Chapter 884: General Shenlong! (four more)

At this moment, on the boat back to China.

In the middle of the room, on the table was the food delivered by someone before, but Tang Zhong didn't eat it.

Instead, he kept looking at the stone in his palm.

That dark yellow stone was in Tang Zhong's hands.

He tightly grasped the thing in his hand, and immediately felt a powerful soul force.

I have to say that although it is only half a stone, this soul power is really powerful.

If I can get the other half, that mysterious octopus will appear again, it must be very refreshing.

Then Tang Zhong's eyes fell on the small stone that he got from the high priest's heart, he held it in his hand, and looked it up and down.

On the small stone, there is a flood of white light.

He remembered that when the stone was in the high priest's heart, it gave the high priest a strong defense.

Could it be that the ability of this stone is defense?
Then he held the stone in the palm of his hand.

The stone in the palm of the hand actually flashed a ray of light, and then Tang Zhong's fist suddenly changed color, as if it was covered by the stone.

Seeing the strange appearance of his palm, Tang Zhong was not only amazed, he quickly walked to the wooden table, without using any blood power, he punched the wooden table.

In an instant, with a bang, a hole was forcibly punched out of the wooden table, and pieces of wood flew around.

Tang Chong's pupils widened. He knew how much strength he had used. He just hit it lightly, and this happened. It seems that the stone must have given him strength.

Immediately, he loosened his clenched hands, and the stone-like skin slowly disappeared, turning into human flesh again.

Then Tang Zhong looked at the stone in the palm of his hand. He could almost see the ability of this stone. It could turn the human body into a stone, and it was indestructible.

This is just a small piece of stone, it is hard to imagine how powerful it will be if the whole stone is in hand?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhong thought of Egypt.

Looks like I have to go to Egypt to see it.

The high priest belonged to the ancient family of priests, and this family must have lived in seclusion in the world, otherwise, the high priest would have been discovered by the people of this family of sacrifices in the Philippines.

And it was also the first time he heard about the sacrificial family.

This race should have lived in seclusion.

Must visit Egypt.

At this time, Tang Zhong remembered the black shadow and bones, the bones were alive, and the bones could move like a human being. It can be seen that the person who controls the bones is definitely not a simple person, and the strength of the bones is so powerful.

Who on earth is also eyeing this kind of stone?

Tang Zhong really has no idea, he just knows that the person behind that bone is really strong, so powerful that it has completely surpassed the scope of human beings, who is it?

Could it be the Martial Dao Supreme!
Now that Tang Zhong has become the pinnacle of martial arts, he knows what kind of person the Supreme is!

That must be very powerful.

Although Tang Zhong has never heard of a person who is like a martial arts supreme, he knows that this world must exist. For example, the strength of the high priest is already very strong, but there is a mysterious priest family behind him, not to mention that What is the mysterious race, but just looking at the power behind it, I know it must not be simple.

It seems that this world is really not as simple as it seems!
When Tang Zhong was just a soldier king, he didn't even know that there was such a thing as martial arts.

When I stepped into martial arts, I realized that the world of martial arts is so wonderful.

Until now, he has become the pinnacle of martial arts admired by everyone, but he still has not seen through the wonders of this world.

In the end, how many things in this world are unknown to Tang Zhong?
After much deliberation, Tang Zhong didn't have any clues, perhaps, he would only know when he reached that step.

Wei Wei, wait for me, I will definitely save you!

Now, five kinds of stones have appeared, and now there are three kinds of stones. Where are the clues of those stones?

Tang Zhong really has no choice now, just take a step and count.

Following the boat trip, when they arrived in Huaxia, Tang Zhong asked Su Ao and the others to return to the Prince's Association, and he soon joined the Dragon Group.

It was Li Linglong who greeted Tang Zhong.

"How is it? Brother's help this time is quite good!" Li Linglong stepped forward and put his arm around Tang Zhong's shoulder.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he knew why the prince came back with the people from the Middle East. It turned out that this guy was the one who made things difficult.

"Not bad!"

"You didn't live up to my expectations. It's refreshing to beat those people in the Philippines. You know, those guys in the Philippines have taken the initiative to admit their mistakes to the dragon group not long ago, and they also asked our dragon group to Apologies, now the entire Dragon Team is praising you!" Li Linglong said.

Tang Zhong just smiled.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet old general Peng Yuan. I believe you will like the second news!" Li Linglong said mysteriously.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, what is the matter?

In the office of General Peng Yuan.

General Peng Yuan already knew what Tang Zhong had done.

The old general Peng Yuan looked at Tang Zhong and said, "You did a good job this time. One person overwhelmed a country. You really look like Yan Chihuo back then!"

Tang Zhong heard the name Yan Chihuo again, almost every time, this name would be mentioned.

"Who is this Yan Chihuo?"

Hearing Tang Zhong's words, the old general Peng Yuan smiled and said, "He is the strongest in China!"

"The number one strong man, is he a martial arts peak?" Tang Zhong asked immediately.

I saw old general Peng Yuan looking at Tang Zhong with a mysterious expression on his face: "I really don't know about this, all I know is that 30 years ago, he was a person who reached the peak of martial arts, and now he is What kind of cultivation base, I really don’t know!”

30 years ago was the pinnacle of martial arts!

This level of strength must be the best in the world.

Tang Zhong was really curious.

"Don't be surprised, Yan Chihuo is the backbone of Huaxia. Without him, the current Huaxia would have been back and forth by those capable people and martial arts experts!" Old General Peng Yuan said: "Let's talk about it now." It's your business!"

"I... what happy event can I have?" Tang Zhong looked at the old general Peng Yuan in surprise.

"What do you think?" General Peng Yuan smiled mysteriously.

"I don't know!" Tang Zhong shook his head.

Li Linglong on the side was also wondering what it was, he had never seen old general Peng Yuan look like an old urchin now.

"Then Tang Zhong listens to the order!" Suddenly, the old general Peng Yuan became serious.

"Here!" Tang Zhong immediately stood up in a military posture.

"Hearing the name of General Tang, it was like a thunderous shock to Koryo, destroying the country of Japan and destroying the country of Philippines. He is the best and strongest in China, so today I bestow the title of General Shenlong!" Old General Peng Yuan said earnestly.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Zhong with a smile: "Why, surprise or not?"

Tang Zhong shook his head.

At that time, the pupils of Li Linglong who was next to him almost popped out of their sockets.

"Oh my god, it's actually a titled general. Let me tell you, Tang Zhong, you are well-developed!"

(This book will not write about myths and immortal cultivation, just read it with confidence, wait and see if you don’t believe me, I have my own innovations)
(End of this chapter)

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