Chapter 1006 The Queen Returns!Amazing strength! -For the new leader Xinglianfanchen!

How cunning is Du Yu?
Seeing Gandalf and Aragorn's expressions of asking God's upper body, domineering, and domineering, Du Yu was furious, and looking at Sauron behind him, he was even more demonic and menacing!

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Sauron grinned grimly, and stretched out his big hand in the direction of the Lord of the Rings.

At this time, he controlled Sima Yi's body, and he was not afraid of damage, so he simply went on a killing spree, trying to kill these adventurers who dared to challenge his majesty!
As if he could sense Sauron's intentions, the Supreme Lord of the Rings emitted frightening rays of light, trembling, and wanted to return to its master.This is what it dreams of, as if a high school girl who loves vanity longs for Kidney Six.

But it's a pity that this sincere desire was firmly stepped on by a hateful foot that spoiled the scenery.

After the Lord of the Rings betrayed Sima Yi, Gululu rolled, but Du Yu was closer to the Lord of the Rings and stopped at his feet.

Du Yu said coldly, "Do you want this?"

Sima Yi's physical body controlled by Sauron, with a trembling beard, roared angrily, "Give it to me!"

Du Yu said, "No matter whose soul is inside, it looks so disgusting and disgusting!"

With a casual kick, he actually kicked the Supreme Lord of the Rings into the air!

No matter how much the Lord of the Rings longed to return to Sauron, no matter how powerful Sauron was, at this moment, the Supreme Lord of the Rings had no choice but to obey the laws of physics and was kicked by Du Yu.

Aragorn and Gandalf.

Not bad.

After Du Yu used the Lord of the Rings to trap and kill his super rival Sima Yi, he repeated the same trick and used it to trap Aragorn and Gandalf again.

Yes, Aragorn and Gandalf were indeed in Rivendell, withstood the test of the Lord of the Rings and became the core of the Fellowship of the Ring team.But people change.Just like Gandalf changed from a gray robe to a white robe this time, but in all aspects of temperament, he became more like Saruman.

Who can guarantee that Aragorn and Gandalf will not be tempted by the Lord of the Rings at this time?

Taking it a step further, even if they are not tempted, what does Sauron behind him think?
Most of his power was poured into the Lord of the Rings.Only when the Lord of the Rings returns to him, can he gather the complete power of the demon god and rule the continent into a dark age!
In front of Sauron, kicking the Lord of the Rings at Aragorn and Gandalf, that is a proper hatred, and it is the permanent kind, the kind that the two sides will never die.

Sure enough, Sauron was fooled, left Du Yu who was close to him, and rushed towards the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

Gandalf and Aragorn, of course, knew that Du Yu was a way to bring disaster to the east.But they couldn't just throw the Lord of the Rings back to Sauron in order to fight against Du Yu, fulfilling Sauron's full-blown Demon God state-how would they live then?
Du Yu decisively pulled Galadriel and Arwen over, and then kicked Legolas away, allowing Sauron and Gandalf to confront each other directly.

What Du Yu is best at is this kind of watching from the sidelines, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Both sides are also old, treacherous and cunning people, but it is a pity that Du Yu really grasped their must-save place - the Supreme Lord of the Rings, who can let go?

In desperation, Sauron had no choice but to fight Gandalf.

A demonic sword filled with black energy protruded from Sima Yi's sleeve controlled by Sauron, stabbing at Gandalf in white robe like a ghost.

Gandalf yelled sharply, and the gods were radiant, and the enemy's fencing sword was shining brightly, and it hit Sauron's magic sword!
This is the No.1 of the pros and cons, the first head-on collision!
A series of shock waves symbolizing destruction emanated from the center where the two swords collided to the surroundings, full of impact!

Some elves who got too close were affected by the shock wave, screamed, and suddenly there was no bones left!

Gandalf staggered back a step, a trace of paleness flashed across his old face.

Sauron's full blow is equivalent to the power of a demigod, even if he is promoted to the head of Maya, it will not be easy.

And Sauron was also hit by the divine grace of the enemy's fencing sword, the black air was dissipated by the lightning strike, and the injury was not light.

Du Yu was at ease, holding Galadriel and Arwen in his arms, and said to Legolas with a smile, "Hurry up and place your bet. I bet Sauron will win, 100 gold coins."

Galadriel, Legolas, and Arwen were speechless at the same time.

What do you say about this man?

To say that he is unscrupulous, at the critical moment, he was so righteous and awe-inspiring, and completed the great cause of revenge for his relative, the Elf King.All three of them could see clearly that Sima Yi's soul had been destroyed.At this time, the one who controlled Sima Yi's body was Sauron's Demon God.

To say that he is serious, but at this time, he is full of flamboyant words, and all the salty pig hands are coming up.

I saw that the Lord of the Rings was between Sauron and Gandalf, and Gollum came and went, but was remotely controlled by the two evenly matched parties, and it was impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

Aragorn and the Nazgul both tried to intervene between the two demigod-level powerhouses to snatch the Lord of the Rings, but they were unsuccessful.A ring spirit got too close, and was injured by the light of the enemy's fencing sword, and flew to one side with a mournful howl.

