Chapter 1002 God's Promised Land!in every possible way! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Gandalf looked indifferent, staring at Du Yu who was entangled with Sima Yi and Sauron's consciousness, he laughed and walked forward.

"Gandalf, what are you going to do?" Galadriel asked hastily.

"Kill this Sima Yi!" Gandalf frowned whitely, and slowly drew out the enemy's fencing sword from the wand in his hand. Lima speaks smartly!"

"No!" Galadriel exclaimed, "You can't do that!"

"Of course he can!" Aragorn's voice sounded behind him.The emperor of the West strode forward, walked up with a sneer, and saluted Gandalf: "Congratulations Misranda, you have been promoted to the head of the five great wizards, and you have put on the white robe that symbolizes the head of the god envoy Maya. Our honorable Gai Mrs. Radriel, for some reason, there seems to be a slight deviation in her position. I have tried to persuade you to no avail, and I just need your guidance!"

He and Gandalf met each other's eyes, and a tacit understanding between the wizard and the king's heir emerged spontaneously.

As early as when Aragorn traveled around the continent, he knew Gandalf.The two had a secret agreement.

Gandalf advised Aragorn to regain his throne, and Aragorn promised to Gandalf the permanent position of national teacher of Gondor, and the honor was only under the king!
The chance friendship between the two is roughly equivalent to that of Merlin Wizard in the West to King Arthur, and Crouching Dragon Kong Ming in the East to Uncle Liu.

At this time, with the support of Gandalf, Aragorn truly has the luck and majesty of the protagonist!
"You..." Galadriel took a step back and shouted, "But, it is this Grema, the one who has fought to the death with Sima Yi and managed to keep the hope of Middle-earth alive!"

But there is more injustice in her heart!

I feel wronged for Du Yu!
"Where were you when this Mr. Grema fought bloody battles with the ghost soldiers of Gondor? Aragorn will stop talking, Mithranda, you are not on the battlefield at all!"

"Where were you when Ge Lima and Sima Yi fought wits and bravery, desperately fighting for justice for the three great elf kings?"

"Now that he is about to win, he is fighting Sima Yi and Sauron. Are you going to add insult to injury and attack him behind the scenes?"

The more Galadriel spoke, the more excited she became, and the more she spoke, the more angry she became.

"If you fall into the abyss, be blessed by God, be reborn, and put on a white robe, you will have such an ugly face." The Elf Queen said coldly to Gandalf, "I have to say, you are not as good as the gray one before." Pao Mage, more respectable!"

Such sharp words, like a knife, completely tore up Gandalf's image of the holy Maier in white robes!
The tens of thousands of elves present were very grateful to see Gandalf return.They are also very familiar with Misranda.

But through Galadriel's loud scolding, the first thing these elves did after hearing Gandalf's return was to kill Grema.

Who stood up and protected the elves after the seven armies were flooded and the elves were in panic all day long?

Ge Lima. Wise words.

Who was it that stepped forward when Sima Yi's army approached the city and was in dire straits and saved the battle?

It's Ge Lima. Whispering again.

Who turned the tide and saved the elves for the third time when Sima Yi's monstrous cultivation base and the resurrection of the three great spirit kings?
It's still Ge Lima. Qiaoyan!

Compared with forgetful humans, elves are actually more nostalgic and more humane!

Grema had saved their lives three times, let alone Gandalf, a guy who never participated in the battle, wanted to kill him, even if Galadriel agreed, they would not agree!

Hadir immediately stood up and said in a clear tone: "Misranda, if you are here to deal with Sauron, then you are still a friend of our elves. But if you insist on going your own way, you are going to kill the object of the elves' allegiance—Grema Mister, the swords of the Luo Siluolin elves have to be aimed at you. Don't force us to make a choice!"

"Who are the elves loyal to?" Gandalf frowned, showing a sense of amusement, "Since when, as proud as an elf, did you call a human man like that?"

He took a deep look at Galadriel, and said in a low voice: "Lady Galadriel, I can smell the smell of a human man when I am on you. Let me warn you, don't make mistakes!"

Galadriel blushed and said sharply, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Aragorn said coldly: "Mrs. Galadriel, she has long lost her judgment and became Grima's."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt a deadly danger!

A cold arrow was coldly aimed at him from less than thirty steps away!

