Chapter 1009 Tragic fate!Biochemical blood and tears! - Dedicated to Yuan Hongkai

The ant crushing the elephant boss is going crazy.Then I will accompany him too, today is the 25th update.I wish Yuan Hongkai a happy full moon and a long life!
But even so, Feng Ru, who had lost 80% of the culture fluid, turned his eyes white and fell into a coma.His own fighting power is actually very strong.Even if Yang went after him in the past, he might not be able to do better than Legolas.

Du Yu looked at Feng Ru who was in a severe coma, and skillfully opened Feng Ru's back.He had fought fiercely with the biochemical people of the Hou family several times. Knowing their body structure, he found a bottle of stored nutrient solution and gave it to Feng Ru'an.

Feng Ru's complexion gradually returned to rosy, and her shriveled body gradually returned to normal. He opened his eyes, glanced at Du Yu gratefully, but knelt quietly on the ground without saying a word.

Not long after, the battles in various places also ended one after another.Without exception, Du Yu's beauty team won the duel, and more than a dozen adventurers in the inner city were captured one by one.But they all had dissatisfaction on their faces.

"Relying on more to win, what kind of a hero?"

"Du Yu! If you have the ability, you can fight me one-on-one!"

"I don't agree!"

Looking at these enemies who had been kicked to the ground, but looked arrogant, Du Yu snorted coldly from his nostrils.

"More wins? I remember that when Sima Yi led you to besiege Catherine in Baicheng, facing a pregnant and weak woman, you seemed to be chasing and killing a weak woman happily and fiercely, right? I can't see what heroes you have. Complex?"

Kitano Nan, who was caught by Galadriel, opened his eyes and screamed, "Du Yu! If you are still a man, give me a fair chance to fight. What kind of skill is bullying a woman?"

Li Mochou's eyes flickered, she stepped forward and slapped her left and right, making Bei Yenan's cheeks red and swollen.Fairy Chilian sneered, "Woman? You have the audacity to call yourself a woman? The man you slept with, no, it's the race you slept with, can you beat 100?"

Bei Yenan immediately put on a pitiful look, and complained: "Although I seem to be very open, but I was really forced by them. The boss of the Black Dragon Society forced me to accompany the guests. I am a weak woman and can't help myself"

"Pfft!" Someone sneered and said, "Then, poor Meili, you were also captured and forced to do things? You shameless bitch, who doesn't even let the aliens go, and still pretends to be innocent?"

Hearing Merry's name, Pippin let out a scream, rushed forward filled with righteous indignation, and beat Bei Yenan violently: "You don't even spare us hobbits, are you still human?"

While dodging, Kitano Minami looked at the whistleblower with resentment.

But now that they have fallen to this point, these whistleblowers naturally don't want to see Kitano Nan once again displaying his majestic skills and seducing Du Yu successfully. The so-called dead friends are not dead and poor, it is best for everyone to have bad luck together!

So, this person simply continued to expose the truth, and maybe he could get a little mercy from the enemy: "Boss Du Yu, don't believe this woman's lies. She is the intelligence leader of the Black Dragon Society, and she uses the power of the Black Dragon Society to seduce her everywhere. Men, even aliens and aliens. Look at her alien tail whip! Her greatest specialty is that she can absorb male body fluids, analyze DNA, and use it to recombine her own DNA. Tsk tsk tsk, if you have a good appetite Even this kind of woman can be eaten, my brother can only be amazed."

Hearing that all the truth was kicked out, Bei Ye Nan's pitiful, pure and moving image immediately collapsed, and even Li Mochou took two steps back in disgust, as if she was afraid that Bei Ye Nan, who was genetically accomplished in various races, would pollute herself.

Bei Yenan immediately burst into veins, and grew a pair of sharp teeth like a poisonous snake, roaring: "Hou Jie! You bastard, do you want to betray your teammates?"

This Hou Jie was a short-haired, sharp, and shrewd young man, and immediately knelt down on the ground and bowed to Du Yu: "Boss Du Yu, I dare not pray for your life, but I need to provide you with some information. It's up to you to decide whether or not I should live this rotten life."

Du Yu walked up to Hou Jie slowly, and said with a smile, "Are you also a biochemical person?"

Hou Jie lowered his head and sighed, "Yes! That's it."

"Get up first," Du Yu said calmly.

Hou Jie stood up respectfully.

"I know that you dead soldiers, as lackeys of the Hou's mansion, even hold the soul of the weather in the hands of the God General Hou. Why did you choose to seek refuge with me?" Du Yu glanced at him, lying on the ground like a dead dog with ashes on his face. Feng Ru, who was silent.

Hou Jie sighed and said: "In order to train a truly fearless army, Hou Shen will use the evil biochemical technology of the Japanese to carry out biochemical transformation on the desperate adventurers recruited. Those of us, either In space, with nowhere to live, not even being able to support relatives, or having provoked a powerful force that cannot be offended, and dying, or committing a serious crime by the court and being sent to death row, there are all kinds of helplessness.”

Hearing this, Feng Rulao burst into tears and turned his head to one side, it seemed that being a biochemical person was not his original intention.

