Chapter 964 Who Can Save You?

"Trash." Yan Chihuo laughed wildly.

The laughter was extremely cold.

No one dared to approach the past.

If Yan Chihuo really dominates Huaxia Martial Arts, no one dares to stop it alone.

No.1's face was extremely ugly: "Yan Chihuo, I won't let you succeed."

"You won't let me succeed, this, you have to let me think about it, what cards do you have?" Yan Chihuo smiled, and suddenly, he said with a look of understanding: "Is it nuclear weapons? "

" do you know?" No.1's face changed suddenly.

"Of course I know, oh, I also know that the car carrying nuclear weapons should not be able to come to Beishan. I said that in order to kill me, you actually spent such a large amount of money. Once this nuclear weapon is bombed, the entire Beishan will have to be gone. However, I will be fine, but you, I am afraid that this explosion will kill you all." Yan Chi said angrily.

The No.1 creature softened all over. Yan Chihuo said that there must be something wrong with the convoy carrying the nuclear weapons.

When the warriors around heard this, their faces were even more shocked. In modern society, the means used by ordinary people to suppress warriors are these military firepower, and nuclear weapons are the most powerful firepower.

Now, when Yan Chihuo said so, he already ignored nuclear weapons in his eyes. This is too scary. He is not afraid of nuclear weapons. No wonder Yan Chihuo would choose. When military power cannot suppress the power of a warrior, then what is there for a warrior to be afraid of? After all, there is no one who does not want to be a master, a person who dominates the entire Chinese martial arts.

The No.1 thing desperately stood up straight, in order not to let Yan Chihuo see the clues, Huaxia Martial Arts

Seeing this, Yan Chihuo looked at the No.1 object with a playful look on his face: "Then, what about your other hole cards? Just this one hole card, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

After finishing speaking, he burst out laughing.

The No.1 object clenched its fists and stared at Yan Chihuo.

"Don't stare at me like that! All I need is to dominate Huaxia Martial Arts, and you will be fine. As for the other Dragon Team members, they will not be so lucky!" Yan Chihuo laughed loudly.

The people around were shocked by Yan Chihuo's aura!
Immediately, he glanced over the martial arts crowd present and said: "Warriors of Huaxia, are you willing to submit to my subordinates, Yan Chihuo!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Their expressions were extremely ugly, they never expected that Yan Chihuo would actually want to regain the entire martial arts.

From ancient times to the present, since ancient times, people of martial arts have never been controlled by the dynasty.

Even if there is, it is only the leader of the martial arts alliance, and there has never been any monarch who wants to regain the martial arts.

But now they heard Yan Chihuo's words, but they couldn't say a word. Yan Chihuo's strength is more than enough to recover the entire martial arts.

Martial Dao Supreme is the Dragon of Martial Dao.

After hearing this, the people in martial arts were still thinking about it.

But this is, Yan Chihuo shouted wildly: "Submit?"

A question, like thunder, scared many people to the ground.

"We are willing to follow!"

"What about you?" Yan Chihuo shouted at several martial arts masters who did not speak.

"We... are willing too!"

More and more martial arts masters have chosen to surrender at this moment.

Yan Chihuo raised his head and laughed loudly, and shouted again: "I am the Martial Dao Monarch, who dares to refuse!"

The ability users from other countries around looked at Yan Chihuo and didn't dare to say a word, for fear that if they said too much, they would die here today.

And those martial arts masters knelt directly on the ground, just like paying homage to generals in ancient times, they were very respectful to Yan Chihuo.

"King Yan!"

"Very good!" Yan Chihuo laughed.

On the other side, No.1 and the dragon group stood together.

Yan Chihuo turned to look at them, and said with a smile, "What about you? Except for a few damn people in the dragon group, I will kill them directly. As for the others, are you willing to submit? If you submit, I will let you go." Life, if you don't want to...die!"

"Put your mother's shit on!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Yan Chihuo finished speaking, someone started scolding directly.

"You let people dig the grave of my old General Peng, who wants to surrender to you, bastard, even if I die, I won't obey you!"


"Kill these dog thieves!"

The members of the dragon group cursed directly.

Even Suzaku scolded.

I saw that Yan Chihuo's face was originally smiling, but now it looks even more ugly.

"I see you all are looking for death!"

"I will fulfill you!"

Yan Chihuo said coldly.

Those who followed Yan Chihuo saw this scene, and immediately said: "Master Yan, let me help you get rid of these bastards!"

"No, I'll do it myself!" Yan Chi said coldly.

Immediately walked forward slowly.

Zhang Changgong was punched by Yan Chihuo just now. Although his face was pale at this moment, he could barely stand up.

"What should we do?" Zhang Changgong murmured.

"Go, now I have to go, otherwise it won't work at all!" Master Kunlun said.

"Today is a disaster for the dragon group!" Zhang Changgong said.

Then the two walked to the side of No.1 object: "You go first!"

"No, I can't go!" No.1 said.

"No, Yan Chihuo won't let us go!" Zhang Changgong said: "Our Chinese Martial Arts, we should be fine!"

Hearing this, No. 1 sighed deeply.

But at this time, Yan Chihuo's sneer came: "Don't worry, none of you can leave!"

Immediately, the whole person flew into the air.

"Everyone, protect the No.1 thing, Yan Chihuo is going to kill us, don't let him accidentally injure the No.1 thing." Zhang Changgong roared.

The crowd dispersed, and Object No. 1 left under protection.

Soon, the four guardians all appeared.

Qinglong appeared.

Yan Chihuo saw Qinglong and laughed: "Qinglong!"

"Yan Chihuo, you are too rebellious!" Qinglong said coldly.

"Under Heaven, who can stop me? What are you, get out!" Yan Chi shouted angrily.

Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku charged towards Yan Chihuo together.

"The four great protectors are all trash, die!" Yan Chi said in a huff.

The two sides fought in the air, and the Azure Dragon Dragon Fist broke out.

The white tiger's sharp claws went berserk.

Xuanwu and Suzaku also used their strongest moves.

"Trash..." Yan Chi shouted angrily.

"Suzaku, you are from my Yan family, why do you still betray my Yan family?" Yan Chihuo looked calm and indifferent.

The four guardians were not Yan Chihuo's opponents at all. With Yan Chihuo's roar, a berserk aura suddenly surged out from his body.

All of a sudden, the four of them retreated from the shock and fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Then Yan Chihuo didn't care about the four of them, but looked at the No.1 object in the distance, and said with a sneer, "Did you see it, Huaxia Martial Arts, what is it, I will be number one!"

Immediately, he let out a wild laugh.

But at this moment, a sound of dragon whistle came out, which immediately attracted everyone's ears, and then they saw, from the place where Tang Zhong fell before, a golden light rose into the sky and reached the sky.

(Okay, I got home safely, and started to compensate everyone.)
(End of this chapter)

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