The two sides formed a tendency to exchange for consumption.

Du Yu crossed his legs and sat leisurely on the stone beside him. While summoning Yilin to give him various status benefits, he flirted with Galadriel and Arwen.

"I heard that God gave you the chance of eternal life, why don't you go?"

"It's not because of you." Arwen squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth with a livid face.As long as she sees Du Yu's tired and rascal appearance, she can't wait to deal with him severely.

"Because of me?" Du Yu looked innocent.

"If it wasn't for you, Galadriel would have returned to the Continent of Gods long ago, and I also married Aragorn," Arwen said disdainfully.

"Did I prevent you from going back again?" Du Yu asked strangely.

"Stop talking about Arwen." Galadriel smiled slightly and bowed down: "It was you who avenged my husband Celeborn. According to my previous oath, from now on, I am yours. You You can order me to do anything."

This fairy queen, who was as beautiful as a fairy, was graceful and charming. She opened her mouth lightly and said the three words "anything", which immediately made someone's heart fascinated, and she didn't know where to go.

Arwen looked at Du Yu with a slobbering look on his face, looked at Galadriel, and said angrily: "You man, Galadriel is only being polite to you out of an oath, so don't be presumptuous. If you are sentimental, you will be wrong."

Du Yu chuckled, and before he could speak, Galadriel said seriously: "No! Arwen. What I said was never a joke. This time it involves my personal reputation and destiny, and it's not a joke. .I will faithfully follow Mr. Ge Lima and become his man until my life burns out and I return to the sacred tree."

"Why?" Arwen lost her voice: "Even if the gods abandoned the Middle-earth elves, we may not be unable to survive. Why must we follow this person and leave here?"

Galadriel stroked Arwen's beautiful black hair like a waterfall, and said gently: "Arwen, this upheaval has made me see my true heart clearly. It turns out that although I have lived a peaceful life for 3000 years, On the surface, I longed to return to Amanzhou, where there is neither wind nor rain. But the arrival of Ge Lima made me really understand my true self. It turns out that in my bones, I was still the girl when I was unwilling to be lonely. Not reconciled to the life prescribed by the gods, the elves who travel across the ocean and go on adventures! Now that Celeborn has returned to the embrace of nature, and I have succeeded in avenging him again, it is time for me to be self-willed, follow the call of my heart, and go to adventure. Oath It's just part of the reason why I am loyal to this person! You stay, lead the elves of Rivendell, and return to the land of gods."

Du Yu received a space reminder.

"The elven leader of Middle-earth, Queen Galadriel, has applied to you to be your woman, and is willing to serve and protect you forever. [Looting the Queen] The villain mission has been completed again! According to the strength evaluation of the elven queen, you have obtained 10000 villain points award"

"To buy the Elven Queen, you need to pay 15000 villains. Do you agree?"

Du Yu's heart was bleeding.

This is the most expensive heroine he has ever purchased, bar none!

But consider Galadriel's worth and status.

Rose Lorraine's only lord.

Queen of the elves of Middle-earth.

Has 3000 years of magic cultivation.

The guardian of Nanya, the Ring of Water.

It can be called a spirit-like existence!

Any one of the above titles is enough to bluff people.It's like an elite resume, as the owner, if you don't pay a sky-high transfer fee of 15000 villain value, you will be ashamed to face his calm and joyful face!

This is not counting the perfect figure and beauty of the elf queen.

As soon as Du Yu got [-] survival points, he immediately spent [-], but the money was worth it!
"You have successfully recovered Galadriel, Queen of the Elves."

"Galadriel: strength evaluation A-level. Queen of elves. Strength 56, agility 219, stamina 104, magic power 436, intelligence 456, charisma 236"

Power of Weather: [Sacred Tree Weather] Greatly increases the power of Galadriel's natural spells.

[Natural Magic] LEVEL 9: Including wood and all natural magic.

[Water Magic] LEVEL 8: Proficient in healing techniques.

[Protection against magic] LEVEL8.Proficient in protective magic.

[Planting Technique] LEVEL 8.Proficient in growing trees and plants.

[Ent Summon] LEVEL8.Melon Tree Ents can be summoned, but must be planted first.

[The Art of Charm] LEVEL 8.The elf queen's extraordinary charm can convince many people.


[Water Ring Nanya]: Three rings of elves, strong protection and healing.

[Golden Mellon Tree Carriage]: Defense 1200, priority 60, HP 5.

[Mirror of Galadriel]: Predict the future, cast once every 10 days.

Seeing this series of introductions, Du Yu was really elated.

15000 villain value, it's too worth it.

Du Yu laughed triumphantly, the income in this world is really rich!
Don't forget, Sima Yi's remnant soul is still imprisoned in the Summoning Tower, waiting to be excavated and extracted by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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