Chapter 894 Warring States Puppet! (four more)
"Who is so bold as to break into His Majesty's Mausoleum!"

Just as Tang Zhong came down from the deer platform and was walking on the bridge, he heard a voice, and quickly turned his head to look around, his face changed slightly.

I saw something climbing up on both sides of the bridge. If you look carefully, you will find that those hands are all pottery figurines.

Tang Zhong frowned slightly, could it be that...

As soon as the voice fell, I saw many terracotta figurines climbing up from both sides of the bridge. They looked exactly the same as those in the previous pit, but the only change was that these terracotta figurines were all alive.

"Damn!" Tang Zhong really couldn't suppress the panic in his heart.

That's a terracotta figurine, and it's actually alive now.

From a distance, you can feel the breath of the original stone on the terracotta figurines.

The original stone Tang Zhong knew that this thing is very powerful and can give people strength. It seems that these pottery figurines can come back to life, which has a lot to do with these original stones. It is very likely that the original stone revived these pottery figurines.

Now is the time to struggle with the power of the original stone, but to think about how to escape.

The terracotta figurines crawled out from the surrounding bridges, holding a pottery sword in their hands, and came to kill Tang Zhong.

"Kill these intruders, don't let them disturb His Majesty's rest!"

A warrior slashed at Tang Zhong with a sword.

Tang Zhong hastily took out the Tang saber, pointed it at him, and cut off Tao Jian directly.

The terracotta soldier threw Tao Jian to the ground angrily, and then rushed towards Tang Zhong with his bare hands.

Tang Zhong punched the opponent's face.


A large hole was directly blasted out of the terracotta figurine's face.

But the terracotta figurines seemed to be even more angry.

Tang Zhong slapped the other half of the face.

The head of the entire pottery figurine was knocked off, but the pottery figurine was still fighting Tang Zhong.

In the end, Tang Zhong crushed the figurine with one palm, breaking all the small pieces of the figurine, so that the figurine could not move.

At this moment, a blue light flashed past the broken head, and then disappeared.

The original stone also seems to have a blue light, it seems that the ability of the original stone really controls these pottery figurines.

Tang Zhong, who saw this scene, knew that these pottery figurines must be destroyed.

The Tang knife in his hand waved.

Swish, swish, slashing across the opponent's body, the terracotta figurine was quickly chopped into pieces.

Then, regardless of the others, he rushed towards the distant city.

The ground shaking just now must have something to do with it, maybe Qinglong is inside.

In front of the city, there is a moat.

Tang Zhong jumped over directly and reached the gate of the city.

Regardless of the terracotta soldiers behind to catch up.

Killed the past with a single blow, and directly chopped the wooden city gate into pieces.

With a bang, as the city gate was opened, the picture in front of him soon appeared in front of him.

It's more shocking than the outside.

There are more bone birds flying in the air.

What is even more shocking is that the clouds and mist in the farthest distance are misty.

But at this moment, a roar came from the front.

When you see the picture clearly in the clouds.

Tang Zhong's pupils shrank.

Just look in the clouds and mist, it is a huge puppet tens of meters high, the whole body is blooming with the color of bronze, it seems to be made of copper, it is in front of you at this moment, you can't see the legs, you can only see the body and head, scarlet eyes Make this puppet look extremely scary.

He kept stretching out his fists, hammering the ground, as if mad.

Rumbling, the whole earth moved accordingly.

If you look closely, you will find that beside the puppet, there is a heroic man with a simple crew cut, but he is wearing a white martial arts robe. He looks about 40 years old.

"This... this is Qinglong!"

It can only be Qinglong.

Under the constant attacks of the puppet, Qinglong kept dodging.

Every time he saw the puppet's fist was about to fall on Qinglong, Qinglong dodged it.

Then Qinglong counterattacked again, his fist was burning with flames, it was a flame boxing technique, it ruthlessly bombarded the puppet, it could only move the puppet a little, and there was no more movement.

It can be seen how powerful this puppet's defense is.

At this time, Qinglong turned around and saw Tang Zhong: "You are here..."

"En!" Tang nodded.

"Come and help me, kill this puppet, and I'll tell you something else!" Qinglong shouted.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong took the Tang Dao and walked away through the air.

He chopped towards the puppet.

The blood flowed down his arm, and all of it was condensed on the knife, and the flames on the entire Tang knife burned like a blunt weapon unsealed, and then a blade that was more than ten meters long flashed out from the knife.

It fell on the puppet.

It only left a mark on the puppet, and there was nothing else.

"This skin is really thick!" Tang Zhong couldn't help saying.

"This puppet is weird!" Qinglong said.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong remembered the matter of killing those terracotta figurines and stones. It seemed that there was raw stone power in the heads of these puppets.

"Attack his head!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah?" Qinglong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said: "Okay."

Immediately after seeing Qinglong using his blood power, he must have practiced some kind of physical skill, his veins burst out, and he punched him immediately.

Tang Zhong also took the Tang Dao and slashed forward.

Seeing the two people approaching, the puppet went berserk, punched Qinglong with one punch, and punched Tang Zhong with the other.

In an instant, Qinglong's fist met the puppet, and Tang Zhong's Tang Dao was also blocked.

The puppet roared again, its two fists crushed like a mountain, trying to crush the two of them to the ground!

"I'll help you, you go kill them!" Qinglong said suddenly.

Then the whole person exerted force on his arms, and the violent power was released in an instant. He gritted his teeth tightly, and pushed the puppet's fist out at once, and then rushed to Tang Zhong's side in the shortest time, helping Tang Zhong. Blocked the puppet's fist, and then shouted loudly: "Hurry up, now!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong nodded immediately.

Because Qinglong came over, he had already been liberated and quickly took the Tang knife, flew into the air in relay, and stabbed towards the puppet's head.

But the puppet seemed to have seen the plan of the two of them clearly and was ready to resist, but Tang Zhong was a little faster than him.

It fell on the puppet's head.

"Go to hell!" Then, with both hands tightly grasping the Tang Dao in his hand, he stabbed suddenly towards the head.

Huge blood power was condensed on Tang Dao, with the power to cut iron like mud.

With a click, it pierced directly into the puppet's head.

The puppet growled.

But because Tang Dao had pierced in, the violent puppet quickly calmed down.

Its strength was originally given by the stone on its head, but it soon withered, and the red color in its pupils quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, all the bodies of the puppets were cracked, boom boom boom, and fell to the ground, dusty, those puppets had been there for many years, and when they fell to the ground, they turned to ashes.

At this moment, Tang Zhong and Qinglong also fell to the ground.

After a big battle, they were all out of breath. You must know that facing such a big guy, they need a lot of blood power.

Then, after recovering, Qinglong turned around to look at Tang Zhong, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hello, I am Qinglong from the dragon group... Thank you for saving me, otherwise, I really don't know what to do." what to do!"

"I'm Tang Zhong, and I'm a member of the Dragon Group, so you don't need to be polite!" Tang Zhong also stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

(Today's fourth update, there is no fifth update. I saw someone asked me to accept more girls, don't worry, there will always be girls!)
(End of this chapter)

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