Chapter 1008 Settle accounts after autumn, kill and chase the enemy madly! - Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch!
The color of the world changed, and lightning and thunder poured into the enemy's fencing, causing even more terrifying blows to Sauron!

Sauron wailed in pain, and the sound shook the whole field.

Seeing Aragorn's power, Gandalf's meritorious deeds, and the cooperation of the two to kill Sauron so embarrassingly, Du Yu couldn't help but stop molesting the three beauties, staring at the attack of the two, and meditated.

Right now, he wants to complete the final mission of the villain and leave this world safely with the beauties and fierce generals.

Whether it is Sauron, Saruman, or Gandalf, they are all his enemies.

Of course, Kitanonan, Feng Ru, Priest of the Flame God and others who gathered on one side in panic and bewilderment are no longer a cause for concern.If it weren't for Sauron and Gandalf watching over him, Du Yu would have killed them all.

The most beneficial outcome for Du Yu is that several parties will fight to the death, and Du Yu will become a praying mantis, an oriole, and pick up the fallen peaches.

But how to achieve it depends on how Du Yu plays his cards.

Just now, he kicked the Supreme Lord of the Rings away with his beautiful hand, which caused a conflict between Gandalf and Sauron, while he stayed out of the matter and watched from the sidelines.

What should I do now?
Du Yu pondered for a moment, then came to a conclusion.

Both lose.

You must let Gandalf, Aragorn, and Sauron be defeated and exhausted, so that you can deal with them severely!

Seeing that the battle outside at this moment would not end for a while, Du Yu stood up and winked.

Yang Guo, Legolas, Galadriel, Arwen and the others immediately turned their eyes of hatred on Bei Yenan and the others who were sneaking away.

To say that these people are unlucky enough.

When Sima Yi was in glory, they just drank some soup, and they did all the bad things, offending Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen and others to death!

Now, when Sima Yi was executed, the weather was devoured by Du Yu and became the food of the dragon and wolf weather. Even the remnants of his soul were imprisoned in the Imprisoning Soul Tower and suffered various tortures.These people immediately became a few pieces of fat rewarded by Du Yu to his lover and brother!

Why didn't they escape just now?
Because when Sima Yi was still alive, they had been expecting Sima Yi to kill Du Yu and others, and they even planned to share dividends. But in a blink of an eye, Sima Yi was defeated and died. Before they escaped in time, they were caught by Du Yu. Yes, wolf-eyed beauties have already been dispatched to faintly surround it.

After many battles, only 15 of these once powerful inner city teams were dead.But even so, Du Yu never underestimated him.

The big waves wash the sand, these adventurers who can survive to the present are the backbone of the assassination this time.The strength should not be underestimated.

Receiving Du Yu's order to launch an attack, Legolas snorted coldly, and the golden Merlon tree bow was straightened, and the ground collapsed, and a long arrow had firmly nailed a magician who was trying to cast a spell to escape. superior!
The magician is one of the cultists, and he is very experienced in using the teleportation technique of the flame god. Unexpectedly, the elf prince pierces his heart and lungs with an arrow from a thousand meters away!
The flame shield he had placed beside him only had time to resist it before it was broken through by Legolas' dark forest long arrow with endless superb archery skills and anger!
But thanks to the amazingly protective flame shield, more than half of the 34-foot long arrow was burned before it shot into his heart and lungs.If not, this arrow is enough to kill him.

Galadriel's beautiful eyes were cold, and with a teleportation technique, she came in front of Kitano Minan in an instant.

Kitano Minami's pupils instantly shrank.

Of course she knew how powerful this elf queen was, a legendary existence comparable to a giant dragon like Smaug.Although she was not close to Sauron and Saruman, she was definitely not something that a strong inner city like her could surpass.

In fact, if it weren't for Sima Yi's ingenious plan to flood the Seventh Army, they would never have dared to provoke the existence of such a series as the Three Great Elf Kings.Every elf king and the elf kingdom behind it are enough to make a team of adventurers in the inner city die without a place to die.

From this, on the contrary, the role of intellectual warfare can be seen.An unpredictable master of intellectual warfare can use the hole cards in his hand to play several times, dozens of times, and reap great benefits in a certain world.

But once Sima Yi died, these guys who had been so famous immediately became the best targets for the elves to vent their anger.

"You have killed countless of my subjects and warriors." Galadriel flicked her finger lightly.

The magic of the Elf Queen formed five water columns, which appeared beside Kitanonan like a giant python, attacking Kitanonan's head and limbs respectively.

Once entangled, Bei Ye Nan will die without a place to bury him.

However, Bei Ye Nan is not just a vase with only her face. At the time of life and death, she burst out with amazing combat power and speed. A spiderman's silk thread ejected from her left hand, stuck to a big tree, and fled to the mountain like a big bird. forest in between.

"Forest?" Galadriel smiled coldly, and followed Kitanomin's footsteps into the forest step by step.

