Chapter 1025 Aragon's Death! -23 ask for a monthly pass!

The 23rd update, right?I beg everyone for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and tips, my eyes are not good.

Isildur's blood, at the most dangerous moment, the holy tree appeared!

But the most dramatic effect came out!

After seeing the holy tree, a dragon wolf with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes lit up, as if it had found some fattest prey, it jumped out of Du Yu's forehead and threw itself on the holy tree.

The holy tree swayed in horror, trying to drive off the uninvited guest, but just devoured the jackals and made a breakthrough. The dragon-wolf atmosphere that made a breakthrough, the most like to devour is this kind of aura of the emperor!
It instinctively realized that as long as it continued to devour the atmosphere of the strong, it could evolve again.

The evolved weather can have greater supernatural powers, and even immortality!
Wouldn't Sima Yi's fifth-level weather be swallowed up and not destroyed, leaving the remaining soul to escape?

The holy tree rattled and terrified, but under the gobbling of the dragon and wolf weather, the poor holy tree weather didn't even have time to dodge, and there was no bark left after being devoured.

After devouring Aragon's weather, the dragon wolf weather that had just been promoted immediately glowed with brilliance.Du Yu reckoned that this was tantamount to digesting the unstable factors that this guy had just broken through, stabilizing the fifth-level cultivation base, and paving the way for entering the next level.

Satisfied, Longlang Qi walked back, leaving Aragorn stunned.

The Holy Sword of the Western Star was taken away, and even the image of the holy tree that symbolized the blood of Isildur was swallowed up, and his whole body was sluggish.

"Not good!" Gandalf's eyes flashed, and with great supernatural powers, he forcibly broke free from the shackles of war.On the shackles of war, a magical puppet used as a stand-in burned.

Aragorn laughed miserably, drew his off-hand sword, and was about to kill himself.

Du Yu kicked Aragorn's sword away, and inserted the Doomsday Blade into Aragorn's throat!
The Emperor of the West died.

Du Yu coldly pulled out the Doomsday Blade, got the bloody key from Aragorn, and threw it to Elizabeth who couldn't wait.

"What do you want from him?" Elizabeth's eyes lit up.

Du Yu glanced at the Western Star on the ground (this sword has not been drawn by Du Yu and cannot be taken away), and pointed: "Then this sword. It also has the protagonist's lucky spell on Aragorn."

In Du Yu's camp, although they are all beauties at the protagonist level, there are still a lot of people in the wolf pupil team, who don't have real luck.This technique of luck is never too much, and it can be sold as much as possible.

Elizabeth smiled and took the order away.Not long after, I got the Western Star Holy Sword and the skill scroll left by Aragorn.

But unexpectedly, what Aragorn possesses is not true luck, but [Isildur's bloodline]: Only those with this bloodline can be justified and rule the middle-earth Gondor humans.

And the holy sword Western Star: A-level weapon, with an attack power of 400, can only be used by people with the blood of Isildur.On the Middle Earth Continent, you can use this sword to prove your noble blood, and then gain a great plot advantage.

Surprisingly, Elizabeth fumbled for the last time and found a dwarven ring of power!

This is the second Ring of Power owned by Du Yu.

But Du Yu didn't have time to look at it, so he rushed at Gandalf like a cheetah.For Gandalf was about to escape.

After Aragorn's death, Gandalf became the only enemy.

After he broke free from the shackles of war, he was about to step into the portal and escape again.

He knew that one leg had stepped into the portal, and he was about to leave with a slight smile.

Du Yu didn't want to let the tiger go back to the mountain and let the dragon into the sea. With a roar, he activated the power of the supernatural power, which instantly interfered with the operation of the portal.

Caesar and others turned on the power to the maximum, and Gandalf's attempt to teleport was interrupted abruptly.

Gandalf screamed, and the turbulence of time and space caused by the closing of the portal cut off one of his legs abruptly.

The white-robed wizard fell to the ground, bleeding all over the ground.

Du Yu stood in front of Gandalf coldly: "Is it worth it?"

"Is what worth it?" Gandalf said angrily.

"As a white-robed wizard, why did you choose to break with your partner? In order to implement God's will, you did not hesitate to abandon your past behavior and kill all heretics. Is it really worth it?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

Gandalf took a deep breath: "The biggest change in our middle-earth is you outsiders. Whether it is you or Sima Yi, you have brought new ideas, new religions, and even new enemies. As an envoy of God, I Mai Ya, we must defend the dignity of God and eradicate you heretics, this is my unshirkable responsibility!"

Du Yu sighed.

