Chapter 874: Master of the Tiger and Wolf! (four more)

Tang Zhong directly cut off the roof of the entire underground prison.

The dog legs inside saw Tang Zhong appearing, and trembled in fright: "You... who are you? This is General Root's territory!"

"Dead!" Tang Zhong said.

When the dog leg heard it, his face turned pale, and then he saw the sea of ​​fire outside, and was stunned.

And Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu saw Tang Zhong at a glance, and Xiao Jiu shouted: "It's Big Brother..."

"Little brother..." Master Jiu also shouted: "Get out of here quickly, this is the territory of the Philippines, they want to arrest you!"

Tang Zhong waved his hand directly: "It's okay, I'll kill them all!"

When Master Jiu heard this, he was taken aback for a moment: "Don't be kidding, this is the military base of the Philippines, how can you kill it by yourself, get out of here quickly!"

"No, I'll save you!" Tang Zhong got down from the prison, then walked to Master Jiu, and untied the chain on the stake.

After Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu were untied, their faces were very pale. Being trapped here these days, they have suffered a lot.

But the dog leg who fell on the ground saw Tang Zhong approaching, his eyes moved, he secretly took out a gun, aimed at Tang Zhong's back, and prepared to shoot him.

"Go to hell!"

But before the trigger was pulled, he stood still, and fell to his knees on the ground with a terrified expression. It seemed that nothing had happened, but in fact his soul had already suffered a lot.

Since Tang Zhong had already obtained the soul stone, he had to make the most of it, crush the soul directly, and the opponent died directly.

Master Jiu recovered, and immediately saw Tang Zhong said: "Little brother, why are you bothering, this is the country of the Philippines, and other Chinese people can't get news, we can't leave here at all!"

"I've already killed all the enemies, it's okay, just go!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"What?" Master Jiu was stunned.

And the moment Jiu Ye walked out of the underground prison and looked at the base that was already in extreme distress outside, his expression was also extremely shocked, there were potholes everywhere, bloody water, and corpses lined up!

He finally understood what the young man next to him said. This man is definitely not an ordinary person, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be so powerful.

Xiao Jiu was in Master Jiu's arms, she didn't dare to look around, she was a little scared.

"Leave here first, I still have something to do!" Tang Zhong said.

"What are you going to do? Young man, this is the country of the Philippines, not our Huaxia!" Jiuye said.

Tang Zhong smiled and said, "I know this is the Philippines!"

"then you……"

"No, I have the final say on whether this is the Philippine country. If I say it is here, he is the one. If I say no, then it is not!" Tang Zhong said.

Immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

Leaving Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu in place, watching Tang Chong go away.

"Grandpa, this big brother is so powerful!" Xiao Jiu said.

"It's very powerful, but he saved you and me, we can't just ignore death!" Jiuye said.

As for the country of the Philippines, Master Jiu has also been here to know that this is Voda City, and in this city, there are people from their Beihai village. This young man saved them. They can't let Tang Zhong go. What you do must be very important, otherwise you wouldn't take such a risk.

"Then how can grandpa help him?" Xiao Jiu asked.

"Where there are Chinese people, there are helpers!" Jiu Ye said.

Tang Zhong drove all the way again, as long as Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu are safe, Tang Zhong has nothing to worry about.

Now the only goal is revenge.

He was almost killed by the silver protector before, and Tang Zhong couldn't swallow this hatred.

Nothing to worry about.

Tang Zhong's speed was even faster, and he traveled all the way west, slaughtering everywhere he went.

These Filipino soldiers opened fire as soon as they saw Tang Zhong.

But it didn't have any impact on Tang Zhong at all. Wherever he went, he was slaughtered, no matter who it was, there was only one word to kill.

This Philippine country is not a good thing, unforgivable! .

What Tang Zhong did soon caused a sensation in the Philippines, and all the media, including newspapers, news, etc., reported on this matter.

It has completely attracted the attention of high-level officials.

At the moment in Bishop Wu's church, the high priest looked at the scene on the video in front of him with an unusually ugly expression on his face.

He didn't expect that this Chinese person actually caused such a big fluctuation in the Philippines. Who is this guy?

Suddenly, jingling, the phone next to it rang.

The High Priest reached for the phone.

Immediately, a voice came from the phone.
"The High Priest!"

If you listen carefully to the voice, you will find that this voice comes from the top of the Philippines.

"Yes, Chief!"

"Why is this happening now? When I asked you to go to the Beihai Valley, you promised me that nothing would happen, but now, that Chinese man has called, and our Philippine country has suffered a heavy loss!"

The high priest was silent for a long time, and said: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything!"

"I hope so. You and I are the patron saints of the entire Philippines. I hope you can take good care of your country and kill all destroyers!"

"Yes!" The high priest replied.

Soon the phone was hung up.

After that, the high priest's face became even more gloomy.

As the High Priest of the Philippines, he has never experienced such a thing before. It seems that flames can erupt from his pupils.

"Damn Huaxia, I will personally tear you to pieces!"

Immediately, he shouted wildly: "The order will go on, I will go out in person, I want to see, this guy, who gave him the courage to dare to fight against our Philippines, against our witch bishop."

At this moment, in China, what happened in the Philippines quickly spread to China.

The old general Peng Yuan went to Zhongguanhai for a meeting, and Zhang Changgong went to retreat to practice, waiting to break through the peak of martial arts and achieve perfection.

Almost all the others should go to complete the task.

Only Li Linglong and other young people remained in the dragon group.

"Damn it!" Li Linglong didn't expect, he just told Tang Zhong some news, this guy actually got to the Philippines, this guy, he can really cause trouble wherever he goes, it's really not reassuring.

But now it is impossible for him to use the strength of the dragon group.

Soon, he thought of a place.

Outside the Prince's Hall.

Li Linglong approached Wu Jiaxiang and others. Others may not know the origin of the security guards in the prince's guild hall, but Li Linglong knew that from the time Tang Zhong first became famous on Hong Kong Island, he knew that these people were the real ones. Master of Tiger and Wolf!

Now that the troops of the dragon group cannot be used, the people here can be used.

When Li Linglong made clear his purpose of coming, almost everyone was angry.

"What, Brother Tang went to the Philippines..."

"Why don't you call us!"

"Damn, these Filipino bastards dare to hurt my brother Tang with a finger!"

"Damn, take the brothers and go to the Philippines to see!"

As a result, all the security forces in the entire Prince's Guild Hall began to be mobilized, and people who had been in the Middle East all along heard that Master Tang had gone to the Philippines. When he faced the entire country alone, he couldn't stand up. It is a shocking existence in the entire Middle East.

"Let's go... prepare the boat, whoever dares to bully me, Master Tang, I will take a gun and shoot through his fairy board!"

The teacher of tigers and wolves follows the waves.

(End of this chapter)

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