Chapter 1019 Sauron?New kid, right? -16 ask for a monthly pass!

"Wheel fight?" Sauron suddenly felt hot hostile and malicious eyes!
This kind of gaze, as a demon god, Sauron, who entered a different dimension with the main god Vera long before the beginning of time, has not seen it for a long, long time.

Who dares to covet him Sauron?
But Sauron looked back and gasped!
It turned out that he was so busy escaping from prison that he didn't pay attention to observe his fellow prisoners!

Diablo the Lord of Destruction, Baal the Lord of Destruction, Mephisto the Lord of Hatred, Belial the Lord of Lies, Azmodan the Lord of Sin, Andariel the Queen of Vengeance, Duriel the Lord of Hatred.

Under the leadership of Diablo, these seven demon god inmates stood aggressively behind Sauron, gazing at Sauron with malicious eyes.

The undisguised greed in that gaze caused Sauron, the demon god of the mainland, to shudder!
"What are you guys doing?" Sauron screamed.

Formerly, Sauron had loved to hear his victims, that sound of despair and helplessness.But now, the feng shui turns, and the retribution is not good, and it is his turn to make such a scream.

Diablo smiled and licked his lips: "Before I was outside, the little girl's body couldn't support the powerful consciousness of the great king of destruction. I was not happy with it, but since you also came in, let's do it again ?”

Sauron snapped: "Come here? Who's afraid of you? But these guys are?"

Diablo shrugged innocently and said: "I forgot to introduce, these are my brothers Baal and Mephisto, we three brothers always fight together. Are you going to fight alone or in groups. Single fight means you fight alone. Pick the three of us. A gang fight means three of us gang up on you."

"Shameless!" Sauron roared angrily.

Diablo glanced at Sauron with pity, then pointed to the four demon generals next to him: "These four shameless guys like to take advantage the most. After the three of us devour your demon gods, their power should increase greatly. They But you also want to share a piece of the pie. You have no choice but to divide it into seven pieces and let us devour them."

"No!" How could Sauron imagine that he would be reduced to the point where he would be divided and devoured by thugs and prison tyrants.He shook his body, and a wave of outrageous and invincible Demon God momentum gushed out from his body: "Who dares to despise the great Sauron?"

If Zoro faced the human and elf heroes of the Middle Earth, the aura would be enough to scare the warriors to the point of breaking their hearts, and the horses would piss and shit. It's a pity that everyone here is eating this bowl of food. When they looked at each other, they all rushed like wolves. Come up!

In the dark soul stone, the sky was suddenly dark and the earth was dark, flying sand and rocks, and fierce battles continued.

Du Yu sighed.

Although Sauron is very unpopular, he can't watch Sauron being swallowed up.

Therefore, Du Yu gently said beside the soul stone, "How to divide it?"

Others didn't mind listening to these four words, but Sauron, who was already at an absolute disadvantage, regained his spirits immediately.

He could see that the three Diablo brothers were monolithic, but they were at odds with the Four Great Demon Generals, and there was some hatred.

Sauron is also a person with a cunning mind, otherwise how could he come up with the genius and wicked idea of ​​the Lord of the Rings and rule over all races?
He immediately yelled: "If I die, these three demon gods will definitely leave nothing for you. They will become stronger, you four fools! Are you afraid that you will not be swallowed fast enough? ?”

The four great demon generals immediately stopped their offensive and looked at each other in surprise.

They once jointly betrayed the three great demon gods, exiled the three brothers to the world, and caused the tragedy that the three brothers were sealed.There is no such thing as a heart-to-heart trust between each other.The three brothers can maintain today's situation because the power of the four great demon generals joining forces is greater than them!
But Sauron's imprisonment is like a stone thrown into a lake. Once this guy is divided by the three dark brothers, the three stronger demon gods will have enough strength to crush the four major demon generals.

So, Sauron can't die yet!

The four great demons will immediately switch camps and fight against the three brothers.

Looking at the chaotic battle situation in the dark soul stone, Du Yu smiled slightly.

He is not afraid of chaos in this soul stone, but he is afraid that some demon god will unify the world in it!

Once a certain demon god is too powerful, the dark soul stone may not be able to seal the huge magic power, and it will not be fun if he escapes.

The best result is what it is now, restraining each other, weakening each other, fighting every day, but not killing anyone.

Judging from the properties of the Dark Soul Stone, the properties of the Dark Soul Stone that absorbed Sauron have changed: "The properties of the Dark Soul Stone. S+ level items (formerly S), unique in space. It absorbs Sauron, Diablo , Baal, Mephisto, Andariel, Duriel, Belial, Azmodan and other 8 demon souls. When you have the special blood of the Dark Demon God, you can release one of them to fight for you .The more demon gods and powerful souls this thing collects, the more effective it will be when it plays the role of the sky-replenishing stone."

