Chapter 905 Life Plan Base! (three more)

Seeing the three people in front of him die like this, Qinglong couldn't believe what he saw. What shocked him was why Tang Zhong was so powerful. You must know that Benny just now was not so powerful.

But now that people are dead, it is useless to say these things.

Soon, Qinglong also realized the seriousness of this problem.

M Lijian has so many dead people, but now he is alive.

"Damn M Lijian, what are they doing? No matter what it is, keeping these people alive is simply a biological weapon. It is a weapon comparable to nuclear weapons, and the national joint regulations absolutely prohibit the existence of such weapons. No, It must be reported, and M Lijian cannot be allowed to go unpunished." Qinglong said angrily.

"Do you think this is useful?" Tang Zhong asked.

Qinglong was stunned: "No, it's useless."

"All the rules are set by people. When a person is powerful to an unprecedented level, will he take all the rules in his eyes?" Tang Zhong said.

Qinglong has stopped talking.

"Now M Lijian has started an unknown plan. They have already begun to vigorously develop rough stones. When they are enough to compete with the whole world, what is the use of national alliance?" Tang Zhong said.

"It's useless!" Qinglong said.

Only now did he realize that Tang Zhong was more thorough than he had seen.

"Perhaps, this is the beginning of the third world war. When the power of the original stone is seen by the whole world, the whole world will be in chaos. Everyone will start killing and plundering the original stone." Tang Zhong said.

Qinglong frowned, he never thought that the consequences would be so serious.

"No, I have to report this matter!" Qinglong said.

"Find someone to mine the rough minerals here, I want to participate in the research myself!" Tang Zhong said.

"Good!" Qinglong nodded.

Tang Zhongzhong did it himself. It is simply unrealistic to go to M Lijian to find Jige now.

Because now Tang Zhong is standing on the position of Huaxia, he can't act rashly, because he is a Huaxia person.

It is absolutely impossible for Tang Zhong to put his own country in a dangerous state.

Soon, all the scenes in the tomb of the First Emperor's tomb were reported by Qinglong.

From the capital dragon group and Zhongguanhai overnight, he brought experts into the underground Xu Fu's tomb.

The country valued it very much, and it was a real miracle!

The scenic spot of the Emperor Shihuang's tomb was also forced to close for a month.

This month, countless scholars came here to study the rough stone.

Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have seen rough stones before, but they have never seen so many rough stones now.

And Tang Zhong also joined the ranks.

Hugo and Benny were born from the dead, so they must have a lot to do with the original stone.

She must find out what happened between them?
Among them, Zhongguanhai also spent a lot of money to study the rough stone.

Tang Zhong was also in the laboratory.

He has the most knowledge about raw stones, using fire, forging, and other means to extract the power of the raw stones and inject them into the body of the dead toad countless times.

At the beginning, Toad was directly bombarded by a powerful force.

After several trials, the toads came back to life, but all died.

No matter how Tang Zhong uses it!

Facts have proved that Hugo and Benny can be resurrected not only with the power of the original stone, because this power is really too powerful and can kill people very easily.

And M Li's strong life plan must not only be the original stone!
And at this moment, in M ​​Lijian's underground laboratory.

Jiger's face was extremely ugly.

After learning the whereabouts of the original stone under the tomb of the First Emperor of China, he sent people to seize it, but due to the power of China, he sent Benny the iron hand, but he never expected that Benny failed and died up.

There are nano-bombs planted in the necks of each test subject, and when they mention any content of the life plan, they will explode directly. room!

In order to keep it secret, M Lijian's people have made a lot of tricks, but now that Benny is dead, they must have revealed their life plan, and the Huaxia side must know about it.

"Damn Chinese people..." Jiger clenched his fists tightly and hammered the table in front of him.

Beside Jiger, they are all key members of this life plan.

"It will be very troublesome if the Chinese people know about the plan!"


"It won't be too much trouble, as long as we speed up the experiment!" Jiger said, "I'm going to see the experiment!"

Turn around and get up, ready to go to the laboratory.

It arrived soon, took the elevator and went directly 100 meters underground, got out of the elevator, and approached a white mechanical door.

The picture inside came into view.

Various people in white coats can be seen studying cells in front of the microscope, and the tables are full of occupations of various colors.

The boss of the laboratory is a white man, about 60 years old, saw Jiger coming: "General..."

"Well, I want to see with my own eyes what part of the life plan is going on!" Jiger said.

The professor pondered for a while and said, "Yes!"

Take Jiger forward and pass through several protective doors. This is the most advanced place of M Lijian.

After passing through the last automatic door, the scene that greets the eyes is like hell.

Among all kinds of huge test tubes, there are corpses and internal organs soaked in medicine!
Either people or beasts are soaked in the juice.

The human skin is no longer white, but has turned into that kind of blue, the hair has been completely removed, like a mummy, and there are black eyeballs in the eyes.

As the professor walked by, he introduced: "Master Jiger, after we injected these prisoners with potions, they became like this directly, and they belonged to defective products!"

"I think you misunderstood what I said, what I want to see now is the successful product of the life plan!" Jiger said.

"This way, my lord!" the professor said hastily.

"We found that ordinary people can't bear that kind of liquid at all, only capable people and warriors can."

Going forward, there is still a huge test tube filled with human beings. These human beings are not white, either they look like Chinese people, or they are fighting nations. Their appearances have all changed. Their ears have either become longer or The nose became sharper, or the ribs pierced directly from the stomach, turning into a murderous appearance.

"These warriors captured from all over the country... the juice has played a role in their bodies, but it is not enough. There are also those dead generals M Lijian. Except for Hu Ge and Benny who came back alive, the others are even I used that kind of juice, it’s useless!" The professor generally introduced.

'Take me to that thing!'

"Good!" The professor nodded.

Walked through one laboratory after another.

All staff in chemical protective suits.

Finally arrived at the last laboratory, after pressing the password, the automatic door was opened.

Inside is a circular building!
It can be seen that in the center, there is the largest glass sphere, which is connected to countless power sources and unknown instruments.

And if you look carefully, you will find that there is a yellow viscous liquid in the glass ball!
(End of this chapter)

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