Chapter 1021 The People of the Mountain!Undead army! -18 ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu's eyes lit up.

The clue of the red-bearded Jinli is really timely.

And Du Yu's endless harassment of Sauron also made Sauron unbearable, and finally let go, because he beheaded a dwarf king on the battlefield of the Alliance War at the end of the second era, and got A ring of strength was obediently handed over to Du Yu.

The reward Du Yu gave him was to prohibit Diablo and other demon gods from harassing Sauron for three days, otherwise he would punish the demon gods with the Heshi Jade Seal.

Zoro finally got the long-awaited private room treatment, heaved a sigh of relief and burst into tears.

A ring of strength can only be exchanged for three days of peace.What kind of world is this?
As for Jinli's ring of power, Du Yu did not let it go, and let Legolas follow Jinli to his hometown to retrieve the ring.

In the just-concluded battle, Legolas shot dead an attacking mortal adventurer with an arrow, took away his weather power, and officially had the qualification to enter the bloody city!

This marks the birth of the third male plot character adventurer in Du Yu's camp.

Before leaving, Du Yu and Yang Guo also made incense with Legolas, formally sworn brothers with different surnames, and also brought Zhang Sanfeng who was not present.

But when I got older, the problem came.

What is Legolas' age?
In terms of actual age, Legolas, who was born in 2518 of the third era, is not too old this year, and he is probably less than 500 years old.

But 500 years old seems to be enough to be a big brother, right?

In the end, Galadriel covered her mouth and smiled to solve the problem. She converted Legolas' age into a human's age. At this time, the elf prince was almost equivalent to a 20-year-old human youth.

Calculated in this way, Du Yu is still the eldest brother, followed by Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Legolas.

The hands of the three brothers were tightly held together, full of affection.

Du Yu said shamelessly: "I got Legolas' fourth brother today. After looking back, who else has no eyes and dares to bully me?"

Legolas smiled and said: "I hope that my little ability will not bring burdens to the elder brother and the second elder brother. Then I will go back with Gimli to get the Lord of the Rings first. But is it really all right here, elder brother? Saru Neither Mann nor Gandalf will let you go."

Du Yu smiled and said, "I know, and I won't let them go!"

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Saruman is the one who is destined to be killed in the mission of the villain, Gandalf and Aragorn, Du Yu has no intention of letting them go.

At this time, Galadriel took out the water mirror and performed a divination, which surprised her very much.

"Look!" Galadriel took a deep breath, "I wanted to trace Gandalf's whereabouts, but I didn't expect to see him."

Du Yu's face was serious.

In the water-rippled mirror, Gandalf is riding the horse king Jieying, holding the seriously injured Aragorn, galloping in a dark jungle

"What's that place?" Arwen exclaimed in surprise.

"Path of the Dead!" Galadriel said softly, her face sinking like water.

The voice fell in Du Yu's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Sure enough, he is the protagonist, with a profound background!" Du Yu took a deep breath.

Where is the Path of the Dead?
In the original plot, Aragorn took Legolas and Gimli to Gondor through the Road of the Dead, where he summoned the undead who had betrayed Isildur's promise in the Battle of the Last Alliance and could not be saved. In the name of the descendants, they ask for their assistance to lift their ancient curse.The undead finally helped him defeat the Umbar pirates who went to participate in the battle of the Palenno Plains, and successfully counterattacked the Mordor army that besieged the White City.

That army of undead is simply invincible.They have no body, cannot be destroyed, and the resentment of being unable to survive for a thousand years makes these guys fight bravely without fear of death, and they are not afraid of the sun. Wherever they pass, they are soul-absorbing, and they can really be described by the word "no blade of grass grows!"

The purpose of Gandalf taking Aragorn to the Road of the Dead is obviously to use Aragorn's blood identity and ask the assistance of the dead to achieve a comeback in one fell swoop.

"Their next target should be Baicheng." Du Yu's face sank and he said, "It only takes more than a day to reach Baicheng by taking a shortcut from the Road of the Dead. Sima Yi was killed in battle, the Gondor army was destroyed, and Baicheng is now completely undefended. If so Besieged by the undead army led by Aragorn and Gandalf, I am afraid that it will fall within an hour."

"Aragorn is the orthodox king. His return will inevitably make all parties vote, and he can easily obtain the profound treasures and heritage of the kings of Gondor." There's an uphill battle to be fought."

