Chapter 906 Canonization! (four more)

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a ball of yellow liquid inside!

But these liquids are not ordinary liquids, they are really viscous. More importantly, in the ball, they are moving slowly, like living creatures.

But this is a viscous liquid!
Jiger stood beside the liquid, looking up, his eyes narrowed slowly.

"It can only produce one drop of juice every week, so now it can only conduct an experiment once a week. My lord, you have to understand that without this thing, there is no way to conduct experiments at all!" said the professor next to him.

"I know that we don't have much time, and we must carry out the experiment as soon as possible. If the people in Huaxia really want to debunk our plan, then we should fight them to the death. The plan will soon succeed!" Ji Ge Dao.

At this moment, a drop of liquid suddenly seeped out of the yellow viscous juice in the glass ball in front of it.

"When that thing comes out, I'm going to prepare for the experiment!" said the professor.

"Okay!" Jiger said coldly.

Soon the liquid secreted from the yellow viscous liquid was taken away by the professor, and everyone in the entire laboratory started to work.

Soon, the drop of liquid was brought to the room full of rough stones and corpses.

The life plan starts again!
As for Huaxia, Tang Zhong still hadn't researched anything. From the original stone, he couldn't get the answer he wanted at all.

So he put all the research content on the bodies of the three Bennys.

The original stone can't find a breakthrough, so it can only be found from these things.

Tang Zhong finally discovered the problem.

In Benny's body, there is indeed the power of the rough stone, and besides the rough stone, there is also a strange power.

It was that kind of power that activated all of Benny's genes and brought them back to life.

As we all know, human life is composed of cells. When the cells are alive, it means that the person is alive.

So Tang Zhong began to study this mysterious power, but found that there was no way to check this strange power. This was the first time he had seen this kind of power. He was absolutely sure that it was this mysterious power and the original stone. The combination of power, the scene of people coming back to life appeared.

Tang Zhong really couldn't wait anymore.

What kind of power exists in M ​​Lijian!

Tang Zhong wanted to take a look, but now is definitely not the time to act rashly. If he went there rashly, he would definitely not be able to find out anything. M Lijian absolutely kept this kind of thing secret.

But now for Tang Zhong, finding stones is still the most important thing.

Now that I know the origin of the priests, I never thought that the people of the priests are so powerful. What kind of place is the Mayan temple?

The Mayans who once predicted the end of the world turned out to be just abandoned children of the Mayan temple.

There are also those holy stones, Tang Zhong has three complete ones, and half of the soul stone, but a small defensive stone, only a complete stone, can let it enter his body, this kind of incompleteness is completely unacceptable.

The most important thing for Tang Zhong now is to continue to search for these holy stones.

But soon, Tang Zhong was recalled to the dragon group by old general Peng Yuan.

Just met.

General Peng Yuan told Tang Zhong a very sensational news.

"Quick... Get ready to go and go with me to Zhongguanhai. The Minister of Martial Arts will personally hold the canonization ceremony of General Shenlong for you!"

The ceremony of Tang Zhong being named General Shenlong should have been held earlier, but because Tang Zhong went to Chang'an, it was stranded, and after Tang Zhong came back from Chang'an, he has been studying the original stone for more than a month. The general's canonization ceremony dragged on for a while.

This time, no matter how much he could trust him, he couldn't bear it any longer, so the old general Peng Yuan came to invite Tang Zhong directly.

To be honest, old general Peng Yuan also deeply admires Tang Zhong. There are only eight titled generals like General Shenlong in the whole of China. When others hear that they have been titled generals, they will definitely put down all their work and wait. Canonization, Tang Zhong is good, because of work, he doesn't even need the title.

So now, old general Peng Yuan must force it.

"This...old general, I'm still researching!" Tang Zhong said.

"No, there is finally a titled general in our dragon team, you have to go..." Old General Peng Yuan blew his beard and stared.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong agreed helplessly.

The titled general is really not of much use to him, but seeing the old general like this, he thought he should go.

After all, it was the old general who applied for him, so it really hurt the old general not to go.

"Okay, I'll go find some clean clothes!" Tang Zhong said, he has been researching, and the clothes on his body have been worn for almost three days.

"No, I've prepared everything for you!" Old General Peng Yuan hurriedly took out a brand new military uniform.

Neatly stacked there!
Tang Zhong was a little ashamed.

"Then I'll change it..." Tang Zhong reached out to take the uniform and said.

"Just change it here, I can't let you run away anymore!" Old General Peng Yuan scolded.

"Ah?" Tang Zhong was completely dumbfounded.

This is an office!

In the end, Tang Zhong took off his clothes under the gaze of the old man Peng Yuan, and then changed into his military uniform.

The brand-new military uniform was worn on Tang Zhong's body, and he was extremely handsome. Tang Zhong was originally 1.8 meters tall, and with his muscular body, he was a typical clothes rack. More importantly, he was wearing the most handsome military uniform now. If it is transferred out, it will really make the whole world go crazy.

"Handsome, go and look in the mirror!" Old General Peng Yuan said with a smile.

Tang Zhong also wanted to see what he looked like, so he walked to the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror, Tang Zhong fell into deep thought.

He once wore this military uniform. At that time, he was still young, and now he is 20 years old.

The person in the mirror is a bit more vicissitudes.

"Wei Wei, did you see that? Your husband, he is very handsome!"

At this time, the door was suddenly opened.

Suzaku walked in and said, "Old General, Zhongguanhai sent people over to ask Tang... is General Tang ready?"

As soon as she came in, she saw Tang Zhong in military uniform, and she was dumbfounded. At that moment, her heart melted. She never thought that Tang Zhong would be so handsome.

"Okay, I see. Tang Zhong and I are going right now. Hey, Suzaku, what's wrong with you? Stand here and stay still!" Old General Peng Yuan said to Suzaku.

But Suzaku was already stunned.

After Suzaku came to his senses, he realized that the old general Peng Yuan called him again, and his face turned red.

"Old General..."

"Look more, it's normal. Xiao Tang is single now, you have to hurry up..." Old General Peng Yuan smiled helplessly. It's true that the girl in that family wants to be pregnant.

Ah... Suzaku blushed again, but when she thought of the person in Tang Zhong's heart, she stopped thinking about it.

And at this moment, after Tang Zhong tidied up his clothes, he smiled and said, "Let's go, Zhongguanhai!"

(I wrote this last night. I just woke up and posted it. It’s not enough for four updates a day. I will make it up, absolutely no less!)
(End of this chapter)

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