With the exploration of the plot world and the improvement of the adventurer's strength, the deep-seated contradictions in the plot world will gradually surface.

For example, in the difficulty of the outer city, adventurers can come into contact with plot characters, at most they are protagonists such as Aragorn and Frodo.Then the biggest conflict is nothing more than a battle with hordes of monsters.The number will not exceed a hundred.

But when it comes to the difficulty of the inner city, powerful adventurers and teams can brazenly launch attacks against the Elf King!

But there is also the monster Du Yu, who actually set his mind on the existence of Sauron, Saruman, and Gandalf!Even indistinctly against God!
This involves high-level conflicts.

A basic logic is that the lower the level of conflict, the easier it is to resolve, but the more high-level conflict is involved, it may be impossible to die.Because the protagonist is generally very stubborn, and puts justice in his heart.

Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo, Aragorn, everyone has their own standard of justice in their hearts.Once these principles of justice are violated, they can only choose to fight against you forever!
For example, Aragon, if it is difficult to place in the outer city, it may not be a treacherous person, and it may even be friendly to adventurers.Because these adventurers have neither the ability to snatch his fiancée, nor will they have the idea of ​​​​the throne of Gondor.

But Du Yu offended his inverse scale, so Aragorn had no choice but to fight Du Yu to the death, so he seemed extremely unfriendly and aggressive.

Now Gandalf is filled with a sense of justice to subdue demons and defend the way. No matter how Du Yu persuades him, it probably won't be effective.

If an adventurer with low strength and low brows came before him, Gandalf might be a kind elder, and he might give some magic tricks and gift one or two magic treasures.

Unfortunately, Du Yu's request and Gandalf's belief are destined to have irreconcilable conflicts, and they will have to fight through blood and fire.

Du Yu stood against the wind and confronted Gandalf.

The fire and rain still fell from the sky and landed next to the two of them. The flames soared into the sky, burning this valley of the dead like purgatory.

"You are not Grema." Gandalf calmed down and said word by word: "I knew this when I first saw you in Rohan's palace. Who are you?"

Du Yu took a deep breath: "Sima Yi and I come from the same place."

"So, you are very assertive." Gandalf suddenly took out a common pipe from the Shire from the large mage robe, which was carved into the shape of a magpie. The old man took a deep breath and breathed out a smoke ring comfortably. : "If you don't try to change the situation on the mainland, I think we can at least be friends."

Du Yu smiled: "With my means, it is impossible to be satisfied with gratefully receiving two magic gadgets from the hands of you beings, and to fight desperately for your justice."

Gandalf stared at Du Yu and said mockingly, "Your means? Young man, I admit that you are very thoughtful and have ways, but the world you see is only a small part of this world."

He showed his thumb and index finger and told Du Yu how small it was.

Du Yu took a long breath and smiled: "If this is only a small part, then sooner or later I will explore a bigger and higher part."

"Do you know what this means?" Gandalf shook his head slowly, and tapped his pipe on the burning branch: "It means that sooner or later you will face those restless beings in Upper Aman. Those terrible gods, Manwe Well, Vera, you can't even imagine how powerful that world is. Sauron was just a clerk in the name of the main god back then. And Saruman and I are also servants of the god. You can call it lackeys an exaggeration .”

Du Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were already radiant.

The confident light made Gandalf almost stunned.

"I was born to be a villain! The meaning of my existence is to prove that those inviolable existences are a piece of shit!" Du Yu sneered.

Gandalf closed his eyes and said sadly: "Even if you kill Aragorn, I'm still willing to tell you these words. Unfortunately, some people are born to violate the rules, just like Sauron 3000 years ago, and you now .”

He opened his eyes, the light was introverted, and he said calmly: "Then let's use the battle to verify who is the truth!"

He put away his pipe, drew out his fencing sword from his stick, and walked towards Du Yu step by step.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

Gandalf is not Aragorn.

He is Meyer the Angel, the Angel who never dies.

Even if the physical body is destroyed, their souls will never die.

For thousands of years, Gandalf has accumulated so much combat experience and skills that even the Balrog in the era of Morgoth can only be killed by him.

"The art of divine grace!" Gandalf held up the enemy's fencing sword, and divine grace descended from the sky. Even Du Yu's doomsday judgment could not stop the divine grace of clearing the clouds and mist to see the sun from bathing Gandalf.The old man was injured and recovered instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"So hanging?" Du Yu murmured.

He calculated painstakingly to make Gandalf suffer continuously, and finally be exhausted like Sauron, but it seems that this tactic, because of the unfathomable trust between Gandalf and God, can get God's grace at any time, and Completely bankrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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