Chapter 1005 Devour Jackals!The fifth level of weather! - Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch!
But Du Yu's spatial ability happened to be used to break the rules!

A red light flashed on the Doomsday Blade, and Du Yu disappeared into Sauron's demon realm!

"No!" Sauron yelled angrily.Although he succeeded in seizing the house, he failed to devour the weather power of Sima Yi and Du Yu, so he did not give birth to his own weather.Even if he obtained Sima Yi's body, what use would a human body be to Sauron?
What he wants is to devour the soul!

Du Yu's soul instantly returned to his body.

Sima Yi is in a desperate situation right now!
Really hopeless.

Before there was the little dragon girl in her prime, and later there was Du Yu who came back from a lightning strike!
The expression on his face at this time is really wonderful.


Very shocked.

His face was bleak.

Could it be that today is really my death?
Could it be that I, Sima Yi, died here?
He repeatedly aged ten years in an instant.

In Du Yu's body, with a broken body with one soul and two souls, and Du Yu's dragon-wolf appearance who has returned furiously, will they fight again?
No matter how you look at it, it is a dead end.

Sima Yi's white hair was desolate, his old face was full of wrinkles, and finally he knelt down slowly for Du Yu.

"This old man doesn't have any hole cards to use. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

Du Yu glanced at Sima Yi's body outside.

Sima Yi's physical body has been quickly surrounded by Sauron's black energy. It seems that after losing the protection of his soul, the time for Sauron to control this body can only be counted in seconds.

"Who owns the lower half of your map?" Du Yu asked coldly.

Sima Yi smiled wryly, he had no choice but to take a risky gamble.

"As far as I know, Yu Ji from the Three Kingdoms Warriors world."

"After the two blueprints are assembled?"

"It is rumored that you can break through the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul and enter the realm of practicing emptiness, the treasure book "Taiping Essentials", Sima Yi said calmly.

Du Yu nodded, and suddenly released the dragon and wolf aura, biting at Sima Yi's jackal aura!
In the end, he still couldn't let Sima Yi go.

This person has a jackal heart, even if he is at the end of the road, he still wants to murder himself, and he bites back, and he must not stay in the world.Not even recovering!
Cao Cao has used practical actions to show that his skill of matching people is still very accurate.Cao Cao's evaluation of Sima Yi is: "He is not a minister!"

Fang Xuanling's evaluation is: "A wolf cares about a man."

Du Yu could want Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Legolas, but he couldn't keep Sima Yi.

A trace of despair flashed in Sima Yi's eyes, and he suddenly shouted: "I know how to destroy the Hou family!"

Du Yu hesitated for a moment.

Seeing the dawn, Sima Yi took two steps on his knees, hugged Du Yu's thigh, and cried loudly, "I can tell you all the secrets of the Hou family, their deployment of troops, and their plan to launch a rebellion. Don't !"

His screams were due to the ferocious face of a dragon and wolf appearing on top of Du Yu's head, with a demonic aura soaring to the sky!
Du Yu looked resolute and resolute, and shouted: "Without you, I can still destroy the Hou family!"

He waved.

Impatient, the dragon wolf jumped down and devoured Sima Yi's jackal aura.

Sima Yi's desperate screams, coupled with the grunts of the jackal being bitten off the throat and being swallowed by the dragon wolf, resounded through Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness!

After devouring Sima Yi's jackal appearance, Du Yu really received a reminder that brought tears to his eyes.

"Your dragon wolf weather has devoured the power of a fifth-level weather."

"Your dragon and wolf aura has been upgraded to the fifth-order "Tao into God" stage!"

"[Bloodthirsty] [Wolf Gu] [Concealment] [Investigation] [Destiny] [True Dragon] have been upgraded by one level. The specific attributes are:

[Bloodthirsty] Level 5: Use the killing value to increase the weatherman's attack power, defense and speed by 20%, and each point of killing value is valid for 120 seconds.

The branch ability [Hurricane] can increase the speed by an additional 10%.

[Wolf Gu] Level 5: Passive skill, whenever a crisis comes, it will automatically perceive the crisis.
Branch ability [Wolf Vision]: At the cost of five kill points, the priority is increased by 20 points, and the potential danger is actively scanned.

[Concealment] Level 8: Successfully conceal all kinds of information about yourself. Any detection skill with an enemy skill priority lower than this priority will fail, and the priority is 48 points.

Branch ability [Misleading]: When someone uses detection skills on you, you can mislead others by paying the killing value and show him your fake information.

[Reconnaissance] Level 7: Detect the adventurer's various skills, attributes, equipment and meteorological power effects with the killing value as energy. The priority of this skill is 50 points.

[Destiny] Level 7: Passive skill, increase the control affinity (aura of dominance) of plot characters by 20 points.

[True Dragon] Level 7: Passive skill, when fighting other weathers, it can cause the coercive effect of high-level weathers, weakening the opponent's weather power by 40%.

[Fear] Level 7: Passive skill. When fighting with other weathers, it can cause the opponent's weather fear effect and weaken the opponent's fighting will by 60%. "

"Because of breaking through the fifth level of Taoism, Qi Qi's Taoism ability has been further enhanced, and he has some supernatural powers."

"Your weather can move 100 kilometers away from your own range."

