Chapter 1001 Team up to fight against magic!The white robe returns! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Today is still five more outbreaks, tearfully begging for a monthly ticket!

But Du Yu finally realized suddenly.

Sima Yi's jackal appearance, after reaching level 5 bottleneck, has grown wings and hedgehog-like hair, and his appearance is also evolving towards the direction of a tiger and a cow!
Once he really devours his own dragon and wolf aura, he can evolve into a real ancient beast aura, a symbol of treachery—Qongqi!
In the hands of Sima Yi, this Qiongqi feather fan immediately became an invincible weapon.Every time you wave it, there will be streaks of purple light, just looking at it, you will feel the desperate sharpness of the fairy!
And even Sauron didn't expect Sima Yi to risk his life so mighty and invincible that he was caught off guard and suffered a big loss!
Sima Yi's incendiary appearance is equivalent to the unrivaled eruption in the Three Kingdoms, and the addition of the ultimate weapon [Zhen. Qiongqi Lufan] allows him to display the ultimate abnormal attack ability!

And the ultimate move used is the ultimate nirvana of [Zhen. Zhong Da Mou. Zi Dian Mi Shi]!

Sauron was screamed strangely, and an arm shrouded in black air was cut off by Sima Yi's blow!

[True. Zhong Damou. Zidian Destroys the World]!
Surrounded by purple light, the lightning-bright ultimate killer, under the attack of [True Qiongqi Feather Fan], is like the ancient beast Qiongqi opening its bloody mouth, spewing out one after another world-destroying purple lightning, constantly in the air. Sauron's consciousness exploded!

The explosion made Sauron roar incessantly.

"This Sima Yi really has a profound background." Du Yu sighed secretly in his heart, and at the same time he was very grateful.

Thanks to his trick of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he played such a big trick on Sima Yi!

Thanks to his dragon-wolf aura, Heshi Jade Seal, and his ability to restrain the power of weather, Sima Yi's weather-defying power could only exert 14% of his combat power, and he was one step away from defeat.Otherwise, this nearly transformed jackal weather + [True. Qiongqi Feather Fan] + [True. Zhong Damou. Zidian Destroyer], even against the sixth-level weather, they have the power to fight, how could they lose? For your own Tier [-] Dragon Wolf?

Sima Yi was really unlucky, he was usually cautious, but when Du Yu happened to be careless, Du Yu seized the opportunity and continued to be overcast, so he ended up in such a miserable situation.

Sauron was roared again and again.

With a move in Du Yu's heart, Longlang Qi launched a move!
On the jade seal of He's Jade Seal, there is a majestic righteousness like the mighty Yangtze River, which cooperates with Longlang's own real dragon aura, rolling towards Sauron like mountains and seas.

Sauron was attacked back and forth by the jackal and the dragon wolf, and was immediately beaten back again and again.

As a demigod, he couldn't imagine that he would be so embarrassed by two mortals.

Of course, it was impossible for him to know the strength of the two immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul Stage, otherwise he would not have been so arrogant and invaded Sima Yi with his Nascent Soul.

Sima Yi's jackal eyes saw Du Yu launching an attack, the wolf's light flashed, he seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack.

He must not fight for a long time if he burns the weather, otherwise the realm of the power of the weather will drop, the cultivation base will drop, and the victory will be a miserable victory.

What's more, there is another prevention?
Sima Yi didn't believe that Du Yu would let him go.

The buffalo-sized jackal spirit was advancing in a desperate situation, [Zhen. Zhong Da Mou. Zi Dian Mi Shi] constantly tore Sauron's breastplate, and beat the most powerful demon god in Middle-earth back steadily.

Sauron was finally so bombarded that he couldn't bear it anymore. When had he suffered such a big loss?

Sauron roared, and suddenly turned into a pair of blazing magic eyes like the sun!

The gigantic magic eye exudes a billowing bright red, fiery light that one dare not stare at!
"Mortal, you have successfully aroused the wrath of Sauron, the God of Darkness! Now you have to pay the price!" Sauron raged.

He is not just a superficial guy who can only play tricks. When he glared at him, he shot at Sima Yi and Du Yu with deadly sun-burning rays.

The dragon wolf and the jackal immediately dodged left and right.

Although Du Yu launched an attack, the dragon and wolf weather was only very active at the beginning, and then fell silent. Only when Sauron clearly exposed a loophole did he take advantage of the gap and attack aggressively.

His intentions are also very profound.

If Du Yu did not succeed, Sima Yi would not be alone for long, and it would be impossible for him to defeat Sauron.

If Du Yu is desperate, Sima Yi and Du Yu may have an overwhelming advantage.

Once Sauron was defeated and Sima Yi's weather didn't burn for too long, what would this scheming guy do?
He will immediately start to turn against Du Yu's weather!

Du Yu's aura left his body, and in Sima Yi's body, he fought against Sima Yi's jackal aura. The right time, place and people were not on his side!
Sima Yi successfully devoured Du Yu's Dragon Wolf. He might not only make back all the chips he lost before, but also break through the bottleneck and directly evolve into a poor and fierce beast!

How could Du Yu allow such a thing to happen?Not even chance.

