Chapter 870 Depart for the Philippines! (six more)

Tang Zhong stepped on the water column until he stood on a rock, and the water column that exploded before slowly fell from the sky.

Looking back at the place I entered before, it has completely turned into a sea.

He didn't know how long he had been in the deep sea, after all, he didn't know the passage of time in the sea!

At this time, he was on the reef and heard a voice not far away.

Today's Tang Zhong, after practicing soul transformation, his soul can cover a hundred meters around, but now he is holding a dark yellow stone in his hand, Tang Zhong stepped on the soul stone, and now Tang Zhong's soul covers a larger area than before .

"There was an explosion here just now... I don't know what's going on?"

"Go over and have a look. Maybe the explosion will explode a lot of fish. Although they are dead fish, they can be eaten at home. During this time, there is no fish in the shallow sea, so we came to this deep sea. It takes half a day to get here from Beihai, if we don't even get anything, it will be too much hardship!"

The conversation reached Tang Chong's ears. Not surprisingly, the speaker was a fisherman, and a fisherman from the North Sea.

Aren't Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu from before from Beihai?

I don't know how they are doing now?

I jumped off the boat that day. If there is no accident, I should return to Beihai Village!

Just to be on the safe side, ask these two people.

Immediately, Tang Zhong stepped on the water, and after walking a hundred meters in the direction of the sound, he saw two fishing boats appearing on the surface of the sea.

There are two fishermen on it.

"The two are from Beihai Village?"

The two fishermen were about to move forward when they heard the sound, Tang Zhong was floating on the water, they didn't even think about it.

I saw his voice but didn't see who was speaking.

The frightened two fishermen shivered in place.

"Who, who is talking!"

He directly took the harpoon on the boat in his hand and began to sweep around.

"Don't be afraid, it's me!" Tang Zhong jumped onto a fishing boat.

At this time, the fishermen were still afraid, but they saw that Tang Zhong was just a young man with a harpoon in his hand: "You... who are you? Let me tell you, we are from the village of Beihai, and we are protected by Huaxia , you Filipinos, try to attack us!"

The fisherman looked tough, but at this moment, he was already trembling.

"I'm not from the Philippines, I'm from China!" Tang Zhong said.

"Are you a Chinese?" The fisherman was stunned for a moment, unable to believe it. After confirming that Tang Zhong was a Chinese, he put down his fork: "Great, I thought it was a Filipino kid. Scared me to death!"

Tang Zhong heard the meaning of the other party's words, and immediately squinted his eyes: "Uncle, what happened? Why do you hate the Philippines so much!"

The uncle put down the harpoon, picked up the jug, took a sip, stretched out his hand to wipe it away, and when he heard Tang Zhong's words, he cursed directly: "Can you not be cruel? Those things are not human, and they occupy the fishing area outside our village." If you don't let us fishermen go fishing, it will kill us!"

"What?" Tang Zhong frowned.

"How dare people from the Philippines go to your Beihai village?" Tang Zhong asked.

"They came to find a person, and left a portrait, saying that if anyone in the village sees that person, they should contact them immediately. These little devils, we will not help them!" said an uncle fisherman.

Tang Zhong understood what he said, that is, people from the Philippines are making trouble in the village of Beihai. Are these people from the Philippines bullying us in Huaxia?
Only then did he remember what he wanted to know: "By the way, Xiao Jiu from your Beihai village, do you know?"

"Damn it, Xiaojiu, of course we know, the little girl who lost her mother since she was a child, and her grandfather didn't know what happened, and she was taken away by Bishop Wu and his gang!" The fisherman gritted his teeth.

"What?" Tang Zhong frowned.

At this time, the other fisherman did not speak, but kept staring at Tang Zhong, looking up and down, and finally his pupils enlarged, pointing at Tang Zhong and saying: "You... you are the person that the Philippines is looking for. ?”

After one fisherman recognized it, another fisherman also recognized it.

"It's you..."

"Go away, you are already wanted, don't be caught by those little devils in the Philippines!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong was a little moved. The Filipinos all said that there was a reward for catching him. These fishermen are too simple.

Thinking of what the Filipinos did before, the anger in Tang Zhong's heart immediately boiled up. If this is the case, let's settle the old and new grudges together.

The silver protector was in the cave before and wanted to reset Tang to death, and now, he actually caught Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu, it was really abominable.

Moreover, from the mouths of those Filipino soldiers before, he actually heard that these Filipino soldiers wanted to occupy the North Sea. Who gave them the courage to these Filipinos?

"Go back!" Tang Zhong said to the fishermen.

"Ah...we can't go back, we are expelled from the village to find food, we have no food, and we don't have any face to go back!" said a fisherman.

"I want fish!" Tang Zhong said, then looked at the deep sea and stretched out his hand.

The blood in the palm of his hand began to condense, and then he hit the sea water.

All the huge blood power was transmitted.

At that moment, rumbling sounds continued to be heard in the sea water, followed by a huge vortex.

From the vortex, fish flew out continuously.

All of them boarded the fishing boat, and they were all live fish, still rolling over and over.

The two fishermen were completely stunned by this method.

That young man can have such a means, this is a character like a fairy.

But when the two fishermen turned their heads to look for Tang Zhong, they found that there was no one there.

"What about people?"

"Where did the person go? Wasn't he still here just now?"

And at this time, Tang Zhong had crossed the sea level, and walking on the sea was no longer a difficult task for Tang Zhong now.

People from the Philippines dare to be so domineering. From Robert at the beginning, to the warship, and now to capture Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu, people from the Philippines are so bold. Tang Zhong wants to see who gave it to him. Emboldened them.

Shuttle all the way.

Crossing the North Sea is the territory of the Philippines!

Tang Zhong saw the border from afar.

There are many heavy soldiers guarding there, and you can see all kinds of modern equipment.

Tang Zhong smiled coldly, and pulled out Tang Dao directly from behind.

He wants to see who gave the Philippines the courage to go to China to do those things!

Immediately draw the knife and go.

(End of this chapter)

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