"Universal supernatural power [immortality] your weather, after the main body dies, can possess other people's bodies, or a prepared body, to achieve resurrection. After the weather dies, you can still retain a trace of remnant soul, wandering the world, the length is One month. You can possess a corpse or a small animal, looking for a chance to be resurrected again. The resurrected body will lose all the attributes, skills, and items of the original body, but retain the power of weather and adventure progress. The remnant soul of the power of weather, You will lose most of your supernatural powers and cultivation, and you will only be able to retain a small part of your consciousness."

"Unique supernatural powers, unique supernatural powers in space [Dragon Transformation] Mo Daolang takes care of himself and is humble, swallows dragons and chisels and eventually becomes a dragon! The dragon wolf atmosphere absorbs so much dragon energy that it is enough to transform into a real dragon wolf in a short period of time. Execute After transforming into a dragon, your body will become a dragon wolf, which can devour the world, swim in the universe, and compete with real immortals. The duration is 5 minutes. Reminder: Your dragon wolf is a mutant beast. Once it appears, it will cause real dragons, Qiongqi, gluttonous , Qilin and other ancient mythical beasts' perception and covet. When the dragon wolf is immature, don't release it easily, causing unnecessary trouble."

Du Yu closed his eyes deeply, feeling the great changes in the dragon and wolf in his chest!
Undoubtedly, after Sima Yi's jackal appearance was devoured by Du Yu, this long-awaited fifth-level breakthrough gave Du Yu's combat power a blowout growth!
The breakthrough to the fourth level was accomplished by Du Yu after devouring Nagai Kenji's atmosphere in the world of "Legend of the Dark Night".Du Yu's weather power has many skills, but in the long adventure that followed, it gradually became insufficient priority.

After the fifth-order breakthrough, the priority of these skills has been greatly increased, and it also has the magical power of transforming a dragon!
Sima Yi, you really did a good thing for me.

But Du Yu immediately frowned.

He didn't ignore it. It was clearly stated in the fifth-level [Indestructible] supernatural power that once the power of weather reaches the fifth level, even if the weather is swallowed, it can still maintain the state of remnant soul.

In other words, Sima Yi is not dead at this time.His fifth-order remnant soul may be wandering around.Although he can only possess corpses and small animals, with his Nascent Soul stage cultivation, it is hard to say that there will be no future troubles.

Du Yu sneered, and used his own trump card.

That is the Soul Calling Tower that Hou Xiaofeng bought at a high price!

The Soul Summoning Tower is a means of the immortal family specially set up to imprison and absorb souls, and it is located in the heart of the castle.

If Sima Yi's three souls and seven souls were still intact, Du Yu reckoned that even with the Summoning Soul Tower, it would be difficult to subdue him, since he was at the Nascent Soul stage after all.But at this time, he has no body, and even his soul has been devoured. Only by relying on the fifth-level supernatural powers can he retain a trace of incomplete soul. How can he stop Du Yu's Soul Summoning Tower?
Not long after, Du Yu saw a wisp of Sima Yi's remnant soul, transformed into Sima Yi's body and appearance. He was extremely unwilling, howled and couldn't resist the absorption of the Soul Summoning Tower, and was sucked into the tower.

It was too late for Du Yu's consciousness to enter the tower. At this time, Sauron had already controlled Sima Yi's body and was about to launch a fierce attack on him.In addition, Gandalf and Aragorn also launched an attack on Galadriel and Legolas, and the situation is at stake.

Anyway, Sima Yi can't escape, he is imprisoned here, and he can be interrogated later.

Du Yu sent the image of the little dragon girl out of his body and opened his eyes.

Sauron also slowly opened his eyes, he has completely controlled Sima Yi's body.Layers of black air wrapped around his body, rapidly expanding into the image of a fully armed demon god.

Gandalf has launched an all-out attack on Galadriel!

After he was promoted to the white robe at this time, his power was much higher than before, and he actually forced Galadriel back step by step.

But the Elf Queen is also stubborn, and in order to defend her oath, she fights Gandalf to the death.This allowed Du Yu to swallow Sima Yi calmly.

Fortunately, Gandalf's strength increased greatly at this time, and he felt that he could take Du Yu down no matter what, but how did he know that Du Yu escaped from Sauron's grasp in the blink of an eye, so Gandalf did not Anxious to attack, but kept using spells to force Galadriel back.

He opened the way with the radiant sword of God's grace, but Galadriel couldn't resist, and retreated steadily. He had already retreated to Du Yu's side, and he was about to miss.

Gandalf took every step extremely steadily, as if possessed by the main god, with furious beards and majestic majesty, which made people dare not look at his divine power.Every blow he strikes is like a god's judgment, priority and power, even if there is a legend like Galadriel, he can't resist it.

Legolas confronted Aragorn.Two former brothers, because of interests and differences, exchanged swords and arrows, killing you to the death.

Aragorn's Western Star is also attached to the divine grace bestowed by Gandalf. It is majestic and majestic, and it is always the majesty of the divine right of kings. Behead it!

Arwen continued to use the Ring of Qi to gain shields for Galadriel and Legolas.If it weren't for this, the two would have already retreated in front of Gandalf and Aragorn, who had greatly increased their divine grace.

(End of this chapter)

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