So he wants to consume!
On the one hand, Sima Yi was consumed, and on the other hand, Sauron was consumed.

As time went by, Sima Yi's weather power would only weaken more and more.

And Sauron will also be beaten continuously and suffer losses, weakening his strength.

Only Du Yu can pick up something cheap, and even kill two birds with one stone.

Therefore, he commanded the Dragon and Wolf Meteorology, just to support Sima Yi, launch an attack, and at the same time slowly restore the severely damaged weather power, which can be said to be effortless.

But Sima Yi could only fight Sauron with blood and tears, smashing teeth and swallowing blood, with 120% effort, and I was afraid that Du Yu was not working hard enough!

"Tell me about the bottom half of that picture, where is it?" Du Yu lost no time in asking for a favor.

When Sima Yi saw Du Yu, he stopped and stopped attacking. At this time, he had already fired and had no arrows to turn back. He couldn't stop the burning weather force, otherwise he would die faster!

He took a deep breath and said coldly, "I don't know!"

Du Yu smiled coldly, and was about to withdraw from the battle in Sima Yi's body.

Since Sima Yi refused to tell, let him die here.Even if Sauron devoured Sima Yi, turned into an adventurer, and entered the bloody city, the sky would fall and the rulers of the four kingdoms would stand on top of him. It would not be his turn to defeat the demons and fight against this terrifying demon alone!

Sima Yi hurriedly shouted: "But I know the clue!"

Du Yu looked at Sima Yi coldly, but the wolf head was still facing forward.

Sima Yi yelled wildly while dodging Sauron's swiftly slashed giant sword: "In the world of [Dynasty Warriors]! The clue is there! Even before I left the Three Kingdoms and entered the bloody city, I even got a little reliable clues, but time does not allow me to hold on, come back and fight!"

Du Yu pondered for a moment, then suddenly launched a cold and stern attack, defusing Sauron's attack, and successfully tore a big hole in the armor on Sauron's back, and a large stream of black air was captured by Heshi Jade Seal. Righteousness invades, pouring out wildly!

Sauron was suppressed by the righteousness of He's Jade Seal, and was immediately stunned!
This He's Jade Seal usually doesn't show mountains and dews at all, as if it's the only treasure in this space, it's insignificant at all, but when it comes to the level of fighting with the power of the weather of demons, gods, immortals, and Buddhas, it weakens the horror of 50% of the fighting power of other weathers Attributes are so precious!
Such as, this, against, God!
Even if Sauron, who succeeds the fallen Morgoth and becomes the God of Darkness, can only be suppressed honestly in the face of Heshibi's mighty heaven and earth righteousness and China's national destiny, even the strength of resistance nothing!
This terrifying Heshibi.

Sima Yi glanced greedily at Du Yu, who was in harmony with Shibi, and he didn't know what he was planning.

But Du Yu quickly stopped his offensive and looked over coldly.The consciousness is very clear, if you don't focus on attacking, I will turn around and leave, anyway, this is your body.

Sima Yi could only grit his teeth and rush forward to continue to be the cannon fodder/MT/main attacker. Who told this to be his body?

Du Yu, on the other hand, continued to take his time and continue to ask questions with soy sauce.

"Go on, where is your clue?"

But Sima Yi refused to say anything, because if he did, I'm afraid Du Yu would turn his head and leave.

Just when the two were in a stalemate with Sauron, the outside world was undergoing tremendous changes.

A gust of wind blew from the sky, disturbing the Ringwraiths, Galadriel, Legolas and others who were fighting fiercely.

The ring spirits circled around the battlefield, but they couldn't break through the defense line of Galadriel and the others. They were in a state of anxiety, but they were blown by the gust of wind, as if they were drunk!
"What is this breath?" Galadriel suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"Gandalf!" Aragorn, with a livid face, suddenly felt a familiar aura coming towards him, and was immediately overjoyed!
He had fallen into deep despair at this time.Because from Galadriel to Legolas, and even Arwen, they were all bewitched by Grema's clever words, and they sided with that kid!Even if he wanted to slash his sword with hatred, he still couldn't break through their line of defense!
This situation has far exceeded Aragorn's ability to control.

Just when he was struggling, Gandalf's breath came.

As an old friend, Aragorn can deeply feel that Gandalf's aura has not only returned to its full glory, but also become extremely powerful and confident!
Aragorn immediately straightened his back.

situation, you must return to your own control immediately.

You are the protagonist, the king who is destined by destiny and attracts everyone's attention.Ge Lima Qiaoyan, a jumping clown like this, must be beaten back to his original form, sentenced to death, and thrown into the dirtiest and most obscene ditch.

A gust of wind blew, and Gandalf, dressed in a white robe, calmly walked out of the void.

"Mithranda!" Galadriel walked up to her, nodded with a smile and said, "You are finally back."

"Please call me Gandalf White Robe, dear Lady Galadriel." Gandalf smiled calmly and said, "Gandalf Gray Robe from the past has died in the abyss of hell."

Galadriel's beautiful eyes jumped.

Although Gandalf came back, and his strength went further, he became the first of the five wizards in white robes, but for some reason, she always felt that there was a trace of strangeness and alienation between Gandalf's brows.

That was a feeling she hadn't had with Gandalf for thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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