Chapter 1004 The golden cicada escapes its shell!Sima Zhongshan Wolf! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Legolas' eyes turned cold, and he stood up and said sharply: "Yes, even if there is a call from God, and the temptation from the land of God, don't let me break my friends and vows! I choose to go with Galadriel and Arwen. Together. If you want to go there, go to war."

For a moment, Gandalf could hardly believe his ears!

Galadriel, Arwen, and Legolas were all standing beside the man.

What's happening here?
Under the banner of divine grace, he seduced him with the chance of eternal life, but no elf bought it!
His enemies, Ge Lima and Sima Yi, were not far away, but he couldn't go and kill them.

Hearing the words of Galadriel, Arwen and Legolas, Du Yu's heart suddenly warmed up.

Although he couldn't move at this time, the surrounding voices could be heard clearly.

Galadriel's affectionate determination, Arwen's understanding of righteousness, and Legolas' oath of loyalty made Du Yu secretly make up his mind.

They must not be allowed to come to harm.

Unfortunately, even if Du Yu wanted to leave at this time, it was not easy to get away.

Sima Yi's city mansion is deep, and when he heard Gandalf's arrival, he immediately felt as if he had found a treasure!
Although Gandalf is his enemy, who is Sima Yi?

Even people who have nothing to do with him can be squeezed out by him.

Even if Du Yu wanted to go back at this time, Sima Yi and Sauron were trapped in Sima Yi's consciousness, and there was no way to escape.

Sima Yi, a treacherous and cunning person, immediately senses the changes in the external environment and reacts immediately!
At this moment, clouds of thick black air came out of his body, Qiongqi's feather fan waved towards Du Yu, and the jackal aura immediately disappeared in place!

Qiongqi Lufan groaned wildly, turning into a ferocious monster with wings on its back, more like a bull than a tiger, with a pair of purple electric eyes, staring at Du Yu greedily and bloodthirstyly.


This Qiongqi feather fan turned into Qiongqi at this moment, driving the lightning supernatural power, trapping Du Yu.

Du Yu instinctively felt the threat of death, and he wanted to return to his body immediately!

But found it impossible to move.

Even with He's Jade Seal and Dragon Wolf Meteorology, which can deal with most of the weather magic powers, Du Yu is still trapped in place by Qiongqi Lupine.

The situation is not right.

This Sima Yi has a ghost!

Although he already knew that Sima Yi could not be trusted, Du Yu really couldn't think of any other ways for Sima Yi to turn the tide.

Now, he finally understands that in front of Sima Yi, a cunning and space cunning, his knowledge and thoughts are not broad enough and deep enough!

Sima Yi turned into a meteor, and the target was Du Yu's body!

While speeding, Sima Yi laughed wildly: "Du Yu! You have fallen for the old man's [Golden Cicada Escape Shell] plan! This Qiongqi feather fan can greatly increase the success rate of my plan, and even turn into Qiongqi, which will facilitate the realization of my plan. You Give me your body, and stay here to deal with Sauron!"

He cracked his mouth in pain: "The treasures I gave you will naturally return to their original owners in your meteorological space. But you were so quick and sent back all the treasures of the three great elf kings. I still have to Go grab it! But as long as you have a body, you have everything! Sauron will take mine, and I will take yours! Your body is young, and your cultivation level is similar to mine. I think the basic skills of martial arts are quite solid. I just want to change bodies with you, hehehe!"

Sima Yi was really proud.

After suffering for a long time, he finally got this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Leave this broken body to Du Yu, and take away She Du Yu's body by himself.

Du Yu roared angrily, "How dare you, old man?"

He unleashed the aura of dragon and wolf, and crazily launched a fierce attack on the Qiongqi beast transformed into Qiongqi Lufan.

This Qiongqi ferocious beast was transformed by a feather fan, at most it only had a very small part of Qiongqi's power, otherwise Sima Yi would still be afraid of Sauron and Du Yu?

Unfortunately, even so, Du Yu couldn't break through the blockade of Qiongqi Lufan in a short time.

But Sauron's magic eye pressed on step by step.

What he wanted was to seize the body of a contractor, and the body of Sima Yi was the first target.Regardless of whether the enemy is Sima Yi or Du Yu, Sauron must be eliminated.

Sima Yi laughed loudly: "Do you know the origin of my Qiongqi Feather Fan? It is the same as Zhao Zilong's ultimate weapon, the giant gentian. The gun is attached with real dragon's gallbladder, which can greatly enhance the courage and strength of the user. My Qiongqi The feather fan, the black fan on it is the real wings dropped by Qiongqi, the four ancient beasts. It can be turned into Qiongqi's phantom, and last for a stick of incense. Although this time is short, it is enough for me to win you. !"

He was even faster, rushing towards Tianmen acupoint, towards Du Yu's body.

Du Yu had put his hand on Sima Yi's Tianmen acupoint, and Sima Yi's meteorological soul could enter Du Yu's body as long as he passed through Tianmen acupoint.

At this time, Du Yu's spirit was fighting in Sima Yi's body, and his body was not controlled by his soul, but it was easy for Sima Yi to take him away.

Du Yu was very annoyed.

