Chapter 881 It's not too late, just in time! (one more)
At this moment, all kinds of armored vehicles, tanks, and rocket launchers came from all directions.

densely packed.

The entire Philippine country can be said to be in full force.

Just to deal with Tang Zhong.

In the sky a fighter jet arrives.

On the fighter plane, there is a general wearing a military uniform, that is the general of the Philippines, named Dufilore!

Among the entire Philippine country, it is quite famous and dominates the military power of the entire Philippine country.

At this moment in the fighter plane, his gaze was indifferent to the bottom.

This time, it was ordered by the high-level officials of the Philippines to kill this guy who came to the Philippines to act wild no matter what.

And in the face of so many sieges around.

Tang Zhong was not in a hurry at all, but stood directly on the spot and began to count how many tanks came around.

"1234...Wow, 354 tanks, amazing!" Tang Zhong said.

Then count the rocket cars.


Finally, looking at the helicopters and bombers, there are about a hundred of them.

"You Philippines, this is the military power of the whole country!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

He had already seen the plane that Dufilore was on.

At this moment, Dufilore is sitting in the middle of the plane, staring at Tang Zhong and frowning. The mission given this time is to kill this guy no matter what. He must not be given any chance of survival. A priest, that is definitely not an idle person.

So this time the entire Philippine country was dispatched, in order to kill Tang Zhong.

If a person is so wild in their Philippine territory, if it gets out.

They really don't have any face.

So, no matter what, Tang Zhong must die!

Otherwise, what is the majesty of the Philippines.

Dufilore heard Tang Zhong's words on the plane, held a loudspeaker, and said calmly: "Bold Tang Zhong, you have massacred in our Philippines and even killed our high priest. Today, it is impossible for our Philippines to forgive you. your!"

"I didn't ask you to forgive me!" Tang Zhong grinned and said, "Even if you come here, anyway, you in the Philippines must get some beatings, so that you can remember something, otherwise, you don't know who to mess with. What shouldn't be messed with!"

"You're looking for death!" Dufilore roared, "You are mere Tang Zhong, can't we in the Philippines mess with you? I know you are number one on the black list, a martial artist, and very powerful, but you have to understand , we are one country, one Philippine country, and the glory of the country cannot be underestimated like that!"

"Since the glory of a country cannot be underestimated, why are you stunned by the glory of my China?" Tang Zhong's eyes darkened, and he clenched his fists: "I am a great China, and you are the one who can go wild at will!" Yes, you gave the high priest an order to go to our Beihai Valley to hunt for treasure, and you still interfere with the normal life of the villagers in our Huaxia Beihai village, this is giving you rights again, and our Huaxia Glory cannot be underestimated!"

Immediately, Tang Zhong's Tang Dao pointed at Du Feiluoer in front of him.

All enemies, where the sword is directed!
This is Tang Zhong's idea, and it is also the idea of ​​every Chinese person.

It has to be said that Dufilore was stunned by what Tang Zhong said.

"But, this is our Philippine country. What I'm talking about now is that you destroyed our Philippine military base!"

"If it's ruined, it's ruined, so what?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Tang Zhong, don't think that if you are number one on the black list, no one can stop you. Around you, there are 30 soldiers from the Philippines, and each of them is equipped with a new type of weapon. There are a total of 50 helicopters, more than [-] bombers, and hundreds of tanks. Now as long as I give an order, they will all bombard you. You should know the power of so many weapons, right? Do you think you can hold it? Just rely on you as a warrior!" Dufilore said.

"And then?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

"Then...then, okay, I'll let you see what it's like!" The expression on Dufilore's face turned cold.

The next second a pistol appeared in his hand.

That pistol is red.

It was also ordered.

"As long as I pull the trigger now, all the shells and bullets will all be directed at you, Philippines, are you afraid?" Dufilore laughed, and he looked at Tang Zhong playfully: "I will let you understand, Being number one on the black list is nothing to be proud of!"

Then the hand slowly pulled the trigger.

There was also a cruel smile on his face.

Tang Zhong also drew his sword directly, it seemed that there was another battle.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong hadn't pulled out the knife in his hand, he suddenly felt something, put the knife away again, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

In the distance, Dufilore frowned when he saw Tang Zhong drawing his sword. He had killed many warriors. Over the years, he had quietly used various force methods to kill warriors who opposed the Philippines. He has never dealt with this kind of number one in the black list.

But at this moment, seeing that Tang Zhong didn't draw his sword, Dufilore showed a smile on his face, and he didn't pull the trigger immediately: "Why, are you afraid? Or maybe you know that your resistance is useless, so Now I am ready to wait for the trial of our Philippine country, I told you a long time ago, we are the Philippine country, we are one country, and you alone want to challenge the country, dreaming!"

After speaking, Dufilore raised his head and laughed.

"'s really easy to challenge you Philippines!" Tang Zhong looked at Dufilore and said with a smile.

"Stubborn!" Dufilore said coldly, gritted his teeth, with an ugly expression on his face.

Then get ready to pull the trigger again.

And at this moment, suddenly, there was a loud shout, and the sound was deafening.

There was a burst of shouting from the sky.

"Who dares to touch my brother Tang (Master Tang)!"

When the voice came, Dufilore's face instantly became ugly, and he quickly asked the people next to him: "What's going on? What happened?"

The people next to him were also stunned: "I don't know, General!"

Dufilore was standing on the helicopter, and then he turned his head and glanced out the window, almost frightened.

I saw densely packed helicopters flying over from the sky, each of which was a super sophisticated one.

Looking at the outside of the encirclement of their Filipino soldiers, there are dense crowds of people, like those who rushed to land on the beach, encircling their Filipino soldiers from the outside.

They have 30 soldiers in the Philippines. These people can surround the soldiers of the Philippines, which is much more than 30.

Dufilore panicked even more. He was guessing who these people were. He remembered that the Philippines had never provoked such a powerful force.

That's right, it was the people from the Prince's Association and the people from the Middle East who had arrived. When they heard that Tang Zhong made a move, they immediately gathered together, and finally arrived in the Philippines in the fastest time.

Among the crowd, Su Ao, Wu Jiaxiang, Ma Xiaofei, Zheng Yun, the elites of the Prince's Society, and those elites from the Middle East were all there.

They walked through the crowd.

Dufilore glanced at the crowd. No matter which one of these people was taken out, he was a very powerful general. He never remembered that there was such an enemy in the Philippines, so why did these people come here.

"Who are you guys? What are you doing here in the Philippines?" Dufilore didn't dare to show any arrogance at this moment.

But Su Ao and others ignored Du Fei Luoer at all, but walked not far from Tang Zhong, and immediately said in unison: "Brother Tang, we are late!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong, who was in the distance, took out a cigarette from his pocket with a smile, lit it, then took a deep breath, then spit it out, and then said lightly: "It's not too late, it's just in time!"

(End of this chapter)

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