Chapter 882 All Bow! (two more)

"It's just in time, it's not too late!" Tang Zhong said lightly, with a cigarette in his mouth, like a big boss.

And as Tang Zhong said, Du Feiluoer's face turned pale at that moment. He never thought that this group of people came to Tang Zhong.

He glanced at how many people came, there were almost 40 people, but each of these people was much stronger than their Philippine soldiers.

This is completely a tiger wolf teacher.

And these people knew Tang Zhong.

Could it be that these people belonged to Tang Zhong?

"No...impossible!" Dufilore's face was extremely ugly.

Tang Zhong was number one on the black list, where did so many soldiers come from?

At this time, Tang Zhong had already finished smoking a cigarette, threw it on the ground, crushed it with his feet, then looked at Dufilore, and said, "You... want to kill me?"

When Dufilore heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. If these people were really Tang Zhong, it would be really bad, and he didn't believe it.

Immediately shouted loudly, then pointed the red pistol in Tang Zhong's hand, and continued to pull the trigger: "Yes, I just want to kill you, so what can you do?"

Then the finger, whoosh, pulled the trigger.

"What do you think?" The corner of Tang Zhong's mouth raised, and he took out the Tang Dao in his hand, and slashed at Dufilore with lightning speed.

With a click, Dufilore was just about to pull the trigger when half of his hand broke off. The arm holding the pistol fell from the sky, and blood spurted from the broken arm.

"No... my hand, my hand, you destroyed my hand!"

Tang Dao was not stained with a little blood, Tang Zhong put it away, then looked at Dufilore with a smile, and said, "Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"Huh?" Dufilore's pupils widened.

"That's because I'll let you see how weak your Philippine country is!" Tang Zhong said.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted directly: "Where is the Tang family army?"

A burst shot came out, deafening.

spread throughout the space.

The shocked Filipino soldiers became dizzy one after another.

When Tang Jiajun heard this voice, all the blood in his body boiled, as if he had returned to the scene when Mr. Tang was fighting in the Middle East, all of them roared in unison.

"we are at!"

"Then, kill!" Tang Zhong ordered.


One place to kill!
Such as the arrival of the army god!
Everyone in the Tang family army took out their weapons one after another.

On the battlefield, if the momentum is lost, then everything is over!

The Filipino soldiers were so frightened that their bodies trembled, and they began to piss their shit out. They were really scared. Some of them didn't even fight and threw away their weapons: "I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy, I won't fight anymore!"

"I won't fight anymore!"

He squatted directly on the ground and covered his head.

Originally, few of the 30 soldiers in the Philippines were not intimidated. At this time, the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, and they chose to surrender.

But what Tang Jiajun and the others heard was Tang Zhong's order, which was to kill.

Then, kill!

Either shooting with a machine gun, or waving a butcher knife in his hand.

One by one Filipino soldiers were chopped down in a pool of blood.

Even so, no one dared to continue to resist.

They really lost.

Seeing this scene, Dufilore's pupils enlarged, his eyes were blank, and he was paralyzed on the plane, lifeless, and kept muttering: "The Philippines is over, the Philippines is really over. !"

Even the person who was flying the plane next to Dufilore became frightened at this moment, and really had a desire to jump off the plane.

Down below, I don't know who blasted out a bazooka.

At that moment, the rocket was shot out, facing Dufilore's plane.


The tail of the plane caught fire.

Then the whole thing landed from the air and plunged towards the ground.

", I don't want to die!" Dufilore panicked.

But when the plane landed, it exploded with a bang, bursting into flames, and swept the surrounding area all at once.

All that was left of the plane was the wreckage.

Dufilore didn't die, but he crawled out of the wreckage in a panic, his military uniform was in tatters, his body was covered in mud and black oil, and his arms had been cut several times!

He climbed out with difficulty.

Then he started to flee in a hurry, he didn't want to die here, his leg was injured, so he could only crawl hard.

Dufilore didn't care about anything. Suddenly, a foot appeared in front of him, blocking his way, and his heart jumped up.

Then slowly look up from the legs along the feet, at that moment, the whole person's face became even uglier.

Standing in front of him was Tang Zhong, who squatted down and looked at Dufilore with a smile.

"General Dufilore, what are you going to do?"

"Tang...Tang Zhong!" Du Fei Luoer's face was extremely ugly, and he deliberately stepped back.

But Tang Zhong directly stepped on Dufolo's back.

Dufilore lay on the ground directly, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

"What are you running for?" Tang Zhong sneered.

" let me go, Tang Zhong, if I die, I am the most valiant hero in the Philippines, if I die, the Philippines will definitely not let you go!" Dufilore's heart dropped Blood, at this time he was afraid, and he was really afraid.

"Then destroy the country of Philippines, let me see who dares to speak up!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"It's just you... I'm very strong in the Philippines..." Dufilore shouted directly, and before the big guy said it, his face turned ugly?
Is the Philippines strong?

Now all the troops are here, and they are not as good as the person in front of him. Originally, he thought that the Philippines was a country with an army of 30, and it would be an enemy to anyone, but now, facing this person, 30 People, what are they?
Their country has only 30 soldiers, but the other side has more than 40 soldiers alone.

He suddenly remembered how ridiculous he was. He said just now that he challenged them to the Philippines.

But now, what is their Philippine country?

Thinking of this, Dufilore's face was ashen.

"It's up to me!" Tang Zhong stared at Dufilore and said.

In an instant, he stepped on it.

The powerful blood power condensed on the call, at that moment.

It directly pierced through Dufilor's back, and the bright red blood flowed out. His heart was crushed by the direct foot, and he looked forward in horror until finally, there was no life in his pupils, and he fell down directly. died on the ground.

But at this time, the surrounding Filipino soldiers saw that the commander-in-chief Dufilore was dead, and no one had the heart to resist. At this moment, they all knelt on the ground, 10,000+ soldiers, all kowtowed , They represent the elite troops of the Philippines.

But at this moment, they all bowed their heads!

(End of this chapter)

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