Chapter 897 The Power of the Rough Stone! (three more)

"Isn't that Xu Fu?" Qinglong shouted in horror.

When Tang Zhong heard this, his face changed slightly, and he looked up at the stone face on the cliff. How could this person be Xu Fu?

"He is Xu Fu?" Tang Zhong couldn't help confirming.

"Yes, there is absolutely no problem. When I came here, I took a special look at Xu Fu's portrait, which is 80.00% similar to this stone face." Qinglong said.

This made Tang Zhong frown even more, why is it Xu Fu, shouldn't it be the First Emperor?

This is the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. Why did Xu Fu say that he broke into his territory just now?

And as Xu Fu slowly opened his eyes on the stone wall, the whole river trembled suddenly, as if the water had been boiled.

It looked terribly scary.

I saw a stone face, grimacing: "Whoever breaks into the mausoleum will die!"

As soon as the voice fell, he started to move.

Countless stone fists blasted out from the surrounding stone walls.

"This is a means of sacrifice!" Tang Zhong saw all this scene in his eyes, and exclaimed.

Only sacrifices have such a strange method.

It can be seen that this person is Xu Fu.

Tang Zhong stepped on the ground, and after dodging several stone fists, he floated in the air.

The same is true for Qinglong.

"Everyone thinks that under the tomb of the first emperor is his army that has existed for so many years, but they never imagined that there is a cave under the tomb, and under this cave is the tomb of another person. This is a tomb within a tomb!" Qinglong said.

The name of the tomb within the tomb is what it means. Among the tombs, there is another tomb. This is the tomb of Qin Shihuang, but Xu Fu's body should also be here.

In other words, the tomb of the First Emperor was simply a cover, and the one here is Xu Fu's tomb.

Tang Zhong couldn't help being astonished, of course he understood what Qinglong said, he never thought that Xu Fu was so powerful!

It is recorded in the history books that the tomb was built by a general named Meng Tian. The history books really deceived people.

The history of China is not as recorded in the history books, but there are other secrets.

But now is not the time to worry about this, for Tang Zhong and the others, how to solve the predicament in front of them!
At this moment Xu Fushi roared ferociously.

The fists on the stone wall continued to bombard, and at the same time, the river water also rolled up water columns, soaring directly into the sky, impacting Tang Zhong and the others.

The two kept avoiding.

It can be seen that after the water column hit the wall, it directly punched a big hole in the wall, which shows how powerful the water column is!

The two have been dodging in the air.

It is even more determined that the stone face is Xu Fu.

"Whoever breaks into my tomb will die!" the stone man's face roared.

While avoiding Tang Zhong, he was even more determined that Xu Fu was a member of the family of priests. Only those mysterious priests and physiognomy could use these methods now.

At that moment, Tang Zhong's eyes became hot.

If he is really a member of the sacrificial clan, no matter what today, he has to figure out what happened?
However, Xu Fu has been dead for so many years, and this stone face is still alive, which is too weird.

Thinking that rough stones can bring vitality to people, maybe Xu Funeng's current appearance has a lot to do with the underground rough stone minerals.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in Tang Zhong's mind.

There is a possibility that the reason why Xu Fu chose to build the tomb here is because of the rough stone mine here!
"What should we do? Tang Zhong!" Qinglong asked while dodging.

"Boom his head, the original stone can give a person strength, so it is very possible that Xu Fu can live now because of the existence of this strength!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes!" Qinglong nodded.

Then the two of them were ready to fight.

Qinglong took a deep breath, and in an instant, a white tiger's head appeared on his arm.

"I am Huaxia Qigong No.1, this is my Qigong, Qihu Fist! I'll grab him, and you attack his head!" Qinglong said.

Then the whole person rushed out violently, punching Xu Fu's stone face directly with the fist in his hand.

"I am an emperor through the ages, how dare you give me presumptuousness!" Xu Fu roared.

This guy turned out to be proclaiming himself emperor!
From the stone wall, the stone fist was bombarded towards the green dragon.

Tang Zhong directly greeted him with a punch.

With a bang, the fists collided, and the two stones were directly shocked away.

The stone fist broke and fell directly from the sky to the ground.

Blocking the punch, Qinglong turned his head and shouted to Tang Zhong: "You attack!"

Without any hesitation, Tang Zhong walked away with the Tang Dao in his hand.

This Xu Fu is definitely not easy to deal with. Although this person is from Huaxia, he must be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Tang Zhong slashed towards Xu Fu.

Raise the Tang knife high!

He saw the shadow of the bloody knife and took it away.

Facing Xu Fu's stone face.

"No... just an ant, trying to kill me!" Xu Fu roared.

A sound wave attack came out, just in time to shock with Tang Zhong's blade.

Tang Zhong was shocked back directly by the bounce.

And this confrontation made Tang Zhong even more convinced that why Xu Fu is still alive now must be because of the existence of the original stone.

What kind of effect does the original stone have, it can make the stone come back to life.

"Continue, don't stop!" Qinglong shouted at Tang Zhong while constantly bombarding the surrounding stone fists with his fists.

Tang Zhong drove forward again.

This time, Tang Zhong began to be alert.

He was not afraid of exposing the abilities of those stones in front of Qinglong. With a flash of his whole body, he came to Xu Fu's face, and immediately killed him with a single blow.

"This... this is the aura of the holy stone... You have a holy stone on your body!" Xu Fu said immediately when he saw the changes in Tang Zhong's body.

Holy stone, this title, let Tang Zhong judge that Xu Fu is the sacrificial family.

The resplendent Tang saber slashed at Xu Fu's face.

The Tang Dao was hot, like a burning flame. When it cut on the stone, it left a deep gully!

It was only then that Tang Zhong retracted his saber and retreated.

He thought he had succeeded.

But unexpectedly, not far from the retreat, the scars on the face of Xu Fu's stone man in front of him, which was cut by Tang Dao, are now slowly recovering.

And in the wound, the power of the original stone spread, and in the end it was restored to its original state.

"Just by you, it's like hurting the emperor!" Xu Fu roared with a stone face: "Go to hell!"

The voice just fell.

From above the stone wall, countless stone arrows descended from the sky densely and shot towards the two of them.

There is no room to hide at all.

(End of this chapter)

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