Chapter 1018 Dark Soul Stone, Recover Sauron's Soul! -15 ask for a monthly pass!

This grand formation, painstakingly obtained from the Quanzhen Sect of the Condor World, has been further improved through continuous transformation by various beauties and famous masters, and has even broken through the upper limit of the level 5 skills of the Tibetan Tantric masters.The current skill limit has been raised to level 8!
The priority of this skill has also risen accordingly.Du Yu has invested tens of thousands of villain points in this skill, and now it is blooming and bearing fruit, but it is very rewarding.

As for the power of the skills, it depends on the skill levels of the seven people who make up the formation.Du Yu's skill has been trained to level 7 by him, but the one who is best at the formation is Xiaolongnv. She is also the leader of the Yang formation at the moment, leading the fierce battle with Sauron.

Sauron firmly ate Serena who was lurking in the distance, hit him with a sniper bullet, and hit him so black that he almost collapsed from his horse. The power of the palm finally blasted the Demon God from Najaf's body!

Before Sauron landed on the ground, Li Mochou's life-threatening whisk gathered supreme power, wrapped in the magic power of the immortal family, and struck down from the sky!
Although Li Mochou's own internal strength is not enough in front of Sauron, the Tiangang Beidou Formation + Esoteric Internal Strength Chain Skill can transmit all the internal forces of the other six people in this formation to a certain proportion!
Who are these six people?

Tianshu Xiaolongnv, Tianxuan Master Concubine Xuan, Tianji Wanwan, Tianquan Du Yu, the four formed the leader!

Yuheng, Zhou Zhiruo, Kaiyang Ningzhongze, and Li Mochou occupying the position of Yaoguang, the three of them form a bucket handle.

When facing Sauron, only one palm is thrown, and the other palm is placed on the shoulder of the person beside him. The internal forces of the seven people are connected and become one. The small ones use them to fight together, and they can be used in battle formations.When Sauron came to attack, the one who bears the brunt from the front didn't need to use all his strength to parry, but his companions flanked him and counterattacked. It was like one person with multiple martial arts skills, it was truly unstoppable.

Facing such a shameless lineup, what else can Sauron say?
He was finally exhausted, but Li Mochou caught the opening and hit the helmet with his life-threatening fly whisk!

The god's heavy helmet was immediately smashed into twists by the life-threatening whisk, and flew into the air!
The head of Sima Yi, who was seized by Sauron, was exposed.

But at this time, Sima Yi was completely out of human form, and a large amount of devilish energy was continuously flowing out from the seven orifices, like a devil crawling out of the abyss!

"What exactly do you want?" Sima Yi opened his mouth, but pleaded.

"Sucked into the soul stone by me!" Du Yu soared into the sky.

He was in the Big Dipper Formation of Tiangang, and he was blessed with some of the cultivation bases of the other six people. How could Sauron, who was exhausted, be able to resist that power?
Before Sauron could raise his shield in time, he saw Du Yu rushing forward with his wonderful strides.

A trace of despair suddenly rose in his heart.

Because Du Yu took out a blood-red gemstone like lightning and stabbed him on the forehead!

Dark Soul Stone!
A space treasure dedicated to imprisoning demon gods!
The 7 Great Dark Demon Gods have been imprisoned!
Sauron instinctively felt a deadly threat coming!

In the past thousands of years, even if he lost two battles, he has never been so desperate.

Because no matter how miserable the loss is, as long as Sauron is given a little time, he will be a hero again!
But the dark soul stone can be regarded as the deadly nemesis of his immortal soul.

Don't sentence me to death, but sentence you to life!
At the juncture of life and death, Sauron let out an angry roar, and unexpectedly broke away from Sima Yi's body, and a black air soared straight up, rushing towards the sky.

He wants to escape back to the Doom Mountains!

As long as Du Yu escapes these hateful enemies, he will definitely send magic troops to attack them.

Anyway, there is no shortage of dirty and filthy dark creatures on the mainland, and they all obey Sauron's command. As long as Sauron can provide them with food, they can drive these guys to fight.

If you don't believe me, Du Yu refuses to accept it.

It's a pity that Du Yu would never give Sauron a chance to escape.

"Doomsday magic power!" Du Yu raised the Doomsday Blade, and it disappeared in a flash.

His figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the wings transformed into Nascent Soul stayed in the air coldly, staring down at the soul of the Sauron Demon God who was rushing towards him.

Sauron's demon god soul, looking at Du Yu's celestial powers in despair, howled fiercely: "Please! Don't! I am willing to surrender!"

His screams continued, but what he met was Du Yu's cold and heartless eyes!

"Take it!" Du Yu coldly sacrificed the dark soul stone, and threw it between Sauron's eyes.

Sauron screamed and was hit on the forehead by the soul stone!
The soul stone suddenly emitted a fiery blood-red light, piercing Sauron's forehead, like a hot butter knife cutting cold butter, with the force of a bamboo.

Sauron's forehead dissolved quickly, emitting a sizzling smell of barbecue, and even a burnt black breath overflowed.

He stared at the dark soul stone on his forehead in disbelief, and finally let out a roar of incomparable despair!

