Chapter 1007 The prince is sworn in!Lord of the Rings Upheaval! - Thanks Lai Basheng!
——The previous chapter was dedicated to the new leader Xinglian Fanchen, and this chapter is dedicated to the boss Li Basheng! ——

Legolas immediately stepped forward and bowed deeply: "You have avenged my father, please allow me to pay respects to you on his behalf. And accept me as your warrior until death comes."

Du Yu took a deep breath, and grabbed Legolas's hand: "Xiao Lai, don't do this. To be honest, when I saw you, I fell in love at first sight. It's love at first sight, no, it's love at first sight! Look! I won’t even be able to talk when I get such a close friend like you. Which one of our brothers is with whom? What’s more, thank you.”

When Legolas heard Du Yu's words, his expression turned cold, and he pulled out a snow-white elf dagger suddenly.

Du Yu turned pale with shock, he had something to discuss

Legolas pointed the dagger at his own neck, and said seriously: "If you force me to violate my sacred oath, I will die in front of you and fulfill my promise with blood!"

Du Yu was speechless for a while when he saw the Arrow God, who was crying and threatening his life and wanted to join him.

Is this the legendary Shou Xiaodi?

I haven't let out my bastard spirit yet, and the elf prince pounced on me like this?

However, the reasons given by Legolas, word by word, were extremely sufficient.

"We elves value the oath of promise more than our own life. You avenged the blood of my father, King Thranduil, and you are my master!" The elf prince resolutely said: "This oath can only be broken by my death. .”

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

Yang Guo walked up and smiled and said, "Brother, I think Legolas Luye is a man who keeps his word, much better than that of Aragorn. Why don't you find a weather for him so that he can leave this world and be with our brothers?" Wouldn't it be nice to gallop around the city together?"

It has to be said that the charm of Legolas kills both men and women.Yang Guo, who seemed to have always been proud, was moved by his sincerity and combat skills, and persuaded Du Yu to accept him.

Du Yu thought for a while and said: "Well, Luye, from now on, I will accept you as a person. But you are not my slave! Let me say it again, we are brothers, friends of life and death. If you trust me, then go like this Do it. If you insist on being my slave, then forgive me for not accepting you."

Legolas Greenleaf's perfectly curved face was finally moved.

With his archery and martial arts, who in the world would not want to have it?

However, when he sincerely paid his respects, the man in front of him was only willing to be a brother, but he didn't want to be a slave himself.

The difference is so big, in the eyes of Legolas, it is simply unbelievable!

But no one wants to be a slave, least of all a proud elf.What's more, Legolas is still an elf prince?
Even though he was bound by the oath and became a slave today, it is hard to guarantee that Legolas will feel so good in his heart.

But Du Yu gave him the greatest respect.

Legolas looked at Yang Guo beside Du Yu, he knew that it was Du Yu's second brother.

Birds of a feather flock together.

With a bold second brother like Yang Guo, although Du Yu's elder brother has a wretched face (Du Yu burst into tears), his heart must not be so bad, let alone Queen Galadriel, who is also going there together?

Legolas finally nodded: "If that's the case, I'll call you Big Brother, Second Brother."

He imitated Yang Guo's clasped fist gesture and saluted Du Yu and Yang Guo.

Du Yu and Yang Guo looked at each other and laughed.

Today, I got another beauty and a general, how can I be unhappy?

"Hou family, your difficult day has come." Du Yu patted Legolas on the shoulder, feeling extremely satisfied, looking forward to Zixiong.

His subordinates are already full of talents, which are worthy of great use.

Of course, for Legolas to go to the bloody city, he still needs to kill an adventurer and seize the weather.But besides Sima Yi, there are plenty of adventurers to kill, so Du Yu is afraid that there will be no one?
The last Arwen hesitated.

Although she had a complete falling out with Aragorn, she still hesitated to serve Du Yu together with Galadriel.

The arrogance of the elf princess.

But after the death of King Elrond, Galadriel was her only relative in this world.She wants to follow Du Yu and leave herself in this cold world?
Originally, Aragorn could comfort his heart, but after seeing through his greedy nature, Arwen felt that the emperor was disgusting, and never wanted to stay with him again.

The only choice is to go with Galadriel and Legolas.

She pursed her mouth, stared at Du Yu with her beautiful eyes, and said, "I, I want to go too!"

"Ah?" Du Yu was stunned.

Although it is said that Arwen's beauty is not inferior to Galadriel's at all, and has the advantage of being young, but Du Yu usually only thinks about it, and never really plans to capture Arwen.

After all, Sima Yi put a lot of pressure on him before, and he didn't have the heart to attract others.

But Arwen took the initiative to vote, what is the situation?
Arwen is actually a gentle character, but Galadriel is even more gentle, so in order not to let her relatives suffer, she reluctantly played the role of black face.

"Hey, I mean I want to act with Galadriel." Arwen finally blushed and stamped her feet.That look is cute like a deer.

Du Yu was discussing the details with Arwen, but he was caught off guard. During the confrontation between Gandalf and Sauron, there was a drastic change!