To fight in the forest, even Gandalf at this moment dare not say that he can beat Galadriel!
Don't forget, Galadriel is the Queen of Elves!
And Legolas, at this time, had already confronted Feng Ru, the leader of the dead.

Holding a pair of daggers, Feng Ru was as light as a swallow, as ghostly as a ghost, and could even make many movements that ordinary people could not do at all, and fought fiercely with Legolas.

His moves are incomparably vicious, teasing, stabbing, biting, and poking, he does everything he can.The most astonishing thing is that many of his moves are basically anti-joint skills. If ordinary people do it, they will definitely end up with torn ligaments and dislocated joints.

In fact, if the bones in your body are removed, only supporting alloy steel columns and culture fluid are left, you can also perform anti-joint movements!

This is the case for Feng Ru, his body has undergone a complete biochemical transformation, only the bone-like alloy support, plus culture fluid and fillers.Not only is there no joint and muscle restraint, but it is also infinitely powerful, and the moves are vicious and unexpected.

Even though he was famous for his agility, Legolas could only play very cautiously, and fought against Feng Ru, who was like a poisonous snake.

Arwen's opponent is the priest of the fire god.

The Ring of Qi in her hand can form various gusts, wind blades, and hurricane skills. With Arwen's own good magic skills, it is more than enough to protect herself.

And the priest of the fire god roared angrily!
He has always been hiding his strength under the shadow of Sima Yi.

But at the moment of life and death, he impressively showed the terrifying ability to become a leader in the dark council.

A stream of flames shot out from his eyes, nostrils, and ears.

Eyeballs, tongue, lips and other human organs are burnt dry, carbonized, peeled off in a few seconds, and go with the wind!

Arwen screamed in fright!
The image of this flame god priest is indeed appalling. Flames are spraying everywhere on the black lacquered skull. In the evil hollow eye sockets, there are only two blue magic flames left, staring at Arwen. From time to time, White Fang's big mouth let out wild laughter.His body was also on fire, just like a Balrog crawling out of the Nine Nether Abyss.

"This is the untold secret of my Flame God Cult - the incarnation of the Balrog. Although it cannot be compared with the strength of the Balrog in the era of Morgoth, it is not a problem to exert 3-4% of the power of the Balrog within the effective time Get down!" The priest of the flame god, who was burned into a skeleton, twisted his neck, made a rattling sound, and approached Arwen step by step with a grin.

Arwen took a step back, but was surrounded by a pair of powerful arms from behind.

She exclaimed, and when she looked back, it was Du Yu.

He hated Du Yu very much before, but on this battlefield, Arwen has unlimited trust in Du Yu.

It was probably because when Du Yu killed Sima Yi earlier, the elf princess was also heartbroken by the rebellious and self-seeking aura.

"Don't be afraid of him." Du Yu said with a smile: "Look at Galadriel and Legolas, they are holding down their enemies and crushing them to death. You are the daughter of King Elrond. When you avenge your father Here it comes. This guy is also an accomplice in killing your father."

Hearing the word revenge, for some reason, Arwen suddenly felt that the Priest of the Fire God in front of him was no longer ferocious and terrifying, but rather abominable!

"I'm going to kill you!" Arwen held up the Ring of Qi, and rushed towards the Priest of the Fire God with a series of wind blades.

Du Yu was grinning as he swept aside, protecting Arwen, who was inexperienced in combat.

At this time, the other adventurers in the inner city had already been stopped by beauties such as Iowen, Xiaolongnv, Ning Zhongze, Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Yilin, etc., and there was a lot of killing noise.

Du Yu, the size of the beauty team at this time, even one-on-one seems rich, and there will inevitably be a situation where two women beat one enemy.Faced with this situation, Du Yu could only feel refreshed.

look!Lao Tzu's women can beat you in groups.

In order to keep it strictly confidential, beauties don't have many chances to fight, so they cherish it.These inner city adventurers showed off their power all the way, chasing and killing Du Yu and Catherine, and the girls were already full of anger.At this time, it is natural to settle accounts.

Galadriel's water dragon magic erupted deep in the dense forest, and Kitanonan's screams were heard immediately.

Du Yu smiled slightly and sighed, "I don't know what to think about fighting the elf queen in the dense forest."

Not long after, Galadriel's graceful figure reappeared outside the dense forest. Behind her, Bei Ye Nan was trapped by five powerful water dragons, her hands, ankles, and neck were tightly trapped, and she was bruised and sent back involuntarily. .

On the other side, it didn't take long, Legolas looked solemn, and carried a "person" whose body was already shriveled, walked back and forth, and threw it on the ground.When Du Yu saw it, it turned out to be Feng Ru, the leader of the dead soldiers whose skin was riddled with holes.

Feng Ru was also unlucky. He originally had flying skills and a flying machine, but in front of Legolas, the result of gliding arrogantly was that he turned into a hedgehog and fell from the sky.This is the result of falling and landing on the face.It is estimated that he did not die on the spot, because the elf prince was extra merciful.

(End of this chapter)

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