Chapter 995 Sin Stone!

"Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing, what is your mission?" Tang Zhong looked at the Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing and asked.

Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier immersed himself for a while, then looked Tang Zhong up and down, and said immediately: "Now you are qualified to know."

"What the hell is that?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Since you know so well, I'll tell you now." Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"How do you think people came here? To be precise, they are from Huaxia." Shi Daoyan Longbing looked at Tang Zhong and asked.

"How did the Chinese people come here!" Tang Zhong muttered, how could he know these things?
As for the origin of human beings, Tang Zhong knew that the cavemen and Banpo people were the most primitive human beings, but he really didn't know where these people came from?
There are many records of life in the book. For example, life on earth originated from the ocean. As for all mammals evolved from single-celled organisms, there are many other things.

But now Tang Zhong knew that Shi Daoyan Longbing said such words, so it must not be that simple.

"I don't know." Tang Zhong said.

It's better to listen to Shi Daoyan Longbing say everything.

"Actually, believe it or not, human beings are created by humans." Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

"Did Nuwa create humans?" Tang Zhong couldn't help asking.

But if you think about it carefully, it's just a fairy tale. It's all made up by humans, and there is no Nuwa at all.

But who knows Shidao Yanlong Bing said: "Humans are indeed created, but they are not Nuwa. The myths and stories you know now are actually just a means of covering up, in order to let humans not delve into the origin of life." .”

Tang Zhong always felt that everything was more difficult: "Who made the human being?"

"It's my master." Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

It's the master again, Tang Zhong thought that the master of Shidao Yanlongbing must be a very powerful existence.

"Who is your master? When you said the mission, it must be your master."

"Yes, all Huaxia people are descendants of my master, and all Huaxia people have a descendant named dragon, do you understand now?" Ten Daoyan Longbing said.

A descendant of the dragon?

Tang Chong murmured, could it be said that the master of the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers is a dragon?

All of this is really mysterious, the golden dragon of ancient China, and according to Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing, people are made of dragons?

And the mission that Tang Zhongzhong inherited was the mission of the dragon. Suddenly Tang Zhong remembered what Shi Daoyan dragon soldiers said a long time ago about the will of the dragon, and it turned out to be like this.

"So, the so-called chosen person is the chosen person by the dragon?" Tang Zhong asked. At this moment, he was very calm. If it was before, he really couldn't understand.

"The so-called selected people are born with the dragon jade. In the dragon jade, there is the skill of the nine transformations of the dragon soul. From ancient times to the present, only a few people were born with the dragon jade to unify the world. Emperor Qin Shihuang, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, etc., as long as they are born with the dragon jade, everyone is the overlord of the world." Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

Tang Zhong listened in a trance, never thought that it would be like this, this is too shocking, those Chinese strongmen who once fought in a certain dynasty were all born with dragon jade.

"This is the origin of the dragon jade on your neck." Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong reached out and took out the dragon and phoenix jade on his neck.

Half of it is Longyu, and the other half is Fengyu, Longyu belongs to him, and Fengyu is Wei Wei.

"Then...then why does Weiwei have companion jade?" Tang Zhong asked.

He believed that Weiwei's jade must have the same origin as his jade.

"This... I don't know." Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"Okay, so what is your master's mission?" Tang Zhong asked.

"You don't know yet, but when you find the remaining stones, you will know." Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Another stone, now Tang Zhong already knew the names of the seven stones, except for the soul stone and the defense stone, the other five stones are in the body, as for the last stone, what is its name?
"The last one, where is it?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I don't know where it is, I only know its name." Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

"What is it?" Tang Zhong asked quickly.

He always felt that this last stone was not so simple.

"Sin Stone." Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong was slightly startled, this name is really strange.

"Will it also conduct an assessment on me similar to the Stone of Life?" Tang Zhong asked.

"No, it will kill you." Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he was slightly startled.

This last stone actually wanted to kill him.

"What the hell is that stone?" Tang Zhong couldn't help asking.

"You don't need to know, that guy will never give in to you, because..." Shi Daoyan Longbing hadn't finished speaking.

At this moment, Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said inwardly that he was not good.

Tang Zhong also sensed that something was wrong, and turned around quickly.

From behind, there were many figures in black robes slowly approaching, and looking at the appearance of these figures, Tang Zhong seemed to have seen them there.

Suddenly he remembered that under the South China Sea, the white bone skull that snatched half of his soul stone was dressed like this.

There was only one before, but now there are so many, about five or six.

"They're still here." Shidaoyan Longbing sighed when he saw the skeleton.

"Do you know their origin?" Tang Zhong couldn't help asking.

"They are all subordinates of Sin Stone. To be precise, they are all bones. It is the power of Sin Stone that keeps them alive." Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"What?" Tang Zhong's expression changed. It was these skeletons who snatched the half of the Soul Stone back then.

Could it be that the Soul Stone is now in the hands of the Sin Stone?

There is this possibility, no wonder the power of those white bones and skeletons was so strong back then, it turned out that there was such a reason.

"Get ready to fight." Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing said.

"Okay." Tang Zhong clenched his fists together, he never expected such a situation to happen.

Sin stone, if this last stone can be obtained, then all eight stones can be found, and Wei Wei will be able to come back to life by then.

At this moment, the six black-robed white-boned skeletons also slowly stopped, stood in place, looked at Tang Zhong, then took the black cloak off their heads, looked at Tang Zhong and Shi Daoyan Longbing and said with a smile : "Shi Dao, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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