"Do not!!!"

During the fierce battle, Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen, Hadir and others looked into the air in surprise!
In the fierce battle, the attackers and defenders of Helm's Deep, as if time had stood still, stopped their weapons one after another. Even though the enemy who had just killed his comrade was by his side, he couldn't help but be attracted by the decisive battle and vision in the air!

Tens of thousands of Rohan people poured out of the underground shelter, staring dumbfounded at the decisive battle in mid-air, watching their regent, Grema, use a strange red gemstone to destroy the so-called immortal The Demon God!
The elves and the Rohan people cheered in unison!
Galadriel looked proudly at that man, the man who dominated her, so arrogantly, using a treasure she had never seen before, to destroy the soul of Sauron, and directly imprisoned her Galadriel for thousands of years The helpless and powerful enemy burst into tears of excitement, dripping down one by one.

Sauron directly killed her eldest brother Finrod and her second brother Orocles. The former died in Sauron's dark dungeon, and the latter died in the battle of Tanhalad when Sauron's army attacked the fortress of Nagothrond. (Battle of Tumhalad)!
Du Yu not only killed her husband-killing enemy, Sima Yi, but also took revenge on her brother-killing who failed to fulfill her wish for thousands of years!
The elf queen's delicate body trembled slightly, her phoenix body swayed, she almost wished she could throw herself into Du Yu's arms right now, and wantonly accept the pity of this great man.

She wept and closed her eyes.

"In this way, the last knot in my heart is also solved. I can dedicate myself to that person without reservation, leave this world without regret, and continue my love and adventure."

Standing beside Galadriel, Arwen was also completely shaken by the magnificent epic battle of Grema's eloquent words.

Is this the man whom I once dismissed as a rhetoric?

How could this human man carry so many secrets?

How could the red gemstone he took out subdue the thousand-year-old scourge of Sauron?
Compared with Aragorn's "heroic deeds", the elf princess can easily infer the following conclusions.

This Ge Lima is still stronger!richer!More mysterious!
Aragorn is like the object of a girl's crush, until she grows up and sees the world, in front of the stronger and richer Gao Shuaifu, her childhood fantasies and admiration are like soap bubbles in the sun, unconquerable. break.

To be stronger, Du Yu could fight against Sima Yi Sauron head-on, and beheaded two invincible bosses one after another, but Aragorn was shot down by a boulder by an arrow controlled by Sima Yi, and he was in a panic.

Speaking of being richer, Aragorn does have the holy sword Western Star, but Du Yu can take out any treasure at random, and it can fight against Sima Yi and seal Sauron!This level of wealth, the difference should not be too big.

To be more mysterious, how could Du Yu's treasures, skills and beauties not arouse the curiosity of Arwen, which is enough to kill the cat's desire to explore?
And no matter which reason, it is enough to make a poor ignorant girl fall into the longing and illusion of love.

Of course, it is more than enough to make an elf princess who has no experience in the world and is so beautiful that even Chen Xing is jealous of her, spring up.

Unknowingly, Galadriel and Arwen had already joined hands, staring at Du Yu, who had shown great power in the mid-air and regained Sauron, on the two mature, holy, beautiful and beautiful elf faces, there had been Blushing, full of reveries

Legolas also blushed with excitement. He was honored to witness the fall of the mainland demon god and participate in this battle. He was also able to defend the glory of the Mirkwood elves and comfort the spirit of his father in the sky.

Du Yu's efforts were not in vain. Under the weakening of layers of strategies, the injuries caused by Sima Yi, Gandalf, and Diablo to Sauron finally formed a qualitative change!

Sauron was no longer able to resist the dark soul stone, and with a desperate scream, he was deeply sucked into the soul stone!

This red dark soul stone, with the red light on the surface, looks like blood and clouds, and the redness is almost transparent, and the blood color inside is almost revealed.

Du Yu took back the dark soul stone in satisfaction. Through the soul stone, he scanned in with his consciousness, only to find that besides Diablo, Baal, Belial and other seven demon gods of the burning hell, there was another group of black, dark and dark soul stones. Heavy devilish energy!

In the name of terror, the demon god who ruled Middle-earth was imprisoned in the soul stone, and roared unwillingly, trying to break free from the soul stone.

But this dark soul stone was once a part of the world stone, containing a plane world, the most basic rules and power.Even if the 7 Great Demon Gods joined forces, they couldn't break through its defenses. How could they escape with the power of a Demon God like Sauron?

Sauron rushed left and right, not only failed to escape, but consumed his magic power a lot.

With pity in his eyes, Du Yu sighed and said, "Sauron, my lord has a lot, may I remind you of something?"

Sauron roared furiously: "I don't listen to your vicious words. How many times have you cheated on me? If you hadn't shamelessly provoked Sima Yi, Gandalf, Aragorn and that monster and demon god to fight me one after another, what would happen to my divine power?" May be captured by you?"

Du Yu sighed and said, "Oh, it seems that you still don't understand the reason why people have to bow their heads under the low eaves. I remind you out of kindness, so save your energy and prepare for a more terrifying wheel battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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