Chapter 1003 Breakup!Galadriel's determination! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
He could tell that Du Yu's consciousness should have entered Sima Yi's body at this time, fighting with Sauron's evil aura.

The rest is very simple.

As long as he slashes the enemy with the sword, kills two birds with one stone, and stabs the chest of Sima Yi and Du Yu with one sword, he can send Du Yu, Sima Yi and Sauron, the three great enemies, to the west at the same time!

Is there a more perfect ending than this?
When the war came to a critical moment, Gandalf in white robe came with the wind, adhering to the will of God, and killed the dog-eat-dog demon god Sauron, Gondor sinner Sima Yi and Rohan's sycophant Ge Lima at the same time, saving the mainland!
His prestige will be recorded in the annals of history again, and as the envoy Maier who has made great achievements, he will be favored by the gods.

In his opinion, this time, there should be no problem.

Galadriel and Legolas are not fools. On the one hand, they have the will of the gods and the white-robed wizard, plus the chance of eternal life, and on the other hand, they are the kindness of the mere Grema, so there is no need to say too much.

But Gandalf's shoulder was gently patted by a jade hand that was as gentle as jade but extremely firm!

Gandalf froze, and his voice turned cold: "Lady Galadriel, I always thought you were a wise man."

Galadriel's clear voice sounded behind him: "Mithranda, I always thought you were the righteous Maier."

"I represent the will of God!" Gandalf finally couldn't help it, and roared, his brows were white and his beard stretched, and he was furious: "Galadriel, Galadriel, don't you understand what the will of God is? Manwe It represents justice! You have lost the grace once, don't make the same mistake again!"

At that moment, Manwe's grace seemed to be attached to him, the white-robed wizard, and he seemed sacred and inviolable!
Aragorn immediately took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! I have received Manwe's will. The Lord God said that I will, as the emperor of the West, create the glory of the human race that will replace the age of the elves! I, the descendant of Isildur, was Chosen by God to be the next supreme ruler of Middle-earth!"

Manwe's main god's will seems to be attached to him, giving Galadriel a terrifying feeling!

This God Envoy Maier, a Western Emperor, as God's will, the light of fate, seems to shine on them like a substance.

As the most powerful elf leader, Galadriel turned pale. In front of the divine power, her divine power was taken away, and she was no different from ordinary weak elf women.

Facing the holy Gandalf and the smug Aragorn, Galadriel knew clearly.

The Lord God Manwe has made his choice.

As predicted by the mirror of Galadriel, the era of the elves in Middle-earth is over, and the summoned elves will return to the land of gods one after another to continue their carefree eternal life, while the remaining elves will escape into the forest .The human race has become the object of God's favor and enjoys the scenery.

but the price is

Galadriel's eyes turned to Du Yu who was fighting with Sima Yi and Sauron.

This sycophant who has changed the situation in the mainland without God's favor will become the first victim of God's will!

Should he exchange his sacrifice for the chance of being forgiven by God and eternal life?

She closed her eyes painfully.

Aragorn laughed loudly: "That's right. Galadriel, no one can resist the will of the gods! Don't forget what happened to your family when they betrayed the will of the gods 3000 years ago!"

Gandalf remained expressionless and continued walking towards Du Yu.

Nights are long and dreams are many, he wants to kill this man as soon as possible to carry out God's will.

But a wave of magic power enveloped him immediately.

"The Ring of Water!" Gandalf growled, and turned his head, killing intent flashed in his eyes: "Galadriel, are you really going to fight God to the end?"

Aragorn was also stunned.

In this world, is there such a person who resists God's will?
Galadriel's beautiful eyes were clear, but there was endless firmness in her eyes!

"That's right!" She said coldly, "My family, the Sindar, did betray the Lord God 3000 years ago and came to Middle-earth. They also suffered disasters and lost all their relatives!"

"But!" The elf queen's beautiful eyes flashed with an unyielding light, and she forced Gandalf and Aragorn to step back step by step: "I have never expressed regret for this kind of disaster! Because, after leaving Before, I had already decided that I would live my life according to my own will, not God's arrangement!"

Gandalf sneered coldly: "Yes, I heard from the Lord God. Although you are a beautiful woman, your beautiful and weak body contains ambitions that other elves do not have! If you cannot rule a continent, you would rather die On the way to try. Your ambition has long been awakened, right? If I read correctly!"

"Yes." Galadriel's tone became flat: "Just as you changed from a gray robe to a white robe, I, Lady Galadriel, Galadriel, have also awakened to become the Holy Queen of Charm. I will According to your own will, live by that person's side and become his woman!"

Her hand pointed to Du Yu, who was carving wood and clay sculptures on the huge rock.

As soon as these words came out, Gandalf's face became extremely ugly!

