Chapter 1026 Maya Unlocked!Add the wrong mage! -24 ask for a monthly pass!

This is the biggest difference between Sauron, the slave who betrayed his master, and Gandalf, who is deeply trusted.

As the chief envoy of God, Maya, Gandalf can get the maximum support from God anytime, anywhere, he can recover from injuries at any time, and even if he is defeated, his soul will not be destroyed, and he can escape back to Aman Continent, reshape his body, and be reborn again. blood resurrection.

Is this the hero altar in DOTA?Is there any resurrection with full blood anytime, anywhere?
How could this kind of existence be lost?

How could it be killed by an adventurer from the outer city?
But Du Yu made a bold move.

He was also forced to be helpless, unable to get off the tiger.

If Gandalf survived, it was his turn to be in trouble.

Gandalf made many friends on the continent, and his friends were everywhere.Among other things, it is estimated that there are many thousand-year-level existences lurking in the middle-earth continent, such as Treebeard and others.

If he wanted to counterattack Du Yu with the help of God's will, how could Du Yu be able to defend against it?
Fortunately, Du Yu also has a real god-slaying stunt.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

It has extra damage to dragons, phoenixes, gods, devils, etc.

The higher the level of existence, the more restrained it is by the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Gandalf, as the envoy of the gods, Maier, is naturally also included in the list of prevention and restraint.

This is a thrilling decisive battle.

The doomsday fire and rain finally dissipated gradually. After the smoke cleared, the road of the dead was scorched and dilapidated everywhere in the canyon.

However, the gloomy atmosphere before had dissipated with Yilin's great merit, and the normal vitality of the valley was restored.Next year, these scorched lands should be warm and full of vitality.

But at this moment, the two warriors on it, an old man in white robe and white beard, and a handsome young man with black hair, are fighting to the death.

Du Yu's move, Kanglong Yougui, hit Gandalf in the chest!
It seemed that it was easy for Du Yu to beat the master to death with random punches.Not to mention Gandalf's long-war body, not to mention that he is a magician and not a barbarian?

Gandalf just swayed his body, and then stood firm!

Only then did Du Yu know how strong this envoy Maya's body reshaped by the main god Manwe is?
He beat Sauron because Leah used Diablo's chance of possession as a sharp weapon to forcefully split Sauron's incomparably solid defense.But this kind of opportunity is obviously unavailable in a short time.Leah's aura was already very weak, and she absolutely couldn't bear the second possession.

Gandalf's face was calm, and he looked at Du Yu with a half-smile, "After the fall, my body was taken by the Lord God with the heavenly wood from Amanzhou, the body of a bull demon from Xihezhou, the golden sand and mud from the deep sea of ​​[-] meters, and the preservation of my body." The body of the ancestor elf at the place of the main god Manwe has been reshaped. Although this body is not invulnerable, it cannot be split with ordinary magic and combat skills. Moreover, your remarks have completely angered the main god ! The Lord God has released the restriction of my identity as Maiya! In order to prevent the counterattack of the army of the people in the mountains, you did not bring too many people? This time, I will let you taste the true strength of Maiya."

Du Yu was shocked.

Gandalf is a Maia, belonging to Warlock.In other words, he is a lesser god.The Warlocks are a group of Maia (including Saruman) sent to Middle-earth to help guide its inhabitants.But they are not here without restrictions.They were sent "to train, to advise, to instruct, to awaken the hearts and minds of those menaced by Sauron, and let them resist in their own strength."They are not allowed to show their full power, and more, these lesser gods that existed before the world began to use "wisdom" to complete the task.

Simply put, the strength shown by Gandalf before was allowed to show within the limits of God.Du Yu's seemingly rebellious remarks greatly angered the main god Manwe, and killing Aragorn violated the will of the god. Now is Gandalf's real Maier strength!

Gandalf raised his wand high, and then gave a heavy meal!
The entire mountain began to shake, countless boulders fell from the sky, the ground cracked, trees fell, and an incomprehensible and terrifying aura slowly rose from Gandalf.

Even Saruman, who was fiddling with the Lord of the Rings in Ozark Tower thousands of miles away, was completely awakened by the unprecedented power of the earthquake.

"What is this movement?" He suddenly turned his head, his eagle eyes were uncertain, staring at the direction of the Road of the Dead in Gondor in the distance.

"I don't know." Catherine clenched her fists nervously.

She also felt the movement of the earth, it was a surging breath, awakening.Catherine felt instinctively that Du Yu seemed to be in extreme danger.

She really wanted to leave this Saruman immediately and rush to Du Yu's side, to face the terrifying unknown existence that suddenly awakened together with Du Yu.But the problem is she can't.

She wants to complete the villain's mission for Du Yu and remove all obstacles.

Glancing at the suspicious Saruman, Catherine said respectfully, "Do you want to study the Lord of the Rings?"