Yes, if there is a way to survive, who is willing to risk his life and give his life and soul to others?In exchange for a little poor resources.

Hou Jie closed his eyes, Du Wan saw his fists clenched and his body trembling.

When he opened his eyes again, he calmly said: "I met her in the space. My girlfriend. Before that, I was just wandering around in the space, entering the mission, desperately, returning, going to bars, getting drunk, and then entering the mission. Her appearance gave me the hope of living."

He didn't mention his name, but the look in his eyes, everyone knows that it must be his unforgettable lover.

"But after I got on good terms with her, I realized how poor I am." Hou Jie's voice dropped.

"The teams we two belong to are both small teams, and our strength is very low. Every time we go to the world, it is not easy to barely come back, let alone protect her." Hou Jie clenched his fists.

"But she never blamed me for my incompetence. Every time she came back, she would cook a good meal, and then we would be entangled with each other heartlessly. Kiss, do, sleep, and do nothing else" Hou Jie's voice trembled: "Only when I sleep with her, I feel that I am a human being and alive."

"And then?" Xiao Longnv's arm was firmly wrapped around Du Yu's, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Finally" Hou Jie let out a wry smile: "The one who should come has finally come. Her team was coveted by powerful forces in the plot world and was wiped out by the group. She was captured as a prisoner and suffered all kinds of humiliation. When she returned to the plot city, She is already dying, but those beasts still want to take her as a trophy and openly sell her in the square!"

"I rushed over madly, only to see her bruised face in the crowd. I don't care if she is defiled! No matter how many people defile her, she will always be my beloved woman!" Hou Jie became excited , roaring.

"But I can't get enough survival points to buy her!" Hou Jie covered his face and cried.

It is said that men do not cry easily.

But Du Yu turned his face away.

This is definitely not news in space, in the bloody city.

In a slum full of sewage and crime, this kind of thing happens every day, every hour, every moment.As for the girl's previous love with Hou Jie, it was like Saint Seiya. The love between Ikki who entered the Island of Hate and Esmeralda was as pure as a small white flower and as beautiful as a dream, but it couldn't stand the bloody storm. Destroy!

When Du Yu first entered the city, wasn't he always in fear, with powerful enemies all around him?

"People from the Hou family are here." Hou Jie said in a low voice, "They bought my woman without even looking at it."

"I heard people from the Hou family whispering that they were going to use these slaves to do experiments, and I went crazy." Hou Jie clenched his fists: "I chased after the housekeeper of the Hou family and asked me to replace her!"

"What happened to her afterwards?" Du Yu asked.

"She became one of Hou Xiaobai's four bed-warming maids. In order to be with me," Hou Jie said with a sad smile, "I underwent biochemical transformation and became this half-dead person."

"Aren't you afraid that Hou Xiaobai will activate your self-destruction program when you tell so many inside stories?" Du Yu knew many inside stories about biochemical people.

Hou Jie took a deep breath and said, "Because I pay attention to observation, I am self-taught, and I figured out some principles of biochemical transformation, and I disarmed the self-explosion system!"

Hearing this sentence, Feng Ru turned her head in an instant, and said Hou Xiaobai's very frightened and angry voice: "Hou Jie! How dare you betray me. I will kill Bai Jing tonight!"

It can be seen that Hou Xiaobai has been observing the battle situation through Feng Ru's eyes.

"Bai Jing is dead!" Hou Jie laughed like crazy: "You, the young master who sleeps in flowers and sleeps in willows, don't you know? Before this mission, she said that she was drunk by you, and she let a few Cyborg, X in front of your eyes, you are still drinking and having fun, laughing. She has had enough of this kind of life of being inferior to a ghost and being humiliated, she committed suicide in my arms and in front of my eyes!"

"Hou Xiaobai!" Hou Jie said like a mad tiger, "You have killed my beloved woman. I have lost everything! So, I want revenge! Even if I die, I want revenge!"

Hou Xiaobai's voice on the opposite side disappeared, but Feng Ru's eyeballs became more and more bulging, like an inflated balloon.

Hou Jie hurriedly said: "Let's go. Hou Xiaobai started the self-destruct procedure!"

Du Yu rushed forward and kicked Feng Ru high into the air.

Feng Ru let out a miserable howl in mid-air, cursing: "Hou Xiaobai, I'll fuck you!"

A tragic explosion happened immediately.

As expected, this cyborg has no human rights at all. Not only does he have to complete difficult tasks, but he also has to face the fate of being cannon fodder and abandoned children at any time. No wonder no one is willing to do it until the last moment.

The earth-shattering explosion did not hurt Du Yu and others.

Hou Jie quickly found the remaining two biochemicals in the crowd, and Du Yu ordered Yang Guo to take them away so that Hou Xiaobai would not start the explosion again and hurt people.

After some tossing, the situation stabilized, and Du Yu ordered Shi Feixuan and others to bring all the captives this time to the heart of the castle and lock them up tightly.Even Hou Jie, who just surrendered, is no exception, to prevent variables.

(End of this chapter)

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