Chapter 1020 Horror rewards!Lord of the Rings collection! -17 ask for a monthly pass!

Until now, one of Sima Yi and Sauron was killed and the other was captured. Du Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there are two stubborn and powerful enemies, Saruman and Gandalf, Du Yu no longer has to worry about the issue of survival.

But the villain value, how to dig it out?

Du Yu believes that every world has a lot of villain missions, and the opportunities are hidden in the plot.If you can dig out one by one, you don't have to worry about not getting a huge reward.

According to past experience, as long as you do bad things, you can definitely get villain points.For example, killing Xi Youde, collecting elf queens, princesses, etc., will earn a lot of money.

By analogy, killing protagonists like Gandalf and Aragorn will definitely get a lot of villain points, at least starting with [-].Not to mention backlash against Saruman, the reward for villain task three is also [-].

In addition, can you consider tapping the potential from the perspective of hidden plots?

Like the Lord of the Rings?
In fact, the normal adventurer's mission process often starts with a chance encounter with the Lord of the Rings. After some encounters, he uses various powerful props such as black dog blood, women's menstrual blood, and black donkey hooves to break through the temptation traps on the Lord of the Rings. , and then took the Lord of the Rings as his own, making Sauron pay his wife and lose his army.

At this time, Sauron, who had prepared elaborate traps and was looking forward to baiting golden turtles, was naturally startled and angry, and came to the door, ready to return the treasure and kill people to vent his anger, and then a big battle broke out.If this team of adventurers is strong enough, maybe they can really escape from Sauron.Then follow the main plot, sneak around, throw the Lord of the Rings into the lava of Doomsday Volcano, wait for Sauron to finish, OK, you can share the spoils.

But Du Yu's performance against the sky at this time was completely reversed!
He is a human sycophant, a single-handed adventurer, who did not play cards according to common sense, and brazenly provoked Sauron's hatred, completely ignoring the weakness of the Lord of the Rings. In the dark soul stone of your own prison!
The way to open it is completely wrong.

If other adventurers find out, they will definitely collapse.

With a normal strategy, you actually found another way, so you can play tall?
Now, Sauron, the Lord of the Rings, is already full of guts. In the dark soul stone, he was beaten by a prison bully, paralyzed and paralyzed.Sauron's Lord of the Rings has not yet fallen into Du Yu's hands!
Du Yu was sure that if he got the Supreme Lord of the Rings and didn't throw it into the Doomsday Volcano to destroy it, he would definitely get rich villain points.

think further

If the Supreme Lord of the Rings and 20 rings of power used to imprison the elves, dwarves and humans can be assembled, it should be another hidden condition.

There is also the Moria Mine. If it can kill the Balrog in the Morgoth era and discover the secret of the destruction of the Dwarf Kingdom, it will also be a clue.

In the prequel The Hobbit, the majestic and majestic dwarf kingdom Erbor, which possessed the King's Stone, was coveted and poisoned by the evil dragon Smaug.If the ruins of the kingdom of Erbor can be unearthed, the wealth of the country and the mysterious king's stone will surely produce huge benefits.The villain value is also very promising.

Du Yu sighed and turned his gaze to Sauron.

In terms of familiarity with Middle-earth, who can surpass Sauron?

"Hello!" Du Yu's voice rang out from the dark soul stone, which was endlessly fighting like Shura Dao, "Sauron, do you want to feel better?"

At this time, although Sauron joined forces and formed an alliance with the four great demon generals, he finally saved his chrysanthemum, but he was always worried, and life was definitely not easy!
Hearing Du Yu's voice, he almost heard the sound of heaven, and immediately roared: "What tricks are you going to play again?"

Du Yu's cold voice came: "Believe it or not, I'll let the seven demon gods beat you around immediately?"

Sauron immediately learned to bow his head under the low eaves.In fact, people adapt very quickly in a cruel environment, especially for an ambitious man like Sauron who is stepping up to the top.

"Well, tell me, what can I do for you?"

"Where are your twenty rings of power at this moment?"

Du Yu asked coldly.

Sauron sighed and said: "The twenty rings of power, imprisoned by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, are my traps for controlling humans, dwarves and elves. But only by wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings can I feel and influence the possession of other Lord of the Rings." By."

Galadriel smiled and held out her hand.

Du Yu was taken aback.In the snow-white palm of the beauty queen, there were 9 simple and simple rings of power, mixed with some gray dust, which would be blown away by the wind, leaving only the golden rings.

"This is"

"The Ring of Power of the Ring Spirits" Galadriel pouted: "After Sauron was captured, they lost control one after another, fell to the ground, and lost their strength. I brought Legolas and Arwen, one by one Killed. These human kings, magicians, and generals have been corrupted and corrupted by the ring of power, seduced, and are in a state between the living and the dead. However, these rings of power can indeed greatly enhance their abilities. Only then can we seduce these great beings and scramble to snatch the Lord of the Rings."

