Chapter 885: Mausoleum of the First Emperor! (five more)
Titled General, what is that?
Tang Zhong was in a daze when he heard Li Ling's words. Hearing what he said, this titled general is very strong?
Seeing that Tang Zhong was so calm, Li Linglong became anxious: "Damn it, why are you so calm, cheer up!"

"I...does this make you happy?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

Old General Peng Yuan understood Tang Zhong and said with a smile, "This is the highest honor among my Huaxia generals!"

"That's right, a general with a title, a dragon with a title, I'll wipe it, it's so domineering!" Li Linglong said excitedly.

Tang Zhong still looked like he didn't understand anything.

Li Linglong was in a hurry: "Don't you understand? My meaning is already obvious! Okay, let me tell you something simpler. From the founding of the country to the present, there are very few generals who have received titles. There are people who have made great achievements, you are the eighth general after the founding of the People's Republic of China, now I say that, you understand me!"

"Ah!" Tang Zhong was taken aback, this time, he really understood.

Then he looked at old general Peng Yuan.

"This titled general was awarded to you by the one at the top!" Peng Yuan said with a mysterious smile.

Now Tang Zhong finally understood why Li Linglong and Peng Yuan were so excited. If this was good news for Tang Zhong before Wei Wei died, but for Tang Zhong now, it was nothing at all.

But Tang Zhong also respected the one at the top.

Although it is the pinnacle of martial arts, but the one above can create the pure land of China and let all the people of China live in peace, Tang Zhong knows that he can't do it at all.

Tang Zhong readily accepted the title of General Shenlong.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong looked at Peng Yuan and said respectfully, he believed that he could get this title, the old General Peng Yuan paid much more than him!

"Okay, why are you being polite, this is what you deserve!" Peng Yuan said.

"By the way, old general Peng Yuan, are there any books in the Dragon Group that record those hidden families!" Tang Zhong asked.

He can't have any stay now, and must investigate clearly about the sacrificial family in the shortest possible time.

"Why are you asking this?" Peng Yuan was stunned and said, "I remember that there is such a book in the dragon group!"

Tang Zhong seemed to see hope, and quickly said: "Where is that book, I want to see it, I want to find the Egyptian priests!"

"You mean, many years ago, when Egypt was strong and powerful, the family of priests who came out of Pharaoh?" Peng Yuan was shocked.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong nodded quickly and said, "Old General Peng, do you know this?"

"I know, it's just that it's a legend. The mysterious priest family was said to have been destroyed many years ago, and their records have also disappeared. There is no record of that family in the dragon group!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong sighed. He thought he could get some clues, but now it seems that he can only find out by going to Egypt.

"Where did you know about the sacrificial clan?" Old General Peng Yuan looked at Tang Zhong and asked seriously.

Seeing the appearance of the old general Peng Yuan, Tang Zhong was surprised why the old general would suddenly look like this: "I just heard about it by chance, and I want to inquire about it!"

Don't tell other people about the stone.

"If you want to know about the sacrificial family, maybe you will know something about the next mission, you know Xu Fu!" Old General Peng Yuan looked at Tang Zhong and said.

Xu Fu!

How could Tang Zhong not be familiar with this name.

According to legend, during the time of the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty in ancient China, Xu Fu was a alchemist who worked next to the first emperor and could refine various elixirs. Tang Zhong saw other things from the records in the history books.

But Xu Fu is from Huaxia, so what does he have to do with the so-called sacrificial clan?

"I know!" Tang Zhong said.

"Xu Fu is the one who sacrifices to the clan!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

"What?" Tang Zhong opened his mouth in shock.

"You will be surprised, that's because the history books you read are all official words, that is, the history books written many years ago to impress future generations, but the truth is not like that, This Xu Fu, who came from the west to the east, has a dark complexion and wears ancient attire, exactly the same attire as the Pharaoh at that time, that is to say, Xu Fu is a member of the sacrificial clan!" General Peng Yuan said.

This news made Tang Zhong dumbfounded.

"Then what is the mission that the old general wants to talk about this time?"

"The task is to assist Qinglong to suppress something!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

"Qinglong, one of the four guardians of the dragon group, Qinglong Xuanwu White Tiger Suzaku, ranked first among the four guardians!" Tang Zhong said: "Then where is the mission this time, I will go right away!"

"You should know the origin stone!" said the old general Peng Yuan.

"I know!" Tang nodded his head.

That kind of strange stone, which can give people strength, is not like the eight stones, which are much lower than the eight stones.

"Under the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in Chang'an, a large piece of raw stone appeared below. The power of the raw stone is of great importance. I immediately sent Qinglong there. There may be the answer you want!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

"You mean, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor has something to do with Xu Fu!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, and I let you go to help Qinglong, he seems to be in big trouble!" Peng Yuan said.

"I'll go right away!" Tang Zhong said.

Now that there is news of the sacrificial family, he will not stay any longer. Now that half of the soul stone is in the hands of the bone skeleton, it is not in the right time to find it.

Now the only way to find the priests is to get the stone back.

Even if it is the treasure of the sacrificial clan, he will take it back, as long as Wei Wei can be brought back to life.

"Don't worry..." Peng Yuan shouted.

"Ah?" Tang Zhong looked at the old general Peng Yuan and said.

"Be careful..." Peng Yuan warned.

"Okay, old general!" Tang nodded his head.

Immediately out of the dragon group quickly.

Peng Yuan and Li Linglong were in the room.

"Old General... Since you are afraid that something will happen to him, why did you tell him about Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum?" Li Linglong looked at Peng Yuan in surprise.

"Don't you think he is in a hurry? That dead girl is very important to him. Since I know it, I should help him!" Peng Yuan said.

"That girl is indeed very important to him... Damn, why do I want to eat dog food?" Li Linglong muttered.

But at this moment, Tang Chong left the dragon group and was going to Chang'an. He was not going to go to other places. He went to Chang'an first, so he could understand everything that old general Peng Yuan wanted to tell him.

If Xu Fu is really related to the sacrificial clan, then Xu Fu, who has been dead for thousands of years, must be able to know the clues of the sacrificial clan. Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong, you must work hard to save Wei Wei, Tang Zhong clenched his fist and muttered road.

(End of this chapter)

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