Chapter 965 He Lived!
A golden light reaches the sky.

When I saw the golden beam rushing up to the sky, it dyed the whole sky golden.

"what's the situation?"

At this moment, it completely attracted everyone's attention.

Involuntarily, everyone turned their heads and saw the golden light.

"What happened? Where did the light come from?"

"That's right, what's going on?"

When the people present saw the light, they all became confused.

Yan Chihuo was going to kill the No.1 object, but also found the golden light, put away his hands, turned his head to look at the golden light, and frowned.

Qinglong and others fell to the ground. Although they spit out blood, they couldn't hide the shock between their eyebrows.

Master Kunlun was about to run with the No.1 object, but when he saw this, he stopped.

Even Yan Nantian and the others couldn't help frowning: "What the hell, how could this happen?"

Everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the golden light.

I saw the golden light going up in the sky, and the clouds in the entire sky also turned golden. There was a bang, and the golden thunder flashed.

It's really amazing how strange it is during the daytime.

But at this time, everyone discovered the most important problem, that is, the place where the golden light appeared just now, seemed to be the place where the smoke and dust billowed before, that is, the place where Tang Zhong was knocked down.

At this moment, the smoke and dust are much smaller, but I still can't see clearly what's going on inside?

Could it be that the appearance of this golden light has something to do with that guy?

Everyone can't help being surprised!

After all, Tang Zhong was a true genius.

The voice of discussion came out again.

"Is that guy..."

"It can't be, that guy, how many times has he been bombarded by King Yan just now, and King Yan asked that person, and that person stopped talking, he must be dead!"

And Zhang Changgong and the others couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Is that guy?" Master Kunlun couldn't help asking.

"do not know!"

Those foreign powerhouses are also frowning at this moment!
But at this moment, only Yan Chihuo had the most ugly face at this moment.

The sudden golden light made him a little worried, after all, he had already slapped it a few times just now.

That piece of land, I am afraid that there is no vitality, but now such a situation has appeared.

There is only one living thing in that place!
It's that guy.


Yan Chihuo muttered, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became: "Damn it, I don't believe it, it's you!"

Turn around and face the smoke and dust in front of you, and move forward again.

Immediately, he waved his palm again. This time, as he stretched out his hand, countless small stones flew up from the ground, condensed into a huge stone palm, and then blasted down.

With the first palm down, there was a bang, and the whole ground trembled.

"This time, I see that you are still alive!"

Then another palm,
With one palm after another, everyone around laughed. It seems that it should have nothing to do with that person. Even if he didn't die just now, he must be dead now.

After the ninth palm blasted down, Yan Chihuo's tenth palm fell from the sky.

Just when the huge palm was about to fall on the ground.

I saw that huge stone palm, this time, it didn't land on the ground, but stopped in mid-air.

There were not many people around to watch, but when they saw this scene suddenly, their faces became ugly instantly, and their eyes widened.

what happened?

Yan Chihuo himself was about to stand there in a daze. He tried hard to crush his palm down, but found that no matter how hard he tried, the stone palm wouldn't budge.

As if someone was blocking it below,
" is this possible?" Yan Chihuo gritted his teeth.

"I do not believe!"

The power of the Supreme was crushed suddenly, but the stone palm still did not move.

The people around were even more surprised when they saw this!
Just then, with a bang,
The entire stone palm exploded directly.

You can see densely packed small stones flying out in all directions.

The stunned Yan Chihuo retreated dozens of steps, his expression changed.

Seeing this, the people around looked straight into the smoke and dust, for fear of missing something?
From inside, there was a black shadow walking out slowly.

The pupils of everyone who saw this scene shrank instantly.

It was a figure, and there was only one person in the ruins. Could it be that person?
At this moment, the smoke and dust are billowing, and it is not clear who it is?
"Yan Chihuo... I can stop you!"

A familiar voice came out, and the audience immediately suffocated.

I saw Tang Zhong slowly walking out of the smoke and dust. At this moment, Tang Zhong was bare-chested, with his strong muscles exposed!

Small golden lightning bolts constantly surround the entire body of the person.

Looking carefully, the whole person seems to be a god descending from the earth.

In a short period of training, he has already learned all the methods of manipulating stones taught by Shi Dao Yanlong Bing.

"Boy, if you lose to this trash again this time, it will be bad!" At this moment, Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said with a smile.

"Don't worry!" Tang Zhong paused, then looked at Yan Chihuo, and continued: "I will tear him apart!"

And at this moment, those who saw Tang Zhong's face instantly turned ugly, and their bodies were trembling. It never occurred to them that Tang Zhong was still alive.

" is this possible?"

"I remember that the giant palms were squeezed on that guy several times just now, but how could he still be alive?"


Those foreign powerhouses were all stunned. You know, Yan Chihuo is a powerhouse like the supreme martial artist, but now, he hasn't killed this guy yet, which is too weird!
As for Long Zu and others, they couldn't believe it when they saw that Tang Zhong was still alive.

"He... this guy is still alive!" Master Kunlun said.

"Yes!" Zhang Changgong said: "I... I saw a miracle again!"

No.1 object's fist clenched again, seeing Tang Zhong, he seemed to see hope.

Only Yan Chihuo is getting more and more irritable at this moment: "You... how can you still be alive, I don't want to believe it!"

"Just because you can block me, what are you? I am the supreme martial artist, and I can crush you to death with one hand!" Yan Chihuo roared.

At this moment, he used the power in his palm at the same time, and saw a strong breath appear from above his body, and then swept towards the surroundings.

Then he jumped up suddenly and bombarded Tang Zhong.

Now, every time he moves, the mountain shakes.

When the fist was blasted, a huge vortex appeared in front of the fist, as if the space had been reversed.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, just raised his hand, and a breath of shock came out of the audience.

(That's all for today, I will reply to normal update tomorrow, I've been really busy recently, sorry everyone)
(End of this chapter)

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