Du Yu looked over carefully.

The nine human rings really shined brightly in the sun, exuding a charming luster.

When he touched these magic rings, as if he had been electrocuted, a spatial reminder sounded.

"The supreme ring, the ring of controlling the crowd; the supreme ring, the ring of seeking the crowd, the supreme ring of the magic ring, the ring of attracting the crowd, and the ring of imprisoning the crowd in the dark. You have collected all 9 rings of human power, and you have received a reward of 10000 villain points! Triggered the ultimate hidden mission in this world [Collecting the Lord of the Rings]: The Lord of the Rings and rewards you want to collect include:

Start with the Supreme Lord of the Rings: 10000 villain value.

Three rings of elves: 7000 villain value.

Ring of the Seven Dwarfs: 9000 Villain Points.

Nine Human Rings: 10000 villain value. "

"If you can successfully collect 21 Lord of the Rings and complete this hidden task, you will be awarded the title [Lord of the Lord of the Rings]!"

"You get the following benefits:

1. Obtain an extra 10000 villain rewards.

2. The Supreme Lord of the Rings will recognize you as the master because you have collected all the legendary and epic deeds of the Lord of the Rings.You will be able to exert 100% of the power of the Lord of the Rings

3. You will unlock all 20 Power Rings, the hidden attributes controlled by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and you can use 20 Power Rings to complete your purpose of controlling others or subordinates. "

Du Yu was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this world actually hides such an amazing secret.

Supreme Lord of the Rings Set!

But think about it, this is completely in line with the consistent mission of the space.The difficulty of a task like collecting 21 Lord of the Rings is indeed the ultimate hidden task.

You know, when Sauron released the Lord of the Rings, he chose the most powerful human king, dwarf king and elf king!
Even if many powerful existences are annihilated in the ruthless time and long river of history, those guys who passed on and got the Lord of the Rings are probably not good people to mess with!

Taking the Three Rings of the Elf as an example, let’s take a look at the previous owners of these three rings before the plot begins.

Naya, Ring of Fire: "Shipbuilders" Elf Lord Cirdan and Gandalf.

Ring of Water Nanya: Galadriel.

Ring of Qi Via: King Elrond.

How strong are these guys?

It can be said that every elf king is enough for a whole team of adventurers in the inner city. It takes a world of time, careful planning, and careful layout to be able to kill them with some confidence.And even if he succeeds, he must flee back to the bloody city immediately, and dare not come to the [Lord of the Rings] world next time, otherwise he will be killed by the elves who are chasing after him!
And the nine human Lord of the Rings, which seem to be relatively easy, are not so easy to obtain.

The Ringwraiths are Sauron's lackeys.To get the ring of the nine great human powers, you must kill all the ring spirits. The problem is that beating a dog depends on the owner.Can Sauron endure killing all the ring spirits?

What's more, the nine ring spirits can go far and near, fly and walk, have martial arts skills, black witches, and can be resurrected infinitely. Even Du Yu's lineup can only kill 9 of them. Are you sure you can catch them all?
Not to mention the big pit that seems to have been completely forgotten since Lao Tuo (Tolkien) wrote it, and has never appeared again.

The dwarf Bajie is only known to be scattered in the hands of 7 powerful dwarf leaders.But as time went by, the dwarves gradually reduced their territory, even if they pressed Sauron.This guy doesn't know the whereabouts of the dwarf 7 rings now, but he just said that he had assigned the dwarf 7 rings to the most powerful Longbeard clan (Durin clan), the Firebeard clan, the Broadbeam clan, and the Iron Fist clan at that time. , the Hard Beard Clan, the Black Lock Clan, and the Stone Foot Clan.He doesn't know the whereabouts of 7 Jie now.

Galadriel sighed: "This is because we discovered the trap in the Ring of Power in time, suspended the use of the Three Rings of the Elf, and notified the seven tribes of the dwarves in time. After the dwarves know about the vicious trap, they should also stop so that Sauron had no way of perceiving the whereabouts of the Ring."

Du Yu also shook his head and sighed.

Even Sauron, the instigator, did not know the whereabouts of the Dwarf Lord of the Rings.Do you want me to travel all over Middle-earth Continent little by little in the future to complete this rewarding and hard-to-give up task?

This dwarf Lord of the Rings was born, and there are as many as 7 more!
It's really cheating.

It is ten thousand times more cheating than the treasure hunting task in online games.

Unexpectedly, it was due to Du Yu's luck. When Du Yu muttered where to start looking for the dwarf ring, the red-bearded dwarf Gimli heard it and shouted loudly: "I know! I am the son of Gloin. I In my family, I have seen such a thing. My father never let me touch this thing. Once my cousin stole it and wanted to show it off, but he was beaten to death by my father and punished. 15 days of hard labor."

This Jinli is also a straightforward person, so his yelling immediately attracted Du Yu's attention!
(End of this chapter)

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