He was indeed tricked by Sima Yi. Who knew that this guy would have such a hole card as Qiongqi Lufan in such a desperate situation?
The treasure he gave to himself was simply out of good intentions. After successfully seizing the house, he took it back perfectly!
No wonder Sima Yi was so generous and gave him all the treasures without reservation. The value alone exceeded 4 to 5 million survival points.

I should have thought of it earlier.

Sauron's magic eye slowly approached from Qiongqi's side, and the pressure was overwhelming.

Du Yu didn't know why Sima Yi couldn't hold on until he faced Sauron's weather.

The flames on Sauron's magic eye can burn people's souls and greatly suppress the resistance of the souls.The power of weather, as the embodiment of the soul, is also difficult to resist the magic flame of this demon god.


Du Yu gritted his teeth.

The situation couldn't be worse.

Outside, Galadriel and others were threatened by Gandalf and Aragorn, ready to kill Du Yu's body.

Inside, the wolfish and ambitious Sima Yi stared at his body like a shooting star, ready to seize his body.

"The golden cicada escapes its shell? This is really a good strategy!" Du Yu murmured.

Sima Yi laughed wildly and said: "My golden cicada's plan to get rid of its shell is to use Qiongqi's power to set up an arena for you! As long as you don't defeat Sauron for a moment, you can't come out for a moment. How about it? The performance venue set up for you is enough Is it big?"

Du Yu sighed: "It's big enough, and it's dazzling enough. But, do you really think that I'll be so reassured by you, an ungrateful bastard like you?"

The face of Sima Yi's transformed jackal darkened. He had rushed into Du Yu's body at this moment, and was about to go straight to Du Yu's brain and control his whole body, but found a terrible thing.

That is, at some time, a beautiful woman in white dress and skirt appeared in Du Yu's body, calm and composed, holding two swords, standing opposite Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's pupils suddenly shrank.

He immediately understood that Du Yu had already prepared for it!

Du Yu sighed and said, "Since I know you are a thief, how can I rest assured that the door is open and enter your body to assist you in fighting? As long as you can defeat Xiaolongnv's appearance that entered my body, how about I admit defeat?"

Sima Yi's face was gloomy and cold.

He tried his best, but he didn't expect Du Yu to be so relieved that he actually handed over his body to a woman to take care of him!
And this woman can actually enter Du Yu's body!

You must know that the body of the contractor is not a hotel, and the power of weather of others can enter it if it wants to.Even if the weather power of a close relative enters the body of a lover, they will face rejection reactions similar to organ transplantation, causing certain damage to both parties!

Sima Yi was an intruder, and he was a desperate one, so he naturally didn't care about these losses.But Xiao Longnu didn't hesitate to spend her cultivation to stay in Du Yu's body and guard her. What's going on?
Xiao Longnv came lightly, jumped up, and attacked Sima Yi like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Sima Yi was bitten by Du Yu's Dragon and Wolf Meteorology, leaving only one soul and two souls. Under Du Yu's intimidation, he fought Sauron for a long time.But at any rate, he is a Nascent Soul stage monk with profound skills, even if the opponent is a little dragon girl who is at the peak of the Golden Core stage, he can still muster up his courage and kill you to the death.

At the same time, he cursed Du Yu viciously: "Even if you stay behind in an ambush, under my golden cicada's plan to escape, Sauron's magic eye appearance will never allow you to survive. As long as your appearance is swallowed by Sauron, the little dragon girl As your summoning beauty, she will also die. I can receive your body immediately! You can't stop me!"

As if he could hear Sima Yi's vicious curse, Du Yu suddenly turned his head and smiled.

"Are you saying that I can't defeat Sauron's weather? I also admit that Sauron is indeed a demigod-level boss. His weather spirit is so powerful that it can even be used as a real weapon, projected into reality, and hurt humans and elves." Wait, but if you say you can't beat it, then you really don't believe it!"

Sauron's magic eyes suddenly burst out laughing!

"Ants! Praying arms are like carts, and gnats are shaking trees. Don't be afraid to speak too loudly! I have now controlled Sima Yi's body, and this place is like becoming my dark realm. Except for the dark power of the demon gods, even Gandalf and Maiya, who came to this realm , and can’t exert half of your usual combat power. How can you say you can defeat me as a mere human?”

Accompanied by Sauron's wild laughter, Du Yu could feel a deep black air spreading rapidly, and it was about to envelop his body.These black qi are full of hostility, blood, tyranny, hatred and other negative emotions, and they are extremely filthy at first glance.Even if the spiritual souls of Galadriel, Saruman, Gandalf and others come into contact, they will be polluted and corrupted.It must be Sauron's so-called Dark Demon Realm.

"Because" Du Yu smiled confidently: "I have no intention of wrangling with you here."

He flipped his hand over, and the Doomsday Blade, full of spatial abilities, had appeared in his hand!

"Can you break through my demonic blockade?" Sauron yelled furiously.

As a demon god, he is a real god-level existence.

The demon realm he arranged was to shed Du Yu's soul to devour it, and to obtain Du Yu's atmosphere and the qualification to enter the space. How could Du Yu be easily let go?
(End of this chapter)

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