With a bang, the fist hit Tang Dao!

Tang Zhong was pushed back, and the black shadow was also pushed back, and he looked even more embarrassed than Tang Zhong.

Obviously, the move of Burning Heaven Slash just now had a great effect.

Pursue the victory!

Tang Zhong immediately went up and slashed down again.

His purpose is simple, to get back the octopus stone from the shadow, and then see the true appearance of the shadow.

This black shadow should be controlled by some kind of strange power. The source of that power must be looking for stones. If they find the source of power, there may be news about other stones.

The black shadow kept yelling in a low voice: "Mission, mission!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to complete your mission this time!" Tang Zhong said, and then Tang Dao swung forward.

The black shadow continued to counterattack, and the sound of explosions continued to resound.

After a dozen strokes.

Tang Zhong beheaded with a single blow.

The black shadow was covered by a black robe, and his face was also blocked, but when Tang Zhong slashed down, the black shadow couldn't stop it, and the blade fell directly on his body.

Exactly half of the robe was destroyed, turning into broken steps.

At the same time, the appearance of the black shadow almost appeared in front of Tang Zhong's eyes, and he was completely shocked.

In the black figure in front, half of the face is exposed, and that half of the face does not have any flesh and blood, but a real skull, except for the eyes that are shining with light, the body and legs are all bones !
This is completely a skeleton!

Has been covered by the black robes on his body!

This... At this moment, Tang Zhong's face was extremely ugly.

It turns out that it is not human that oneself has been fighting.

But at this time, he saw the black shadow's bone-like mouth move, and a deep voice came out from inside: "Mission, mission!"

That's right, the one who is fighting with him is this white bone, so what kind of power is controlling this white bone?
Tang Zhong saw the red light in the opponent's pupils, and all the problems were in it.

Break it first.

Tang Zhong walked forward with the knife again.

And the black shadow bone also moved, and the bone fist slammed towards Tang Zhong.

However, due to many confrontations with Tang Zhong, many cracks appeared on it, as if it was about to burst at any moment.

"I want to see, who is manipulating you?" Tang Zhong frowned.

But that bone seems to know that he can't beat Tang Zhong: "Retreat, retreat!"

"If you want to leave, don't even think about it!" Tang Zhong followed immediately.

Teleported to the side of the black shadow and white bones, aimed at the stone in the opponent's hand, and then stretched out his hand.

The black shadow and white bones were fighting back, but Tang Zhong dodged the fatal attack, and then grabbed the dark yellow stone that the octopus had turned into with one hand.

Then he pulled hard, trying to take it away from the hands of the black shadow and white bones.

But the black shadow and white bones seemed to feel the threat, and shouted in a low voice: "Kill the blocker!"

Seeing the white bones, they actually split into two, equal to a skeleton, which was split into two halves.

The half-skeleton wearing a black robe competed with Tang Zhong for the orange stone, while the other half of the skeletons punched Tang Zhong directly. Unexpectedly, the white-skeleton skeleton could still survive after being divided into half.

But now that he has grasped this stone, he must not lose it. It is absolutely impossible for Tang Zhong to let go.

Tang Zhong competed with half of the skeletons for stones, and then avoided the attack of the other half of the skeletons.

Neither one gives in the slightest.

The bone skeleton roared continuously!

Tang Zhong just didn't let go, this stone belonged to him, he could already feel the other stones behind his spine calling for this stone.

But the Bone Skeleton's offensive is stronger than before.

Just as Tang Zhong dodged a punch, he kicked continuously.

It looked like a peaceful punch, but it was stronger than the impact of a truck.

And the speed is even faster.

This white bone skeleton is really strong, Tang Zhong's behavior is actually a bit too much.

But hold on to the stone and don't let go.

And at this moment, the bones and skeletons who were competing with Tang Zhong for the stone also started to fight back. With a kick, the bodies of these bones were as soft as rubber.

Tang Zhong just blocked it.

The bone skeleton that was separated also made a move at the same time, and the two skeletons started to attack Tang Zhong.

To resist the attack of these two skeletons, Tang Zhong is not afraid at all.

But he was wrong.

The split bone skeleton was not attacking him at this moment, but the dark yellow stone.

Tang Zhong didn't expect that when the skeleton made a move, he would really see clearly, the whole person's face was extremely ugly.

In an instant, the skeleton's fist hit the dark yellow octopus stone directly.

With a bang, all the powerful power was transmitted to the stone, and light flickered on the dark yellow stone, which Tang Zhong never expected.

Immediately afterwards, the stone vibrated by itself.

"what happened?"

Tang Zhong and the skeleton were still holding the stone tightly and not letting go.

No one let go.

And the vibration of the stone was even stronger, and there were many cracks on it, as if it was about to split.

After the strong impact of the skeleton just now, they are all squeezing the stone hard now.

The hardness of the stone has reached the edge.

"No..." Tang Zhong's face turned ugly.

But still can't stop the truth that the stone is about to shatter.

I only saw more and more cracks on the stone, until a moment later, it burst open with a click.

In an instant, Tang Zhong and the half-shadowed white bone skeleton grasped the hand of the stone, and a white light came out, dazzling like the sun, followed by a bang, and the dark yellow stone broke in an instant open.

It was like a bomb went off.

The whole stone is directly divided into two!
(End of this chapter)

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