Chapter 883 Sacrificial Family! (three more)
Tang Zhong at this moment is the focus of the audience.

No one dared to say anything anymore.

The 30 soldiers in the Philippines were all kneeling on the ground, and even Tang Zhong didn't dare to look at them.

Tang Zhong wasn't going to kill the others.

At least leave some life for the Philippines!

Just leave a little lesson for the Philippines!
Tang Zhong didn't even see Gefirol's body, but directly shouted at the 40 Tang troops: "Retreat!"

"Yes!" The deafening shout came out!
Tang Zhong picked up the high priest's snake staff from the ground. There was a strange stone on the high priest's body, and he wanted to figure out where it came from.

Then grab the snake stick.

Immediately, he saw a purple light flashing in the pupil of She Zhang.

Immediately afterwards, the snake stick came to life again, turned into a snake, and fell to the ground again.

The volume is much smaller than before.

As soon as he appeared, he looked at Tang Zhong, spit out a red core, and said, "You are very powerful, but I can make you stronger, so let me be my slave!"

"You'd better be quiet, I'll ask you a few questions now!" Tang Zhong looked at Snake Ancestor and said with a smile.

"You are also worthy to ask me questions, I am the supreme ancestor of the snake!" The python said sinisterly towards Tang Chong, a cold light shone in the red snake eyes.

"Be quiet!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Then he stepped on the boa constrictor.

"I'm asking you a question!"

" dare to treat the snake ancestor like this, you will receive my curse!" The python began to break free, and its tail kept slapping the ground.

And the power under Tang Zhong's feet became stronger: "My problem..."

The body of the boa constrictor was flattened by the trample, and its tongue stuck out from its mouth.

"I said... I said everything!"

The so-called Snake Ancestor looks majestic, but he is actually a soft egg.

"Let me ask you a question, do you know where the small stone on the high priest's body came from?" Tang Zhongbing shouted.

This snake group is integrated with the high priest, so they must know a lot about the high priest.

"This..." The boa constrictor felt a little embarrassed.

"Say!" Tang Zhong saw that something was wrong with the python, and stepped on it directly.

"I said, it was stolen from the Egyptian sacrificial temple!" the boa constrictor said hastily.


Tang Zhong frowned.

"The high priest is actually a member of the priest clan in ancient times. Later, he committed crimes within the clan and should have been executed. But he didn't want to die, so he killed his guards and escaped like now!" said the boa constrictor.

The family of priests, Egypt, no wonder the high priest knows so many strange spells, and can also merge with pythons. These ancient priests have all kinds of means to reach the sky.

Tang Zhong immediately thought of the distant pyramid, but he didn't expect that here, he found a clue.

"Then... what happened to the stone?"

"The high priest was executed by the clan because he broke the stone. That thing was sacred in the ancient priest clan. The high priest destroyed their sacred thing. The high priest was afraid of death, and then With a small piece, I left them to sacrifice to the clan, and I was just a snake raised by the sacrifice clan!" The Snake Ancestor said in horror.

Snake ancestor finished everything.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he understood everything, that is to say, the high priest only had a small stone on his body, and the origin of his small stone was because he broke the stones in the clan.

"You let me go!" Snake Ancestor said in horror.

"Did I say I would let you go?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Hearing this, Snake Ancestor's face was extremely ugly: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Of course I killed you!" Tang Zhong stepped on it directly, and the huge blood power directly crushed the Snake Ancestor into pieces.

A pool of flesh and blood soon appeared on the ground.

Regarding the words of the Snake Ancestor, Tang Zhong is dubious. Snakes are sinister and cunning, so you can’t believe what you say, regardless of whether the other things are true, but the high priest is from Egypt, so it must be true. If you have the opportunity, go to Egypt to see it look.

Then Tang Zhong didn't even look around, took out a cigarette again from his pocket, dropped it by his mouth, and left the scene in full view.

Su Ao, Wu Jiaxiang and others followed behind, as did the 40 troops. Under the shocked eyes of the Philippine soldiers, they left from the capital of Manila, the Philippines.

It wasn't until after going far away that no trace could be seen that the Philippine soldiers raised their heads and lay on the ground, breathing heavily. Now thinking of Tang Zhong's appearance, they all trembled.

And this matter has been stared at by the people of the Philippines!

The ordinary people in the Philippines were also deeply shocked.

A yellow-skinned person actually forced the senior officials of the Philippines to be speechless.

They knew that the man was from Huaxia, and his name was Tang Zhong.

And because of Tang Zhong's incident, Master Jiu deliberately went back to the Beihai village to rescue soldiers. After bringing the whole village to the Philippines, he learned everything. When he saw this scene on the video, he was already He was completely speechless, he never thought that Tang Zhong would be so powerful.

"This guy... who the hell is he?"

Xiao Jiu also asked Master Jiu: "That big brother, is he very powerful?"

"It's not just powerful, it's a hero for a lifetime!" Jiu Ye said.

"Then when can I see him again?" Xiao Jiu said not only.

"You don't need to see him. His name will always shock Huaxia. By then, you will be seen everywhere!"

You know, in this world, there are very few people who can suppress an entire country with the power of one person!

Soon, a regulation was issued among the Philippines, and it is not necessary to be an enemy of the Chinese people in the future. When other countries saw this regulation, they were stunned. Why did the Philippine Congress suddenly have such a regulation? , That is a disgrace to the Philippines. They have kept it completely secret and have not spread it at all.

The Philippines has also promulgated a law in the country, and the name Tang Zhong has become a taboo name in the entire Philippines. Even a newborn child will be so scared that he will not cry when he hears the name Tang Zhong!
It can be said that Tang Zhong's kick really stomped down the entire Philippine country.

On the other side, on the coast of the Philippines.

Although it is the territorial waters of the Philippines, but now there is no one from the Philippines, but all warships.

From a distance, they were all warships of the Tang Army.

The Tang family army in the Middle East has already created a new country!
"Master Tang, we still want to follow you, so you can be the president of our country!"

"No, you guys go back!" Tang Zhong said.

When those people who could call the wind and rain in the Middle East heard Tang Zhong's words, they all sighed and looked very regretful. They refused to accept anyone, but they obeyed Tang Zhong, and they dared not go against Tang Zhong's words.

They all boarded the warships and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Tang, as long as Mr. Tang says a word, we brothers, no matter where we are, will come as soon as possible!"

Looking at the big group of brothers, Tang Zhong was also grateful in his heart. In fact, he never thought that today, brothers from the Middle East would rush over: "I, Tang, will remember!"

Soon, the warships in the Middle East quickly went away.

But Tang Zhong looked at the opposite direction of the capital, boarded the passenger ship of the Prince's meeting, and immediately ordered: "Leave the boat!"

This trip to the Philippines was a huge gain for Tang Zhong. He originally had three stones, but now he got the Soul Stone, and also got a clue about another stone, but what Tang Zhong still didn't understand was that, Why is the stone in the shape of an octopus? Do other stones have their own shapes?

And what is the origin of that mysterious black shadow bone skeleton? Is the power behind it also looking for this kind of stone?

Don't think about anything else, let's leave this Philippine country first.

I saw a passenger ship slowly heading east on the dark red coast.

(End of this chapter)

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