Chapter 875 Kill! (five more)

At this moment, outside Manila, the capital of the Philippines.

All the soldiers of the Philippines are in ambush outside, since the high priest said that he will go out in person!

All the Bishop's people are ready, as well as the soldiers of the Philippines, especially those who regard the High Priest as a god.

Throughout the Philippines, the high priest is much more famous than the high-level officials in the Philippines.

At this moment, the gold and silver protectors did not stop Tang Zhong from killing him. Now that the high priest said that he would do it himself, the two of them should follow.

They guarded here, waiting for Tang Zhong to arrive.

And according to the news, that Chinese man is getting closer and closer to Manila.

It came all the way, and all the military bases in the Philippines were destroyed.

To be honest, when Protector Yin heard the report on that Huaxia man, he was really completely dumbfounded.

You must know that in that cave, Guardian Yin once confronted Tang Zhong head-on. At that time, if it wasn't because the cave was about to be submerged by sea water, he would have killed that guy directly at that time, and it was obvious that The breath on the guy is not particularly strong.

I didn't expect to change suddenly and enter their Philippine country.

As the shaman bishops of the Philippines, their majesty has never been so underestimated by one person.

And the person who was able to kill their witch bishop must have suddenly become stronger because he got a treasure in it, and that treasure should have belonged to them.

Anyway, as long as that Chinese man dares to appear in Manila, he must be killed.

And just as Guardian Yin was thinking deeply, a sudden commotion came from his ears.

I saw a soldier who had just finished answering the phone call from the front line, looking at Guardian Yin with an ugly expression, and said, "Guardian, the defense line of Dals City has been breached by the enemy, and the enemy will come to Manila soon!"

When Protector Yin heard what the other party said, he squinted his eyes.

"I see!"

And just as the Silver Protector finished speaking.

From a long distance ahead, a man with a long knife came from the sky.

He is Tang Zhong!
He has broken through all directions of the Philippines and destroyed all military bases.

Now there is only the capital of the Philippines, Manila, so he is here.

Here is his final goal!

And from a distance, you can see the scene here.

Tang Zhong laughed immediately: "It seems that many people are ready to meet me!"

As for the Philippine side, seeing Tang Zhong's arrival, everyone began to get ready.

Protector Yin was the first to recognize Tang Zhong, with a cold smile on his face: "You are finally here to die, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

And next to Guardian Silver, a man wearing a golden robe with a golden face, it was Guardian Gold, shouted at Tang Zhong at this moment: "Dare to break into our Philippine country, die!"

The two guardians originally went out to kill Tang Zhong, but because of the seriousness of the situation, they were stopped by the high priest. The two of them have been waiting for Tang Zhong to come back in Manila.

Now that Tang Zhong finally came, the killing intent of the two of them had already become very strong.

But Tang Zhong didn't care about the two protectors at all, but said coldly: "Where is the high priest?"

Tang Zhong had to find the high priest to find out everything about the stone.

"Only you want to see the high priest. The high priest is in the Witch Lord's temple, but if you want to see it, I'm afraid you can only escape from the hands of our two brothers. However, I'm afraid you won't have this chance!" Silver Guardian immediately said coldly.

"Then I'll kill you all now, and then go find some high priest!" Tang Zhong smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The golden protector was about to make a move, but was stopped by the silver protector: "Brother, I am enough alone. I am just a martial arts master. Only when I get the treasure can I become stronger. If you and I are in the realm of masters, it is easy to kill him!"

"Okay, you go!" Jin Hufa retreated.

"Kill us? Just rely on you, a waste who shows off your power after getting the treasure?" Immediately, the Silver Guardian directly took out a silver sword, and slashed at Tang Zhong.

I saw sword lights all over the sky.

Silver Guardian is a Filipino martial arts master!
With a single strike of the sword, the void is filled with wind.

Among the witch bishops, he is also revered by thousands of people.

At this moment, there were the most witches and priests around, and seeing the Silver Guardian's attack, the pupils involuntarily brightened up.

When Guardian Jin saw the sword of Guardian Silver, he couldn't help admiring it. Although he and his younger brother worked together under the High Priest, they rarely fought together. Now that he saw this sword, his younger brother might It is much stronger than before, no wonder my brother has been valued by the high priest, it seems that I need to work hard.

And Tang Zhong stood up directly holding the Tang Dao.

Fighting with these people here is undoubtedly a waste of time.

Powerful blood condenses on the knife.

Cut directly at the sword of the silver protector.

"Look at my sword, I'll take the dog's head off your neck!" Silver Guardian said coldly.

In the next second, his sword slashed fiercely with Tang Dao.

For a split second, the beheading with a single sword that everyone present thought was not happening, but they saw that at the moment when the swords were slashing, the sword of the Silver Guardian broke with a click.


'This is impossible? "

Everyone's pupils shrank involuntarily.

Seeing that the sword in his hand was cut in half, Guardian Yin became terrified. He felt the powerful power from Tang Zhong, which was not easy at all.

"You... your strength is not a martial arts master!"

Tang Zhong was holding Tang Dao at the moment, when he heard the other party speak, he grinned and said, "Yes, because it is the pinnacle of martial arts!"

"What?" Guardian Silver's pupils widened instantly.

And on Tang Zhong's body, a powerful blood force surged up, and immediately he slashed at the Silver Guardian, beheading him.

"No..." Sensing Tang Zhong's blood power, Guardian Yin was extremely frightened. The person in front of him was really a peak martial artist.

He regretted it very much, but he was the same character as the high priest.

At such an age, but at the pinnacle of martial arts, Guardian Yin suddenly remembered a person, the Chinese Tang Zhong who was ranked number one on the black list. The person in front of him was also a Chinese at such an age and so powerful. The weight is about the same.

"You...what's your name?" Silver Guardian finally asked.

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Hearing this name, Guardian Silver's heart trembled.

Tang Zhong Tang Zhong, this person is Tang Zhong who is number one on the black list!
If I had known it was him, even the high priest would not have dared to provoke him.

But now, the fire knife fell, directly beheading the body of Guardian Yin, and with a click, the whole person was directly cut off by the lazy waist.

Seeing this scene, the people around became even more terrified and backed away in fright.

When Jin Hufa saw his younger brother died, his whole face was ugly. He heard everything the other party said just now. Tang Zhong, who was number one in the black list, had completely lost the will to fight against this person. Heart.

Turn around and run away.

But at this time, there was a sneer: "Why are you going? Didn't you say that if you kill you today, you can see the high priest? If you run away, how can I find the high priest!"

I saw Tang Zhong, who was carrying a Tang saber, coming to kill him again.

He was only here to find the high priest, but if others forced him to kill, then kill him!
Let's just kill him and let the world collapse!

Killing with one knife, thousands of people bow their heads!
(End of this chapter)

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