Chapter 994 Recover! (two more)

Void becomes!

Tang Zhong, who was floating in the air, suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, the three shadows behind him also opened their eyes.

Those three shadows were all hidden in the darkness, looking like an unusual void.

The Stone of Eternal Life and the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers were standing beside them, already stunned.

"It's really a void transformation!" The Stone of Immortality said in shock.

"Yes!" The pupils of the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers couldn't hide the joy in his heart, he was really happy for Tang Zhong.

"The task that the master entrusted to us may really be completed by this guy!" said the Stone of Eternal Life.

The attitude of the Stone of Eternal Life completely changed after Tang Zhong learned the Void Transformation.

At this time, Tang Zhong stood in the air.

"Boy, you have passed my test!" The Stone of Eternal Life said to Tang Zhong.

Everything he did before was a test for Tang Zhong, and now Tang Zhong has passed his test!

Tang Zhong turned around and felt the surging power in his body. He looked at his hand. Is this the power of Void Transformation?
Then he heard the words of the Stone of Eternal Life, and his face immediately became gloomy. He knew that the Stone of Eternal Life was testing him, but wouldn't he be tested if he didn't say it?

"You said you won't test it, so you won't test it?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"What do you mean by that?" Jiger, who was controlled by the Stone of Immortality, instantly became ugly.

"Since it is a test, it must be tested to the end, isn't it?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"What do you want to do?" Stone of Immortality frowned.

"Of course I'm telling you who is your master!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Thinking of how he was dealt with by the Stone of Eternal Life just now, he felt very uncomfortable.

Tang Zhong said that he is the owner of the Stone of Immortality, but the Stone of Immortality actually resisted. Since the Stone of Immortality doesn't understand some things, Tang Zhong will teach him this now!
In an instant, Tang Zhong rushed out with a punch, and the two shadows behind him also punched at the same time.

After successfully cultivating Void Transformation, Tang Zhong recovered from all the injuries he had suffered before.

The Stone of Eternal Life is proud. If it weren't for Tang Zhong's success in transforming the void into cultivation, he would never talk nonsense to Tang Zhong. The current Tang Zhong only gave him hope, not that he could truly accomplish what they wanted. inherited mission.

And now Tang Zhong's words angered the Stone of Eternal Life.

"It's up to you! There's still a long way to go!" Stone of Eternal Life said coldly.

"Yes, it's up to me!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Immediately, the shadow fell down with Tang Zhong's fist towards the Stone of Eternal Life.

The six fists controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life blasted at Tang Zhong together.

With a bang, Jiger, controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life, flew upside down, landed on the ground, and rubbed a distance fiercely.

The ground was full of broken stones, but now they are crumbling everywhere.

"How is it possible?" Jiger, who was controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life, said with an ugly face. Even if the Stone of Immortality is in Jiger's heart now, he can still feel his pain!

"Nothing is impossible. Since I am your master, you should not judge me. It is correct to obey me obediently!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

In an instant, Tang Zhong suddenly flickered, and he arrived next to Jige of the Stone of Eternal Life, and then his foot suddenly collapsed.

This time, it fell directly on Jiger.

He stepped down with one foot, and the three black shadows behind him also landed with one foot.

As Tang Zhong's feet landed, the black shadow's footsteps also fell.

Jiger, who was controlled by the Stone of Eternal Life, didn't have time to react, his face was ugly, and he quickly reached out his hand to stop.

But with a bang, it fell down with this foot.

Forcibly stepped Giger into the ground.


I saw the surrounding ground began to crack, and then spread out.

Within a radius of ten meters, following Tang Zhong's foot, it turned into ruins and dust was flying.

"No..." Jiger, controlled by the Stone of Immortality, shouted.

But all to no avail!

I saw a powerful force stepping on Jiger's body.

Originally, there were many sharp bone spurs on Jiger's body, but those bone spurs were directly trampled into pieces.

Under the power of the kick, his skin was completely unable to support it, it split open and glowed red.

Suddenly, the skin all burst open.

"No..." This time with a bang, his body was completely torn apart, and until the last moment, his blood was soaring.

I saw the stone of eternal life slowly flying out from the blood.

When the ten flame dragon soldiers on the side saw this scene, they were all shocked. The previous Tang Zhong, under the full power of the Stone of Eternal Life, had no power to fight back, but now Tang Zhong turned the void into a cultivation space. After succeeding, he actually possessed such a powerful force.

At this time, Tang Zhong watched the Stone of Eternal Life fly out, and immediately stretched out his hand, grabbing it in the palm of his hand.

"I am your master, do you remember?" Tang Zhong said coldly while looking at the palm of his hand.

The Stone of Eternal Life didn't dare to speak any more, he was held in the palm of Tang Zhong's hand.

These stones, only a strong force can conquer them.

"I remember!" The Stone of Eternal Life said.

"Then... enter my body!" Tang Zhong said, and immediately took the stone and crushed it hard towards his skin.

I saw that the stone of eternal life melted into liquid at the moment it touched Tang Zhong's body. It was no different from other stones, and he possessed real intelligence.

Then, following Tang Zhong's blood, it slowly entered Tang Zhong's spine, turned golden, and completely merged with Tang Zhong.

At that moment, a powerful force appeared in Tang Zhong's body.

Tang Zhong knew that it was given to him by the Stone of Eternal Life, and this power was swaying wildly in his body.

It actually gave Tang Zhong a sign of a breakthrough.

Originally Tang Zhong was at the pinnacle of martial arts, but now he has the tendency to break through to the supreme martial arts.

Tang Zhong immediately used his strength to attack, trying to break through this level!
But what surprised Tang Zhong was that although there was a trend, there was still something missing in order to break through the legendary Martial Dao Supreme!
After several impacts, there was no reaction, so Tang Zhong had no choice but to give up!

He didn't say anything else to the Stone of Immortality at all.

For Tang Zhong now, there are still many answers to the mystery that he wants to know, but he only needs to ask ten Yanlong soldiers.

He felt that it was time for him to know.

Is this the mission of these stones?What exactly is the mission?That thick?The previous Ten Paths of Flame Dragon Soldiers once said that when Tang Zhong is strong enough, he will be able to know everything, so the current Tang Zhong should be enough!

"Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers, what is your mission?" Tang Zhong looked at the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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