Chapter 892 Go down to the mausoleum! (two more)
Liu Zuo and Liu Longgang were fired just like that.

And Tang Zhong also boarded Gu Jin's car.

As for Medina, if Tang Zhong didn't look for him, looking for him now would only bring trouble, so it would be better to look like this now.

In the car.

Although Tang Zhong and Gu Jin met again, Gu Jin wanted to invite Tang Zhong to dinner, but Tang Zhong refused.

For Tang Zhong now, what happened under the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is the most important thing.

"By the way, what happened under the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum?" Tang Zhong couldn't help asking.

"There are residents all around the Yellow Mausoleum. Recently, there have been strange roars coming from the underground of the Qinhuang Mausoleum, and the ground is collapsing. Several villagers fell to the ground. No more Come back!" Gu Jin said.

"There is such a thing?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

Under the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang are the terracotta figurines left by the first emperor. How could there be a roar?
It seems that there must be a problem in the underground imperial tomb, and it is a very serious problem.

"Yes, Qinglong has gone to investigate the imperial mausoleum recently, and Qinglong asked you to come here, instructor!" Gu Jin said.

If Qinglong asked him to come, he must be in trouble!

"Where is Qinglong now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"He has gone to the Mausoleum Palace now, and there is no response yet!" Gu Jin said.

"Okay, take me there!" Tang Zhong said immediately.

What is there under the mausoleum?
Old General Peng Yuan said before that there is a large ore mine below.

Looks like he'll have to go underground and have a look.

But suddenly remembered the man in black who was going to kill Medina before, Tang Zhong couldn't help frowning, where did the man in black come from?
It seems that that person didn't kill Medina on purpose, but rather a coincidence, and he killed him afterwards. I'm afraid Chang'an is not peaceful. It seems that someone is also eyeing the ore underground in the Longzu. Bar!

But that man in black robe is really ugly, he doesn't look like a normal person at all, but looks like an alien.

And at this moment, in a dilapidated building in Chang'an.

The three men in black robes were in the unfinished building, as if they were discussing something.

One is fat and two are thin, and one of them is thin, like the eldest of the three.

"Where's the blood toad guy?"

the boss asked.

"Killed!" Another fat man said.

"What's going on?" The boss's voice changed immediately.

"When he moved to Chang'an, he met a girl who gave a concert. You know, he likes to suck blood, so he did it. He said that he would come whenever he went. They are all Chinese anyway. If he dies, he will die. , the two of us were waiting for him, who knew that he would never return, and when we found him, it had already turned into a puddle of blood!" the fat man continued.

"Damn trash, a guy who has been in the soil once, why can he still do this?" the old man gritted his teeth.

"Who killed it, do you see clearly?" The boss continued to shout.

"I didn't see it clearly. That person was too fast. After killing someone, he disappeared, but... he looked like a member of the Dragon Group!" the fat man said.

"I see. Our spies finally discovered a rough ore in Chang'an. We must collect all of it. Master Jige will take a few of us out, and we will definitely get something!" Lao Dao said.


"And Master Jiger said, as long as we can get these rough ores this time, then M Lijian's life plan can start. By then, the whole world will be ours, and even those warriors will flee. It cannot be controlled by us, but we are the heroes of M Lijian!" That old way.

The eyes of the others began to burn when they heard this.

"Okay, let's go!"

On the other side, Tang Zhong had already been sent to the entrance of the underground mausoleum.

Originally, Gu Jin also said that he would take Tang Zhong to visit other places, but Tang Zhong insisted on coming, so he brought people here immediately.

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang This is a very magnificent mausoleum. You must know that Qin Shihuang's rule at the beginning caused a sensation in the whole world.

The original Qin Dynasty can be said to be the most powerful country in the entire world.

Burning books and burying scholars!

One currency!

Build the Great Wall!

All kinds of behaviors were done by the first emperor.

After his death, such a large mausoleum was built. It can be said that this mausoleum is the most famous mausoleum in China.

He died for many years, but Qin Shihuang's tomb has never been opened.

These are secrets!

Today, under this underground mausoleum, there are still minerals of this rough stone, which makes Tang Zhong even more surprised.

And what did Qinglong discover, he must be let over, these are all questions.

When Qinglong asked him to come, he didn't tell other people what happened. It seemed that it must be a huge secret. Qinglong was worried about other people, so he didn't tell.

Accompanied by staff.

Tang re-entered the underground mausoleum.

Almost all of the above are mined by people, that is, scenic spots.

It's no secret here.

Among the several large pits, there are the pottery figurines and some ancient vehicles.

Soon, Tang Zhong arrived at the place where Qinglong went down.

It was a pit, a very deep pit, just like the kind of pit that grave robbers dig when they want to rob a tomb.

The above is full of ropes and hangers. People stand on the hangers and use the ropes to go down.

Gu Jin walked to the side of those staff members, negotiated some words with them, and then returned to Tang Zhong's side.

"Instructor Tang, those are all members of the dragon group, brought by Qinglong. I have already told them your identity, and they agreed to let you go, but I can't follow you. My level is not up, so be careful when you go down! " Gu Jin said.

"it is good!"

Tang Zhong couldn't help saying.

It seems that the task of this level of rough stone is really not that simple.

Soon Tang Zhong stepped onto the crane, where the staff controlled the rope, and soon Tang Zhong was lowered from the hole.

The rope creaked and creaked, Tang Zhong saw light in front of his eyes, and the walls of the pit were full of light shining. When some of them would glow, there was not much oxygen in the ground, so stones were used to replace the light.

Soon, he didn't know how deep into the ground, Tang Zhong immediately felt a feeling of suffocation, it seems that he should have reached the depths of the tomb.

And it should be almost over.

The picture in front of him quickly caught Tang Zhong's eyes, and he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

All I could see was a huge space below.

Looking from a distance, the space that can be seen in the scenic spot above does not know how many times.

There is no living person, to be precise, few people dare to come down here.

The radiance is brought by the gemstones inside.

In the pits of countless terracotta warriors and horses, there are all neat pottery warriors, and there is no patina on the bronze carriages. If you count carefully, there may be thousands of them, and from a distance, there is still a road ahead.

It seems that here is not so big.

After getting off the hanger, Tang Zhong quickly walked forward along the road.

Because he has already felt the power of the original stone.

(End of this chapter)

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