Chapter 869 Recovering Strength! (five more)

This dragon palace-like building was originally the location of the four-eyed octopus.

Now the four-eyed octopus is gone, turned into stone, and broken in two.

In the past, because of the existence of stones, this undersea cave existed. Now that the stone is broken, the undersea cave also collapsed.

At this moment, Guardian Yin led the Filipinos in a frantic escape.

The raging flood behind crushed them, destroying everything they went. The power of water is powerful, not to mention the sea water. Filipino soldiers are constantly being crushed into slag by the water!

But in the end, Silver Guardian and the others escaped.

After I boarded the warship in embarrassment, I turned around and looked behind me.
The cave they came out of just now had seawater gushing inside, and the seawater had completely covered it.

"Damn it, I'm going to get that stone soon!" Guardian Yin clenched his fists angrily when he saw the scene in front of him.

Seeing this, the hunchbacked man next to him asked, "Then what should we do now, the guardian?"

"What else can I do, just report to the priest what happened here, tell the truth!" Silver Guardian said.

"Yes, Dharma Protector!" The person next to him said.

"Damn Chinese people, if we had entered that cave earlier, that stone would have been ours!" Guardian Yin gritted his teeth angrily.

"The guardian, what should we do with the two Chinese people on the boat?" asked the person next to him.

They were talking about Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu.

"Chop it into meat paste and feed it to the fish!" Guardian Yin said coldly.

Soon, Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu were brought out.

Master Jiu was still yelling and cursing.

"You gang of robbers!"

"You must not die!"

Guardian Silver took a look, his face full of silver powder showed a ferocious look: "Kill it!"

Those people get the order: "Yes!"

Grab Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu and walk towards the side of the boat.

And at this time, General Root saw Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu at a glance, and immediately said: "Wait!"

Then General Root looked at Guardian Silver and said, "Guardian, don't kill these two people first, they are still useful!"

When Guardian Yin heard Lute's words, he waved the murderers to stop, then looked at Lute and said, "Why can't you kill one!"

"It's the guardian. The Chinese man in the cave just now knows these two people, and they are very close!" Lute said.

"And then?" Silver Guardian asked.

"Then, if the Chinese man in the cave survived by chance, then the stone that the high priest asked for must be in his hands. At that time, we can use the lives of these two people to coerce that person to hand over the stone , Of course, if that person dies in the cave, then it will be enough to kill these two people directly, anyway, they are old and young, and they can't escape!" Root said.

When Guardian Yin heard Lute's words, he narrowed his eyes and said, "It makes sense, so let's do it!"

Then he shouted at the person holding Xiao Jiu and Master Jiu: "You guys lock them up and bring them back to the Philippines!"

"It's the Guardian!"

Then, following the order of Guardian Yin, the entire warship began to head towards the direction of the Philippines.

Looking back at the previous place, it is now covered by sea water, and the previous cave can only see a few hills now, and nothing can be seen anymore.

But at this moment, if you look at the depths of the seabed, you will find that there is a light cluster in the deep sea.

And in the light group.

Tang Zhong sat cross-legged there.

Yes, he survived.

When the sea was turbulent before, the half of the dark yellow stone in his hand suddenly shone with light, and several rays of light flew out from the stone, directly covering Tang Zhong.

Then this light group was formed to protect Tang Zhong, otherwise if so much sea water suddenly crushed, even shit would be squeezed out.

Tang Zhong sat cross-legged in the light group and began to study the stone in his hand. Before the explosion of the stone, the powerful fluctuations made his blood unstable, and he needed to rest for a while. Now his strength has not recovered. If he studies the stone in his hand, then Definitely a pretty good choice.

Other stones are capable, such as teleportation, so this stone is also capable, and I don't know what it is?
Before the stone was in the form of an octopus.

The octopus obviously didn't want to hurt him, its tentacles stretched out, but it didn't fall down.

But after the black shadow bone appeared, the octopus shot directly, probably because the black shadow bone had a smell that made the tentacle very disgusting.

What kind of power is controlling that black shadow and bones?
No matter what strange things happen now, Tang Zhong will not feel strange anymore, because this world is so strange in the first place.

The stone octopus must know the power to control the black shadows and bones. Unfortunately, now that the stone is broken, the octopus will definitely not survive, otherwise it can ask a lot of things.

Thinking about it carefully, right now it's easiest to just guess what ability this dark yellow stone has.

Tang Zhong remembered that when the octopus asked him for help, it seemed to be using the soul, and he used the soul to talk directly with him. Tang Zhong had never seen a person with such a powerful soul. Presumably, one of the abilities of this stone is the soul Be strong.

When Tang Zhong first entered the cave, he saw so many sculptures of living shrimp soldiers and crab generals, probably the octopus was controlled by the soul!

And those with strong souls, if they want to kill another person, they can use their souls to crush them. When the Filipino soldiers broke in, the octopus could use their souls to crush them to death, but let the shrimp soldiers and crabs use the sculptures to deal with it , It can be seen that this stone does not want to hurt people!
The three stones could be integrated into his body last time, so how can this stone be integrated into his body?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhong looked at the stones in his hand again, feeling more and more miraculous about these stones.

One by one has such strange abilities, where do they come from?
Shi Daoyan Longbing said that these stones belong to him, how can he be the master of these stones?
what is this?How does it feel like a game, and he is a pawn in the game!

Tang Zhong didn't have an answer to these things, so he simply didn't think about it. For Tang Zhong now, the most important thing is to find the eight stones, and then wait for the Ten Dao Yan dragon soldiers to recover, and then revive Wei Wei. This is Tang Zhong. Biggest wish.

Sitting cross-legged in the light cluster.

Tang Zhong felt that the vitality in his body was constantly increasing. The dark wounds caused by the explosion of the stone before were slowly recovering. Soon, he finally fully recovered, and the power flowed through his body. Then it was time to leave here.

Immediately, Tang Zhong let out a roar, and his whole body burst out with blood power.

The whole person flew out of the deep sea, soared into the sky, and jumped directly to the sea level. On the originally calm sea level, water jets exploded directly.

And Tang Zhong, from the water column, came like a god.

(The shape of stone is not only stone, brothers, open your own brains!)

(End of this chapter)

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