Chapter 896 Isn't this Xu Fu! (two more)

At this moment, Qinglong and Tang Zhong were leaning on two banks respectively.

Now that the two of them have no boat, they can only walk forward slowly leaning against the wall.

In the middle of the river, there are constantly ferocious fish jumping up from it.

Of course it's not just fish, there are other monsters as well.

Tang Zhong has never seen it before.

After taking a breath, he told Qinglong to be careful, and then Tang Zhong continued to climb forward.

There is a fog ahead, and it is not clear what is there. The speed of moving forward should not be too fast, or if you encounter danger suddenly, you will not be able to avoid it.

So the two of them walked forward slowly like now.

At the same time, in Chang'an Terracotta Warriors and Horses Scenic Area, it is a different picture.

Three men in black came in from the crowd.

This is a scenic spot, and there are many people visiting here. There are many people taking pictures with selfie sticks, pouting their mouths, couples, and big families.

The three men in black looked out of place among the crowd.

He was quickly spotted by the security guards and rushed out, stopping the three men in black.

All I saw was a thin security guard walking to the side of the three people, blocking their way, and said: "Show me your IDs, if you are foreigners, you can also show your passports!"

The three men in black looked at the security guard, and saw that the fat man among them reached out and grabbed the security guard's neck, and lifted him up.

The security guard had no chance to resist. He was grabbed by the throat and his face was flushed.

The fat man looked at the security guard and said coldly, "Sorry, we don't have anything, we just came to rob!"

Immediately with a sudden force, the security guard's expression became even more miserable, his throat was squeezed flat, and blood gushed out of his mouth continuously, looking extremely ferocious.

Then the fat man directly threw the security guard out. When he landed on the ground, the security guard's eyeballs protruded from their eye sockets, and his tongue stuck out very long. He was completely inhuman.

This scene appeared.

Those who were playing panicked, became a mess, ran around, and threw away their phones.

Seeing this, the three men in black showed cold smiles on their faces.

Then walk directly towards the Terracotta Warriors and Horses area.

Wherever he goes, he kills directly.

Many security guards wanted to come up to block these three people, but they were all injured.

Even Gu Jin and his dragon team were no match for these three men.

Destroyed all the way, and finally reached the entrance of the underground mausoleum.

Also sitting on the hanger, ready to go deep into the tomb.

"Master Jiger said that this time, if we can get the original stone under the tomb of the Chinese Emperor Qin Dynasty, then Lord Jiger can carry out the next plan, so we must not disappoint Lord Jiger!"

Soon, the three of them entered the tomb.

And the other side.

On the stone wall of the valley by the river.

Tang Zhong and Qinglong were still walking forward slowly, they didn't know how long they had walked, and the river was still covered with monster-like fish!

I don't know how long it took.

In the river, there were no fish jumping around.

The entire river is extremely quiet.

Tang Zhong stopped suddenly, he smelled a murderous aura, and it was right beside him.

"No, be careful!" Tang Zhong immediately shouted to Qinglong.

The quieter the more dangerous.

In the cognition of beasts, they have domain awareness, and it is very possible that there are powerful characters here.

Qinglong stopped walking, looked at Tang Zhong and said, "What happened?"

"Be careful!" Tang Zhong said.

The voice just fell.

At this moment, Tang Zhong felt a murderous aura on his back, and quickly dodged.

He saw a stone fist blast out from the stone wall.

That strength is comparable to the sky, if Tang Zhong didn't dodge quickly, this stone fist could really blow through his body in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, it's not peaceful here at all.

The fist that didn't hit Tang Zhong was quickly stretched back, and the place where the stone fist was protruding before now seemed to have nothing happened.

And at the place where Tang Zhong was standing now, there were also fists blasting out.

Tang Zhong continued to dodge.

"Be careful, there are stone fists here!" Qinglong on the opposite side also shouted.

Hearing Qinglong's words, Tang Zhong knew that Qinglong must have encountered what he had encountered.

"Go first!"

Tang Zhong shouted towards Qinglong.

Then the whole person rushed forward.

It is likely that there is something powerful ahead.

Boom boom boom.

From the wall, stone fists continued to blast out.

Immediately afterwards, roars continued to come out from the front.

"Who, broke into my territory!"

My territory!

Tang Zhong frowned when he heard this. This is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. Only the First Emperor has the right to say what he said just now. Could it be that the corpse of the First Emperor is right in front of him?

Qinglong also heard the same, and his face was extremely ugly.

I can't believe that the first emperor is still alive.

And as the two of them moved forward, the fog ahead became thinner and thinner.

The picture ahead is gradually becoming clearer.

Ahead, it was a dead end, a cliff, just blocking the way.

As soon as Tang Zhong and Qinglong arrived at the front, their expressions instantly became ugly.

Because they saw a stone face on the cliff in front of them, but there were no seven orifices, and their eyes were closed at this time.

The two were completely dumbfounded.

"This...what the hell is going on?" Qinglong murmured.

He has seen many strange scenes, but he has never seen anything like today.

"'s absolutely impossible!"

Could it be that the stone shot from the stone wall just now has something to do with this stone face?
But this stone face is not the face of Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang is a generation of kings, and now this stone face is obviously the appearance of a courtier!

Just as the two of them were thinking, the cliff in front of them suddenly shook.

There was a loud bang.

Immediately afterwards, the stone man's face also began to fluctuate.

"He's about to wake up, let's be careful!" Tang Zhong said.

Follow the movement of the stone face.

There was a rumbling sound.

"Who broke into my bedroom... who gave you the courage!"

The sound was loud, like thunder.

Qinglong covered his ears, and could feel the qi and blood in his body trembling.

But Tang Zhong didn't have much to do.

The two stared at the stone face together.

Soon, the eyes of the stone man's face slowly opened, and the lantern-like pupils shone with red light, and the whole person's face showed a fierce look.

When Qinglong took an ugly look at the stone face, he exclaimed: "This...isn't this Xu Fu?"

(in Calvin,)
(End of this chapter)

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