A drastic change that no one expected!
The Supreme Lord of the Rings, which was rolling here and there, did not know where it should be rolled, but was snatched away by a ghostly gray shadow that was as fast as lightning, and Gandalf and Sauron looked at each other!
It was really taken away abruptly.

Sauron was furious!
6 to 7% of his all-powerful powers are on the Supreme Lord of the Rings.The so-called risk and return coexist.He Sauron can forge the Supreme Lord of the Rings that can imprison 20 Lord of the Rings, and he has to pay most of his skills as a price!

But this ghost shadow dared to play tricks in front of him and took away the Supreme Lord of the Rings. How could Sauron not be angry?
With sharp eyes and quick hands, Du Yu saw the true face of the gray shadow at a glance, and smiled: "So it's you."

The gray shadow hugged the Lord of the Rings, its eyes were shining brightly, and its mouth was drooling, as if the beloved had returned to itself, and murmured: "My lovely baby, you belong to me."

This monster was only over one meter tall, with a stooped back, even shorter than Pippin next to Wen.He was skinny and pale, from lack of nourishment and sunlight.Only those big, round, greedy eyes, even in this daytime, give people the meaning of endless madness!
This is Gollum!

In the Lord of the Rings, the person who is obsessed with the Supreme Lord of the Rings to death.

He has owned the Supreme Lord of the Rings for 500 years, but the Supreme Lord of the Rings was so fed up with this Gollum who had neither strength nor seductive value, he took advantage of the opportunity of Bilbo Baggins to come to the cave, and jumped ship himself!

Gollum lost his soul immediately, and tracked the Supreme Lord of the Rings all the way until now.

He even followed the Fellowship of the Ring across half of the Misty Mountains.

The reason why they arrived late was that the Fellowship of the Ring took the Wind King Guan He and went straight through the misty mountains in winter.But Gollum was so poor that he had no money to build an airplane, so he had to walk over with his legs.The poor child was already malnourished, and after traveling day and night, he looked skinny and bony.

But at this moment with the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his hand, his eyes are shining, as if he owns the whole world.

But the Supreme Lord of the Rings kept making noises, obviously impatient with Wu Dalang's obsession!

My old lady is about to vote for the high officials of Ximen, what are you short and poor, what are you doing here?
It really wanted to cast the curse of the ring immediately, so that this Gollum would die.

Gollum laughed strangely, put the Lord of the Rings in his arms, and used all four limbs to move quickly on the rocks, as if he was about to escape.

Now, not to mention Sauron, even Gandalf and Aragorn couldn't bear it.

You are a stinking little monster, and if you don't say hello, you want to take the Supreme Lord of the Rings?Take us for what?Are you being taken advantage of?

Sauron was even more anxious.

After Gandalf was promoted to the white robe, his strength increased tenfold, which was enough to compete with Sauron for a short time.And Sauron had just captured Sima Yi, and he couldn't use his full strength. After coming and going, he was stopped here by Gandalf and failed to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

He screamed.

A ring spirit, ignoring the rushing shots of the elves on the ground, swooped down and rushed towards Gollum who was moving like a monkey among the rocks.

Gollum is truly a legendary monster.During the long 500 years of imprisonment in the Lord of the Rings, he was a mere halfling, if he didn't have two life-saving skills, he would have been swallowed up by all the great gods!

Seeing the Nazgul swooping down, he screamed and dodged behind a jagged and sharp strange rock.Although the ring spirit is made of steel and iron, he is also afraid that this kind of rock that can easily pierce his belly will pass by in a flash.

Du Yu laughed out loud.

He did not covet Sima Yi as much as Sima Yi for the Supreme Lord of the Rings.Of course, I don’t want to be a fake when it comes to S-level treasures, but after the tragic experience of Frodo and Sima Yi, Du Yu is more aware that when Sauron is still alive, the chances of trying to possess the Lord of the Rings will be higher. What a cruel backlash!

Today, Sauron and Gandalf are basically tied.If the Supreme Lord of the Rings is taken away by Gollum, it will be beneficial for two dogs to bite dogs. Du Yu is very happy to see the result.

Gollum dodged the attack of the Ringwraith, his eyes lit up immediately, and he was about to jump off the 500-meter boulder with all four limbs together and rush towards the towering mountain on the left.Once he successfully escaped into the mountains, with this fellow's [-] years of escape experience and his iron determination to defend the Lord of the Rings, even if Sauron wanted to catch him, it would not be so easy.

Sauron and Gandalf were of course not reconciled.Especially Sauron, the Supreme Lord of the Rings was about to fall into his hands, but he lost it again.

But Gandalf seized the opportunity, and the enemy's fencing sword struck Sauron's lower rib with lightning!
This is not only a different mentality.Sauron is taking back his own things, but Gandalf wants to cast down demons first!

Sauron was also amazing, the black-smelling magic sword blocked one move, and Gandalf's deadly sword could not be blocked in time.

(End of this chapter)

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