"Aragorn!" The elf prince's cold voice sounded: "You are my friend. But Galadriel is my queen, and Glimmer is my benefactor. I don't want to make a painful choice. So, Please take back your words that are as vicious as a poisonous snake."

Cold sweat trickled down the back of Aragorn's neck.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Because he felt that Legolas, who was always laughing at each other, really wanted to kill him!
As long as he utters the word "forbidden", the elf prince will definitely let go of the bowstring and shoot a deadly arrow at his back!

Gandalf sighed softly, and said to Galadriel, "I can see that a lot has happened since I left for a while, huh?"

He flicked his wand lightly.

Legolas, who was aiming, felt the golden Mellon tree bow suddenly blown away.

He flipped over on the spot, barely avoiding Gandalf's understatement blow.

Gandalf, looking at Galadriel and Legolas coldly, sighed: "I don't have time to explain. But I can only tell you that I represent the will of God! After I was attacked by these two vicious humans Design, when I fell into the abyss of death, I felt that my soul, with a thought, traveled across the ocean and went to Manwe, the god of Aman. Manwe told me a lot, and he pardoned Galadriel, your sins , and summon you, Legolas!"

Galadriel and Legolas froze at the same time!
For 3000 years, Galadriel has been dreaming of returning to Aman continent all the time!

The only resistance is the Lord God's punishment for her elf traitor—forbidding her to return to the Continent of God.

Now, she was actually forgiven by the Lord God.

This means she can set off at any time to return to her birthplace.

Legolas was shocked even more.

As a native elf born in Middle-earth, he is not qualified to be summoned by God's grace to return to Aman!
Even his father, the great King Thranduil, had never received a divine summons in his life.

But at this very moment Gandalf summoned him.

And what was even more terrible was that he really felt an irresistible urge!

Just like migratory birds migrating in winter and salmon going to the moon, it is an instinct written deep in the genes!
The sea is calling to him.

A place precisely appeared in his mind.

This represented the situation that the elves longed for—the opportunity to return to Aman Continent finally came to him.

Gandalf looked calm, looked at Galadriel and Legolas with a smile, and fell into silence and deep thought.

"So" the white-robed wizard chuckled, shaking his snow-white wizard robes, and walked gently past the two of them: "I am the will of God. As the chief envoy of God, Maya, on behalf of God, I declare my respect to Ge Li. The result of Mr. Ma Qiaoyan's execution. As a sinner who caused chaos in the mainland, he will be executed. God will continue to punish his sinful soul!"

A series of sudden changes made Aragon ecstatic!

He really didn't expect that when Gandalf came back, he turned his hands into clouds and rain, and turned the situation completely upside down!
The elven queen and prince whom Ge Lima cunningly talked about so painstakingly win over are instantly overwhelmed by the big card of God.

No one can stop himself and Gandalf from killing Ge Lima Qiaoyan and Sima Yi.

And once the two regents, Ge Lima and Sima Yi, died, the two human kingdoms of Gondor and Luohan would lose control at the same time. As the emperor of the West, wouldn't these two kingdoms be at your fingertips?
Thinking of this bright future, Aragorn's eyes immediately became ambitious!
He couldn't help but gave Arwen a cold look.

This elf princess dared to betray herself in front of everyone, damn it!
But on the surface, he will never be dissatisfied. After he gets married and annexes Rivendell and other countries, it won't be too late to deal with her severely!
Arwen happened to look at Aragorn at this time.

In the depths of Aragorn's eyes, that gleam made her feel extremely strange.

Growing up together, although Aragorn has been joked by the elves as a wild child, a titular king, and even ridiculed, Arwen never took his lack of a throne to heart.

But until today, in front of the monstrous power of the throne, she really saw clearly Aragorn's true heart.

It turned out that he was so brooding about his lack of a throne.

It turned out that he lacked respect for himself and held such a grudge.

Aragorn's face immediately became very blurred in front of her, and Arwen couldn't see the shadow of the heroic, majestic, righteous, compassionate king she cherished in the past.

That Aragorn seems to have gone with the wind.

The one in front of her was a throne-seeker and a schemer, but she was no longer the lover she knew well.The lover who she even willingly gave up the elf's immortality and pride to spend her whole life with him.

Gandalf held the fencing sword, which was cold and refreshing, and its power doubled, and walked towards Du Yu and Sima Yi who were standing still.

(End of this chapter)

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