Chapter 868 Flood! (four more)

The entire stone was directly divided into two, and at the moment of the explosion, a strong light was released from it.


Tang Zhong and the half-skeletal skeleton were directly pushed back by the shock, and went to a far away place.

Tang Zhong fell to the ground in embarrassment. In his hand, there was half a stone, which was still shining at this moment.

"Broken, the other half..."

There was also half a stone in the palm of the bone skeleton that fell to the ground. It stared at the stone with red eyes, and then said in a low voice, "Mission completed!"

The other half of the bones and skeletons that were separated before went back immediately. The two separated bones were fused together again, and quickly restored their previous appearance, just because the black robe was destroyed.

The black shadow bone skeleton directly grabbed the half of the stone in its hand, turned around and left the place.

It was too late for Tang Zhong to chase after him. The fluctuation caused by the explosion of the stone just now made his Qi and blood a little unstable, so he couldn't use too much strength in a short time.

He could only watch the black shadow skeleton leave.

Then he looked at the dark yellow stone in his palm.

Tang Zhong fell into deep thought, is this still the extraordinary four-eyed octopus from before?
It's really unbelievable that a stone can turn into an octopus.

If Tang Zhong hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it was true.

Did he feel more and more that these eight stones were a bit weird?
If what he got now is a complete stone, then it is still possible to make that octopus appear again, but now there is only half of it, and I am afraid that it is impossible to make that octopus appear again.

Put it away first.

But what shocked Tang Zhong even more was the black shadow bone skeleton. A skeleton can actually walk and even fight. Skeleton!
And just as Tang Zhong was meditating, a murderous intent came from outside.

Tang Zhong turned his head suddenly, and saw a man wearing a silver robe appear from the entrance, followed by two hunched men, and behind him, Tang Zhong saw a group of Filipino soldiers!
In other words, these people are probably the high priests of the Philippines.

Root was among the crowd.

He shuttled in with the Silver Protector. As soon as he got here, he saw Tang Zhong, and immediately shouted: "Guardian, that's the man, he is the Chinese who ran away from me before!"

"I see!" Guardian Silver turned around, with a sinister smile on his face covered in silver powder.

Soon his eyes fell on the stone in Tang Zhong's hand.

Immediately, his eyes began to burn.

"Stone, the treasure that the High Priest needs!" Yin Guardian said in a cold voice, and then roared at Tang Zhong: "Boy, hand over the stone in your hand to me, and I will spare you!"

Tang Zhong had no choice but to smile wryly. It's a pity that when the stone exploded just now, his blood was injured by the shock, and he needed time to recover. He didn't want to talk too much with these young people, but now he could barely stand up.

He got up from the ground.

The rickety man next to Guardian Yin looked Tang Zhong carefully, and said, "Guardian, that guy seems to be injured, and he can't use his blood power now!"

When Protector Yin heard this, he laughed loudly: "It's really the high priest who protects our Philippine country. It really didn't take much effort!"

Then he ordered the person next to him: "Give it to me!"

"Yes!" The two hunchbacked men next to him walked forward, holding iron bars in their hands.

Bombarded towards Tang Zhong.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong thought to himself, facing the iron rod swinging towards him, he could only dodge and lean back.

I saw the iron rod passing close to his body, missing him, but directly falling to the ground.

"You can still dodge it!" The hunchbacked man said coldly, "I'll see how you can dodge it next time!"

Tang Zhong dodged the blow, but the qi and blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and there was a pain in his body. The feeling was extremely uncomfortable, and it seemed that this feeling would take a while.

Then he looked at the silver guardian in the distance, and he could see the strength of the opponent at a glance. Now that he is in such an abnormal situation, he is really not the opponent of the opponent.

But there was no escape.

Then dodged again, and the hunchbacked man hit a blank again.

"Let me do it!" Silver Guardian sneered, and a silver gun appeared in his hand.

Immediately, he came out of nowhere and stabbed at Tang Zhong.

Coupled with the iron rods in the hands of the two hunchbacked men attacking together, the three besieged Tang Zhong.


Tang Zhong's face became slightly ugly.

In his hand, he tightly held the dark yellow stone.

The stones were already broken, and the light was very weak, but at this moment, the three stones in his spine seemed to sense the presence of his companions, and they shone with light.

And at the same time as the three stones flashed, the dark yellow stone in his palm also flashed for a moment, and the light soon dimmed.

At this moment, the seawater in the ground began to surge, gushing out directly from the ground.

Like a flood.

The entire earth began to vibrate, startling everyone.

The Silver Guardian and the hunchbacked men immediately stopped their attacks, and then looked around: "What's going on? What happened?"

This cave was originally in the bottom of the sea, but because of the existence of the octopus, no water could enter the cave at all, but now the octopus has turned into a stone, and the stone broke directly into two pieces.

The power to suppress the surrounding water completely disappeared, so this place could no longer withstand the impact of the sea water, and it directly began to collapse.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Silver Guardian shouted.

"It's not good to protect the law, this place is flooded, let's go, otherwise, we will die here!" said the hunchbacked man next to him.

"But the stone that the high priest asked for is in the hands of that person!" Silver Guardian stared at Tang Zhong.

"But if the water comes, we have to die!" the hunchbacked man said.

At this time, the water rushed over and rushed directly towards a Filipino soldier. The water directly crushed the opponent and fell to the ground.

When Guardian Yin saw this scene, his face was extremely gloomy. Looking at Tang Zhong in the distance, he could only grit his teeth secretly, and immediately ordered: "Go, get out of here!"

Immediately the first to turn around.

The others immediately followed.

The sea began to surge.

At this time, Tang Zhong also saw the turbulent sea water around him, and his face turned ugly, he smiled helplessly: "No way, will I really die here?"

But at this moment, the sea water was crushing towards him.

But at this moment, the dark yellow stone in Tang Zhong's hand suddenly flashed a ray of light.

Just when the sea water was about to crush Tang Zhong, it was suddenly split in two and passed Tang Zhong directly.

(The other two updates will be updated later!)
(End of this chapter)

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