Chapter 895 Big fish! (one more)
Meeting Qinglong for the first time.

It has to be said that one of the four guardians of this dragon group, as the name suggests, is a green dragon among people.

The refined aura does not look like a warrior at all, but like a teacher who teaches and educates people!

At this moment, Qinglong stared at Tang Zhong for a long time before laughing loudly: "I have long heard that there is a peerless genius in the dragon group. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation!"

Tang Zhong looked at the elegant man in front of him, and said: "I've also heard about the Dragon Group Azure Dragon for a long time. I thought it was a martial arts man. When I saw it today, I was really wrong!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that!" Qinglong said with a smile.

Tang Zhong shook his head.

"Young friend Tang Zhong, I never thought that the two of us hit it off right away. We fought side by side just now. Considering your age, you are ten years younger than me. How about calling me big brother?" Qinglong said with a smile.

"Brother!" Tang Zhong looked at Qinglong and said.

People make friends just to get along!

After talking with Qinglong for a few words, Tang Zhong could feel the aura of Qinglong, elegant, like a writer.

"Little brother!" Qinglong said with a smile.

"By the way, big brother, do you know where this place is?" Tang Zhong asked.

Suddenly will not forget business.

Qinglong's face darkened and said: "Here... I don't know, it's my first time here too!"

Soon, he continued: "When you came down, you should have seen those strange pictures, weren't you particularly shocked?"

Tang nodded his head. To be honest, he never thought that there was such a cave under the tomb of the First Emperor.

You know, this place is underground, and there is such a world, how can we not be shocked?

"By the way, what exactly is that puppet just now?" Tang Zhong said, the huge puppet just now has really broken through Tang Zhong's cognition. It should be made of copper, but a lot of broken copper and rotten iron are actually alive come over.

"That should be the puppet of the Warring States period. As soon as I came here, he attacked me directly, but it is strange to say, who made such a huge puppet, and it was in that era. Except for the descendants of Luban, I am afraid that no one Do it!" Qinglong said.

Master Luban, an ancient Chinese craftsman, likes to tinker with some machines and puppets.

"However, what is more important now is why these puppets came back to life, and how to explain this hole?"

Tang Zhong frowned, this is indeed a problem.

There is such a space under the ground, as well as the sky, which is really a very nonsense thing.

Qinglong looked up and looked around, and then said: "I can't explain it!"

There is really no way to explain it.

"The only thing is to continue to search for the ore veins of the rough stone, let's go, keep moving forward!" Qinglong said.

Tang keyed his head and followed immediately without any hesitation.

In the end, you will definitely find the answer.

After killing the Warring States puppet, a river appeared in front of it, and on both sides of the river were valleys.

A white breath permeated there, giving people a feeling of surging fairy spirit!

And very quiet.

And the quieter it is, the more terrifying it is.

Qinglong and Tang Zhong looked around carefully.

"Be careful!" Qinglong murmured.

Immediately clenched the fist in his hand.

"En!" Tang nodded his head.

Looking around, he always feels that this mysterious place is the same as Kunlun, they are so mysterious!

There is a river under the tomb of the first emperor of Qin for thousands of years.

At this time, the two had reached the shore, where there were several wooden boats.

"It seems that if you want to leave here, you have to take this boat!" Qinglong said.

"Go up!" Tang nodded his head.

The two of them boarded the wooden boat. As soon as they got on board, the boat creaked, which shows that the age of this boat is very far away.

"Let's sail!" Qinglong said.

There was a raft on that boat. Qinglong picked it up and started sailing.

Soon, the wooden boat was started.

The water is green and there are a lot of plankton in it.

And as the boat swam forward, the fog in the valley became more dense than before, and it was almost impossible to see the road ahead.

Fortunately, there are valleys around, otherwise we would really hit the boat.

Sitting on the boat, Tang Zhong squinted his eyes and looked around. He could feel that the power of the original stone was nearby and getting closer. seems to be on the bottom of the sea!
Suddenly, a murderous aura surged up.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong immediately stood up from the boat, carefully looking around the boat.

Qinglong frowned immediately when he heard Tang Zhong's words, he believed that Tang Zhong must have discovered something.

Sure enough, there was a gurgling sound, and bubbles turned up on the surrounding water, as if something was about to come out.

And the murderous intent was getting closer and closer, it was just around the corner.

With a bang, the whole boat shook, as if something was hitting the boat.

"There is something in the water, be careful!" Tang Zhong shouted directly.

There was a bang bang bang sound, and cracks were knocked out in many places on the boat.

Because of the age, the wooden boat can't stand the toss at all.

And at this time, behind Tang Zhong, a fish rolled out. This fish was much bigger than normal fish, with a full three-meter field, just like a small shark, but this fish was full of scales, which was more important. What's more, there is a sharp white bone protruding from the head of the fish, and the body is full of pierced bones. The whole body is terribly white, even the eyes are white.

After flying out of the water, shake the fish's tail, poof, and fall into the water again.

Only then did Tang Zhong see clearly what the collision with the ship was.

"What is that..."

"I don't know!" Qinglong said with an ugly expression.

The two have seen many strange things, but they have never seen such a wonderful thing.

"Be careful!" Qinglong shouted suddenly.

For beneath their boat a bone pierced the whole boat.

With a click, the entire ship was directly destroyed, and it all fell apart.

Tang Zhong and Qinglong fled in a hurry. At the moment when the ship was completely shattered, they flew out and landed on the surrounding stone walls.

Beside the river, there are stone walls.

Tang Zhong and Qinglong occupy one side respectively.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand to grab the stone wall, and then looked at the boat on the river just now, only to find that there were no debris now.

"Are you okay!" Qinglong's voice came from the opposite side.

"No, I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's good. We have no boat now. If we want to move forward, we must go along this wall. Be careful!" Qinglong shouted.

"Okay!" Then Tang Zhong grabbed the wall and walked forward bit by bit.

They can't see what's in the distance.

If you can see it, you will find that at the forefront of this valley, there is a cliff, and on the wall, there is a sleeping face.

(End of this chapter)

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