Du Yu took a deep breath: "Well, since we know the serious consequences, we can't let Gandalf and Aragorn succeed. We'll see."

Aragorn opened his eyes from the turbulence, only to feel the pain all over his body, and he was about to fall apart.

He groaned.

Gandalf, who was galloping ahead, threw a bag of mare's milk and said, "Drink, we'll be there in half an hour."

"Where are you going?" Aragorn managed to pull himself together, drank the mare's milk, and recovered a bit of energy: "Oh, it hurts me to death. I must take revenge!"

Gandalf turned around and said with a gloomy face, "We are here for revenge."

"How to take revenge?" Aragorn was shocked.

"As a descendant of Isildur, do you know that there is a group of people who still owe your ancestors favors and cannot survive?" Gandalf pointed to the ghostly distorted forest in front of him: "We are almost there. The land of the dead road."

"It's actually those guys?" Aragorn's eyes flashed, and he was discouraged: "But can they obey my order and fight for me?"

"Yes, my friend." Gandalf said calmly, "With them, you will truly become the feared Emperor of the West. Only then can our great cause be realized."

An hour later, Gandalf and Aragorn walked out of the Path of the Dead with happy faces.

Behind Aragorn, one could faintly feel the wind blowing.Only a strong man with a keen intuition like Galadriel can see behind him, clearly following a large army!
An army composed purely of the undead.

In the Second Era, a group of humans lived near White Mountain, known as the Men of the Mountains.The people in the mountains once worshiped Sauron, but after the Kingdom of Gondor was established, the king of the mountain people led his subordinates to serve King Isidur of Gondor. They vowed to participate in the war against Sauron, but when the war came, these people refused. Gondor's call, broke the oath, so Isidur cursed them, Isidur said: "You (king of the mountain people) will be the last king; if the royal family of the West overcomes the power of darkness, my curse will come To the Mountain People: If you do not keep your promises, there will never be rest. This war will continue, and at the last hour you will be called upon again."

The mountain people did not dare to help Sauron because of Isildur's anger, and hid in the mountains. As time went by, they became dead due to Isildur's curse, and their souls could not escape.No matter how long they died, their souls could only wander in mourning on this road of kings, but they could never escape from here.

After Isidur's death in 1960, the prophet Malbes of the Northern Kingdom prophesied in a poem that there would be a descendant of Isidur who would summon these oath-breakers.

Because of their existence, this originally prosperous road was gradually abandoned.Where are the merchants or the army willing to take a road entangled by a large number of innocent souls?

Gradually, this road will be deserted.Even if a few shepherds came here chasing their sheep, they never returned, adding to its horror.

The gods also gave these undead a new way: as long as the descendants of Isildur come here and forgive their betrayal, they can be reborn and rest in peace.

Relying on this point, Aragorn easily persuaded the king of the king to leave the road of the dead with this huge and terrifying army.

The front of his march was Minas Tiris.

That's right, the Emperor of the West wants to use this invincible undead army to take back his own Gondor.

Once Sima Yi died, Gondor was effectively a land without a master.With this invincible undead army, Aragorn won Minas Tiris without any problem.

Gandalf said slowly: "I felt Sauron's breath just now, and it suddenly disappeared. Could it be that after we left, this Glimmer actually defeated Sauron?"

Aragorn was taken aback, and laughed loudly: "Misranda, you really have a sense of humor. How could you create such a miracle with just that sycophant? I think it's mostly an illusion."

Gandalf resolutely said: "Your Majesty, after you take Minas Tiris, we will contact Saruman and attack back and forth. We must kill that Grima! No matter whether this person can kill Sauron or not, we cannot." stay in the world."

Aragorn turned his head to look at the army of undead behind him, and said with a smirk, "Don't worry! My national teacher. This army is invincible. Even if Grima has Helm's Deep as protection, it can't stop the fate of death!"

But at this moment, the shadow under Gandalf's crotch suddenly snorted uneasily and hesitated.

Gandalf's eyes sharpened, he looked around and said sharply, "Come out!"

His enemy fencing sword immediately released a light spell, illuminating half of the valley as bright as day.

Aragorn pulled out the sword in an instant, and his whole body seemed to be unsheathed with a sword, gazing around.

Although the Star of the West has been broken, it has completed its mission to recruit these rebellious and terrifying undead army as a token of Isildur's bloodline.

Under the light technique, a man's figure slowly walked out of the woods and stood quietly opposite Aragorn and Gandalf.

(End of this chapter)

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