Aragorn seemed to be severely slapped in the face!
Gandalf took a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "Galadriel, as an old friend, let me remind you one last time. Fighting against God's will will represent you becoming a Sauron-like existence, and you will be forever surrounded by God, God's consciousness and God's spirit." Rejected by the will. Do you really want to become a woman who is shameless, dissolute, and rejected by God for this man?"

Galadriel heard the vicious words, glanced at the silent elves behind her, and smiled wryly: "Hadir!"

Hadir, who was at a loss, took a step forward and said, "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

Galadriel confessed to all the elves: "I have made up my mind to give up the immortality and pride of the elves to become this man's woman. If so, I should give up my identity as the queen of the elves, lest you be forced to join me in defying God's will, I will lose the qualification to return to Aman Continent in the future! From now on, I will no longer be your queen."

After she finished speaking, she saluted lightly and noblely.

The elves burst into tears.

Hadir was stunned.

They never expected that such a drastic change would happen just as victory was about to come.

Gandalf brought God's will, but the respected Queen Lady Galadriel wanted to defy God's will and become that person's woman.

After Galadriel finished speaking, she was alone, standing on the opposite side of everyone, and said with a smile: "Okay, I finally let go of my burden and feel relaxed. Now, whoever dares to attack my man, come up! Whether it is a single Picking or group fighting, I, Galadriel, will accompany you to the end!"

Gandalf's expression turned livid, and he said viciously to Hadir: "You heard me. Galadriel awakened her own desires and fell into such a person. I am deeply saddened! But for the sake of God's will, I have to say goodbye to my former best friend, Painful killer! Just a reminder, you Rosie Lolin elves are favored by the gods, and you have learned from her painful lessons, so don’t make mistakes!”

He slowly drew out his fencing sword, walked towards Galadriel step by step, and whispered in a tone that only the two of them could hear: "The grace of God not only reshaped my body, but also gave me a stronger Maia Mana, even the enemy's fencing has been reshaped. The power I have is at least ten times that of the gray robe era! But you, Galadriel, have exhausted almost all of your mana in the fierce battle. The outcome is unpredictable .”

A strange smile suddenly flashed across his face: "You probably know my affection for you. Since you have fallen into the Queen of Charm, then I will replace Shenyi and capture you, and I will be able to get what I want, right?" It's a pity that you were taken over by that Ge Lima's clever words, but even if you are a broken flower, I will not dislike you."

When Galadriel heard this, her beautiful face was cold, and her cherry lips spat lightly: "Despicable! Dirty! Your soul is dirtier than Sauron!"

Gandalf shook his white robe, and with an indescribable divine meaning, the enemy's sword was radiant: "In the name of God, Galadriel suffers death!"

His blow is infinitely powerful!

The fierce divine power on the enemy's fencing sword seemed to possess the awe-inspiring righteousness of nature, and if he said he wanted to judge you, he would judge you!
On his finger, the ring of fire presented by the shipbuilder Nadan attached the gushing power of fire to the enemy's fencing sword. It looked like the sword of judgment in the hands of the legendary Manwe. up!

And Gandalf did not exaggerate the fact that the power of being promoted from a gray robe to a white robe has increased tenfold.

His body was reshaped, and his divine power was enhanced. It was like Nezha in the physical body was killed, and he reshaped his immortal body with lotus flowers, lotus leaves, and lotus roots.
Don't say that Galadriel has spent half a day fighting fiercely, and has already consumed a lot of magic power. Even if she didn't consume it, she couldn't stop this blow!
Galadriel's face was pale, and her body trembled slightly. A little ring of water, Nanya, and a ripple of water stood in front of her.

But in front of the attack of the Ring of Fire + Gandalf the White Robe, she looked so insignificant, like an orchid in an empty valley beside a stream of puddles in the flames, which would soon be evaporated, evaporated, and withered!
Who knew, at this moment, a wind shield suddenly protected Galadriel's body.

Arwen stood up and said indifferently: "If you want to hurt my Galadriel, first ask me what Arwen's opinion is on the Ring of Harmony!"

In the finger of her left hand, she wears the Ring of Qi Wei Ya!

Arwen's eyes were cold, and she looked at Gandalf and Aragorn in a cold voice: "You open your mouth and shut up, it is the will of God! But why should we elves live according to the will of the Lord God? We just want to rebel against the Lord God, Live according to your will!"

Aragorn stood up and shouted angrily: "You! Arwen, you are in a daze, what are you talking about? Are you going to violate God's will?"

Arwen didn't hesitate, her beautiful eyes were shining, she looked straight back and said confidently: "I am not born to believe in evil! Aragorn, what you call God's will is only in your interest! You want to use the banner of God to hurt my beloved. Man, how could I, Arwen, agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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