Chapter 891 Fired! (one more)
"Welcome Instructor Tang!"

He saw Gu Jin stepping forward and kneeling directly on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zuo's expression turned ugly. This... What the hell is going on?Why did Captain Gu kneel down to that man?

"Brother Liu, did we make a mistake?" the person next to Liu Zuo whispered.

"Fart, I must have identified the wrong person, that person came by train, there is absolutely no way he is a big shot!" Liu Zuo shouted.

"But, Captain Gu always calls him Instructor Tang!"

"That's Captain Gu's blindness... No, I've got the wrong person!" Liu Zuo said. I hope Gu Jin admits to the wrong person, if this is really a powerful person, then he will be finished, and stare at the front quickly.

"Get up!" Gu Jin, whom Tang Zhong recognized, waved his hands.

"Thank you, Instructor Tang!" Gu Jin said excitedly.

"Why did you appear here?" Tang Zhong looked at Gu Jin and said.

"After I came out of Longyin, I was assigned to the branch. Of course, this also dragged down Instructor Tang's confidence!" Gu Jin laughed.

"Not bad!" Tang Zhong said.

For the child Gu Jin, he is more appreciative, he can suffer a loss but still be steadfast, and his future achievements will not be too weak.

Liu Zuo and the others next to him were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene. How could this be like a conversation between an elder and a younger?

What the hell is going on here?
This is too nonsense.

Liu Zuo was flustered in his heart, thinking that he should go over and ask what it was, and greeted him with a smile: "Captain Gu!"

Gu Jin was talking to Tang Zhong, when he heard a voice next to him, his expression changed, and he said to Tang Zhong: "Instructor, I have something to do!"

Then he turned around and looked at Liu Zuo, his smiling face suddenly turned extremely cold: "Liu Zuo, you are guilty!"

"I... I don't know!" Liu Zuo was anxious and shook his head quickly.

"In the dragon group, you can leave the dragon group and never be hired!" Gu Jin said coldly.

What Liu Zuo said just now is more of a guy.

More importantly, this person is disrespectful to Instructor Tang.

Liu Zuo's face turned ugly: "Captain Gu... what are you talking about... why did you kick me out of the dragon group... what did I do wrong, I..."

But Gu Jin didn't talk to Liu Zuo at all.

Liu Zuo became anxious, and yelled at Gu Jin, he is usually a dude, he joined the dragon group because of his father, he went there to eat and drink, and he was kicked out now, how could he bear it, he yelled immediately Said: "Gu, why do you treat me like this, my father is Liu Longgang..."

"You'd better ask your father!" Gu Jin said coldly.

Liu Zuo was in a hurry, he didn't believe that anyone had the ability to drive him out of the dragon group, but he was still flustered, thinking it would be best to ask, took out his cell phone, and made a call.

"Hey, Dad!"

"What's wrong, baby boy!" A middle-aged man's voice came from inside.

"Dad, I'm going to be fired, help me!" Liu Zuo shouted.

"What?" The tone of the middle-aged man on the phone changed: "Who dares to fire my son?"

"Gu Jin!" Liu Zuo said.

Hearing what his father said, he had the confidence to speak.

"You mean the one who graduated from Longyin? Why should he?" Liu Longgang roared.

Hearing this, Liu Zuo became more confident: "I targeted one person, and he said that I made a mistake, and then he was going to dismiss me, Dad, you have to help me!"

"Don't worry, it's on Dad. I'll show you right away. What kind of broken people are you? If you target him, you target him. What can he do?" Liu Longgang scolded.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Longgang's words gave Liu Zuo confidence, and he became arrogant, and said to Gu Jin: "Gu Jin, I asked my dad, and my dad said, if you provoke me, you will provoke him. What can I do?"

Anyway, now that Gu Jin chose to target them, Liu Zuo didn't respect Gu Jin anymore, and just called him by name.

"It's very simple, your father and you, get out of the dragon group!" Gu Jin said without curiosity.

"You dare to say that about me!" Liu Zuo clenched his fists: "Let me tell you, when my father Liu Laogang came to the Dragon Group branch, you didn't know where you were? You just came out of Longyin Soldiers, you have not really become a capable person in the branch, what do you think you are?"

Pausing for a while, Liu Zuo stretched out his finger and pointed at Gu Jin: "I will say the last word to you, your behavior is shameless!"

Gu Jin didn't care about Liu Zuo, but looked at Tang Zhong, respectfully said: "Instructor Tang, it's my fault for making you feel wronged here!"

"No problem!" Tang Zhong waved his hand.

At least, he didn't pay attention to people like Liu Zuo at all.

Liu Zuo is still complacent, what ability can a person who comes by train have.

At this time, the phone rang again, Liu Zuo picked up the phone with a smile, saw that it was his father, and murmured with a smile: "I didn't expect that my father would have the result so soon, haha!"

But then looked at Gu Jin proudly, shook the mobile phone in his hand: "Did you see, this time, you are dead!"

Then press the answer button.

In an instant, there was a burst of shouting on the phone, like thunder.

"Dog, tell me, who did you offend?"

Liu Zuo was stupid, Liu Longgang had never spoken to him like this before.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Liu Zuo murmured.

"You boy, I really want to kill you bastard!" Liu Longgang roared.

Liu Zuoke never thought that his father would beat him. Since he was a child, his father never touched him.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Who did you offend, I want you to apologize immediately and kneel on the ground, otherwise I won't have your son!" Liu Longgang roared.

Liu Zuo was even more stupid, holding the phone, and glanced at Tang Zhong, who was calm and calm, and he began to notice something was wrong.

"The person I provoked was a person who came by train, what are you afraid of!" Liu Zuo said.

"He is Tang Zhong..." Liu Longgang said.

"I know it's Tang Zhong!" Liu Zuo said.

"Tang...Tang Zhong!" Liu Zuo stuttered in fright.

He never imagined that it would be like this.

"I...I..." Liu Zuo stuttered. At the beginning, he felt that the name Tang Zhong was very familiar, but because the other party came by train, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now when he heard Liu Longgang speak, he was completely dumbfounded.

Turning his head to look at Tang Zhong in the distance, his whole body trembled.

The idol he has always admired.

And it wasn't until Tang Zhong was who, Liu Zuo finally understood everything.

He turned around and looked at Tang Zhong and Gu Jin in the distance, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and shouted to Tang Zhong: " forgive me, I was really wrong, it was my fault! "

And Tang Zhong didn't even look at Liu Zuo, and waved his hand lightly.

Then he turned around and took Gu Jin away.

It was just a gesture, and the result was already understood. Soon, news came from the branch.

"Liu Longgang, Liu Zuo and his son have been fired!"

(End of this chapter)

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