Du Yu hummed a little song, and threw the dark soul stone into the space imprint, and then it slowly fell from midair.

At this time, due to the loss of Sauron's soul breath, Mordor's army has been completely defeated.

The Ringwraiths screamed and turned around and ran away, but lost their sense of direction, smashed to the ground, and fell into the fleeing half-orc crowd.

The half-orcs roared wildly. They were eager to leave the battlefield, and they did not hesitate to use their sharp axes and long swords to split the heads of any who dared to stand in the way of escape.Amidst the gushing blood, flying heads, and trampling on each other, this huge army of demons completely collapsed.

Galadriel cried out with tears in her eyes.

Legolas, Hadir, Arwen, Iowyn and others, led by elves and humans, rushed out of Helm's Deep in an instant, chasing down the demon army that had completely collapsed due to the loss of Sauron's rule.

The demon army trampled on each other, panicked and lost their way, resulting in many casualties. The half-orcs fled into the mountains in a hurry, howling and returning to their distant lair, but they often lost their way or fell down the ridge, and none of them escaped successfully.

The pirates and savages flocked to the north in a panic, where they still had ships, and they could return to their lair by boat.But the road is still paved with blood

Who made Sauron's army rely entirely on Sauron's personal prestige and terror?As long as he dies, this mob will immediately collapse.

The dark forces in Middle-earth disappeared in smoke, and it would take a long time for them to gather again.

Du Yu was quickly surrounded by beauties, but Galadriel and Arwen walked slowly beside him.

Galadriel pushed Arwen, and Arwen blushed, but turned around and ran away, not having the courage to speak to Du Yu.

The elf princess's skin is still a little thinner.

Galadriel sighed, and had no choice but to tell her daughter's family's thoughts for her precious granddaughter.

She also wants to go on an adventure with Du Yu.

Du Yu briefly glanced at Arwen's attributes: "Arwen: strength evaluation B-level. Rivendell elf princess. Strength 36, Dexterity 126, Physical Strength 90, Magic Power 241, Intelligence 321, Charm 211"

The Power of Weather: [Evening Star] The evening star guards this beautiful elf princess, and when she is in danger, she will definitely be blessed with star power.In the state of slight injury (above 50%), all attributes are enhanced by 10%.Seriously injured (50%-10%), all attributes are enhanced by 20%.In the dying state (below 10%, or the life is higher than 10%, but facing a one-hit kill situation), all attributes are enhanced by 30%, and the twilight star power appears, and the next three attacks must be fully exempted.

[Natural Magic] LEVE8: Including wood and all natural magic.

[Wind Magic] LEVEL 8: Proficient in wind magic.

[Protection against magic] LEVEL8.Proficient in protective magic.

[The art of communication] LEVEL8.Proficient in communicating with good creatures such as unicorns, pegasus, and centaurs, she can drive these creatures of the justice camp to use for her.

[The Art of Charm] LEVEL7.The elf princess's extraordinary charm can easily convince people.


[Wind Ring Via]: Three rings of elves, strong defense and attack.Enhance wind magic damage by 50%
[Evening Star]: Elven Necklace, Arwen's exclusive equipment.It was once given to his father King Ailong, but it broke out after King Ailong's death and was taken away by Sima Yi.Du Yu forced out the necklace and returned it to Arwen.This necklace can form a star power echo with Arwen's own evening star weather.Increase the power of weather by 50%.Comes with [Twilight and Dawn], which can teleport 100 meters away in an instant when facing a fatal blow.

Seeing Arwen's attributes and treasures, Du Yu sighed.

Arwen was able to send the [Evening Star] when her father went to war, because she was worried about his father's safety, which shows that she is a filial daughter.But when King Elrond flooded the seven armies and faced desperation, why didn't he activate this [Evening Dawn]?Even if he may not be able to escape, at least there is a slim hope.

In the end, Du Yu sighed, and King Ailong should also be eager to love his daughter, facing the torrential flood and deadly pursuit, he couldn't escape, so it was better to leave this "Evening Star" to his daughter.

Arwen's exchange price is 10000 villains.

This made Du Yu a big headache.

Recovering Arwen rewarded 5000 villain points, and the difference was only 5000, but the problem was that Du Yu's villain points had already been spent, and he couldn't afford the 5000.

In fact, from the perspective of Arwen's attributes, the 10000 villain value is definitely worth the money.Her powerful wind element offensive attribute, maybe her future achievements will still be higher than Galadriel.

But villain value is a big problem.

After entering this world, in addition to completing the three villain missions and obtaining villain points, Du Yu also made inquiries in many ways, trying to dig out sidelines or trigger villain missions, but the strong pressure from Sima Yi before made Du Yu very nervous and unable to Really get distracted from doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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