Saruman's attention returned to the Lord of the Rings again.

No matter how the aura just now looks like Maia awakened, and no matter which Maia it is, who can't help but go beyond God's rules and show his full strength in Middle-earth, he must remain calm.

In any case, first study the Lord of the Rings thoroughly and refine it into your own treasure.

Once he gets the Lord of the Rings, his magic level will reach a new level.

"Well, I'm going to retreat immediately, you are in charge of the full authority." Saruman waved his sleeves impatiently: "Don't bother me with big things."

He pressed a button, and a secret door fell from the bookshelf behind him. Saruman, with his sleeves fluttering, entered this heavily guarded retreat with the Lord of the Rings to study the Lord of the Rings.

Catherine lowered her head respectfully, but the light of wisdom shone in those beautiful water eyes.

She turned and walked toward the balcony of the Ozark Tower.Looking from this highest point, the whole of Essingard is undergoing a magnificent siege!

On the outskirts of Essingard, there are countless Treebeard Ents, besieging the city wall of Essingard frantically.All the orcs and strong orcs commanded by Johnson had already gone up to the city for defense, and hundreds of trebuchets arranged on the flat ground in the city continued to project fireballs.

As long as it hits an Ent, it will be a raging fire. No matter how powerful the Ent is, the wood element is naturally restrained by the fire element, and it can burn them alive!

And the furious Ent was completely enraged because of the massive felling of the Black Forest and Meri's instigation.They stretched out their huge giant hands, and kept throwing half a ton of boulders crazily, hitting heavily on the city wall of Essingard.There are even more powerful Ents, using boulders as shields, to advance steadily.Every time this legendary creature falls down, the ground shakes!

In the distance, from the bare woodland that was cut down, Catherine could see that countless Ents were coming in a steady stream.

"After this war, there should be so few Ents in the Black Forest that they are on the verge of extinction?" Catherine sighed.

Due to Sima Yi's chaos, the world structure has undergone profound changes.The attack of the Ents just happened to catch up with Saruman's recharging energy, and the [-] army was ready to attack. Instead of acting as a surprise soldier, it hit Saruman's gun.

Under the walls of Essingard, the corpses of dozens of Ents who had been burned black were a heavy price.

The corners of Catherine's mouth curled up, revealing an inscrutable smile.

"After finishing that terrifying Maia, it's Saruman's turn, right?" She turned coldly, and glanced towards the top attic of Ozark Tower.

She knew that it seemed cramped there, only a few dozen square meters, but in fact there was a space magic lost in ancient times, and it was actually big enough to support another Ozark Tower.

"Pass down my order" Catherine greeted a magic puppet coldly.The servants in Ozark Tower are all puppets of this kind: "Tell General Johnson, in the name of Master, I want him"

Du Yu was very embarrassed at this time.

He managed to avoid Gandalf's deadly sword by using his unpredictable body skills.

The sword grazed Du Yu's waist skin coldly and pierced it. Although Du Yu escaped the fatal injury, he was still shocked by the terrifying lightning power of the enemy's fencing sword. His skin was so dark that he even lost consciousness.

Gandalf's sword moves at this time are wide open and closed, extremely powerful, and he has no self-consciousness as a warlock at all. When people see it, they may even have the desire to complain about "this mage added something wrong".

Only Du Yu knew how powerful his body shaped by the main god was.

"You're playing tricks on me." Du Yu said bitterly, "Just now when you discussed life with me, it was all for the Lord God to hear how rebellious and dangerous I am, and that's why I released you from the shackles of Maiya. "

Gandalf smiled and said, "No! I'm saving the continent!"

Du Yu let out a scream when his enemy's fencing sword was touched. A puddle of blood was brought up by the enemy's fencing sword, and a bloody wound was cut on his entire back.

Gandalf swung his sword leisurely, his face sank and he said, "Do you know how harmful it is to disobey God's will?"

Du Yu grinned his teeth in pain while drinking the healing potion, but his character was rebellious, and he said coldly: "I don't care about this shit, what harm is there?"

Gandalf took a deep look at Du Yu!
From this glance, Du Yu even saw the aura of compassion hidden in Gandalf's heart!

How similar is this look to Yilin's just now?
Gandalf said lightly: "The girl next to you is indeed good. But unfortunately, her realm is still not enough."

"What realm is enough?" Du Yu endured the severe pain, and launched a fierce attack. With a move like a shadow, Ti Yunzong jumped to Gandalf's side, and uttered an overwhelming blow: "Like Aragorn, you can curse at every turn." Thousands of people, making it impossible for them to reincarnate, is that enough realm?"

Gandalf blocked Du Yu's attack indifferently with his fencing sword, and said leisurely: "That's right! In my opinion, that's the method of thunderbolt to show the heart of a Bodhisattva! Your actions are all small kindness, and small kindness is the sign of great kindness." thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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