Chapter 1027 The world is inhumane, everything is a dog! -25 ask for a monthly pass!

25 more! !I feel like I'm all cute.It's just that there are many small stars in front of me.Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, don't be uncertain just because there are more.

Du Yu chewed this sentence twice, dodged an extremely powerful horizontal cut, and jumped back: "I don't understand."

"Have you heard of the ancient Númenor Empire?" Gandalf retracted the enemy's fencing sword, stared lightly at the blood of Du Yu flowing on it, and wiped it lightly: "That is an extremely powerful empire that spans the continent. Sauron During this period, he occupied Mordor, calling himself the Demon Lord, and he also called himself the king of mankind and the lord of the earth. But this title violated the Numenor Empire! The Numenor emperor Yar-Falazon ordered to attack Mordor, and his troops were so powerful Lun Du obediently surrenders!"

Du Yu was a little stunned.

How could someone as arrogant as Sauron surrender to a human emperor?It can be seen how powerful this empire is!

Gandalf looked up at the sky, as if lamenting history: "Ar-Pharazon brought Sauron back to Numenor. But who knows, Sauron spent three years corrupting the Numenor people, from hostages to become Ar- Farathon's closest tutor. Sauron lured the emperor to believe in Morgoth, the god of darkness, and became more arrogant and conceited, despising the main god Manwe, and developed step by step to the end. Instigated by Sauron, in order to seek immortality, they sent troops to attack Aman Continent where the Lord God is located!"

Du Yu sighed, knowing the result.

"Then, the Númenor Empire, which was located in the center of the Sea of ​​Belegail and was even larger than Middle-earth, was forced to sink into the bottom of the sea by the angry Lord Valar! Almost all the Dundan people followed them The continent of the land has sunk. And the Aragorn you just killed is the last descendant of the Dundan royal family!"

Yilin heard that the entire continent of Númenor had been attacked by the angry Lord God, and she cried out in surprise!
"How many humans should there be on this continent?" Yilin lamented.

"The heavens and the earth are not benevolent, and everything is a straw dog!" Du Yu said coldly: "This is the bullshit style of the Lord God! They created humans, elves, and dwarves. Morgoth tortured the elves, created half-orcs, and used Maiya to create Balrogs. , It’s all for fun. Once human beings do not conform to their aesthetics, they will be extinct, Lu Chen.”

Gandalf smiled coldly: "So, I say that your little kindness is the thief of great kindness! You saved a few people, which is indeed a benevolent act, but you have violated the will of God, and you will bring Benu to Middle-earth. An even more terrifying divine punishment from the Manor Empire!"

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "Then what should we do? Shall we kill them at the first glance?"

Gandalf sighed: "There is no need for that. I just want to let you know what a terrifying existence is standing opposite you before you die! It is an existence that you absolutely cannot afford to provoke!"

After he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning the size of a house slashed heavily on Du Yu's body!
That is a divine punishment that is unpredictable!
Du Yu tossed and turned in pain in the lightning!
Only then did he truly realize what the ultimate power in the world is!
The gods of this world, through Gandalf's divine power, directly brought divine punishment on Du Yu.

Du Yu was knocked into the air by the lightning bolt.

His body's dark green suit [Monkey King's Tricks] unexpectedly cracked under the weight of the unpredictable, powerful lightning with terrifying priority and astonishing damage!

Du Yu's health was dropping rapidly, and he was in a dying state instantly.


How long has it been since Du Yu experienced this state?
"The Star of the West that you took away is the holy sword of Nasher." Gandalf said indifferently, "it is the emperor's holy sword handed down from the Númenor Empire. It represents the power of the sun and the moon." You don’t have Isildur’s bloodline, so you are not entitled to own it, hand it over, and I’ll go find Isildur’s bloodline again. Complete the mission God entrusted to me—to rebuild the order of Middle-earth Continent.”

He shot like lightning and rushed towards Du Yu!

In Gandalf's view, Du Yu should have been punished by the gods, beaten to the brink of death, and easily captured.

But there was a ray of Buddha's light on Du Yu's body, which was the light of Yilin's Zen Buddhism.

"Huh! The trapped beast is still fighting!" Gandalf smiled: "Since the god's power unleashed my seal, I no longer need to worry about your combat power. The divine punishment you suffered just now should have already paralyzed your body? Even Sauron, I dare not take this kind of divine punishment lightning."

Du Yu turned over on the spot, dodging Gandalf's deadly sword.

Thanks to his possession of the He's Jade Seal, which can save 50% of various abnormal states, he barely escaped the terrible paralysis consequences brought about by Gandalf's deadly lightning punishment.

"Stubborn!" Gandalf stabbed deeply into Du Yu's waist with his sword in a rage, and with another sword, he lifted Du Yu alive, blood gushed out like a fountain, and fell on the scorched ground!

Du Yusheng took these two swords down with his life, and the whole ground was sprayed with blood, and he was beaten into a near-death state by Gandalf again!
"Your way of killing" Gandalf stepped on Du Yu's head with one foot, and the enemy's fencing sword shot lightning and aimed at Du Yu's neck, as if a butcher was about to slaughter a chicken. With my meager strength, I don’t respect the rules! The result of colliding with the rules of this world is to be killed by a powerful existence with a single thought!"

"Rules?" Du Yu was stepped on by Gandalf, and raised his head defiantly. Blood flowed from his forehead and soaked in his eyes, making his eyeballs turn as blood red as a wolf!It looks crazy and cold!

He stared at Gandalf and said word by word: "The meaning of my existence is to break all bullshit rules!"

Gandalf laughed wildly and said, "When death is imminent, what a big talk!"

He raised the enemy's fencing sword high and stabbed Du Yu in the back of the neck!

He has already imprisoned the space, coupled with the terrifying power of Mai Ya's prosperity, no matter what tricks Du Yu has, he will never be able to escape from his palm!

In Du Yu's eyes, only the sharp light of the enemy's fencing sword grew bigger and bigger!
Seeing that the enemy's fencing sword was about to pierce between Du Yu's eyebrows, a water ripple suddenly appeared on Du Yu's forehead!
No matter how Gandalf's enemy fencing stabs down, the ripples that are as smooth as water can only continue to stretch, but cannot pierce.

"You still came." Gandalf's voice could not tell whether it was joy or sadness.

A curvaceous and Tingting figure proudly appeared on the rock beside her.


Although the powerful elf queen was ordered to rest by Du Yu, she was worried and brought Yang Guo to stop Gandalf and Du Yu of Aragorn, who also followed.

"Yes." Galadriel had beautiful eyes, and Nanya, the ring of water, was rippling blue ripples between her fingers, struggling to support the water shield.

Gandalf awakened Maia's strength, surpassing Galadriel.He is simply the incarnation of the gods walking in the world, but Du Yu was in trouble, and Galadriel still appeared.

Du Yu was moved. He was going to use the space ability just now, but Galadriel made the move this time, which naturally saved the precious space ability.

He flipped over on the spot, dodged Gandalf's lore, and then activated the power of weather!

He has just been promoted to the fifth level of Dao ecstasy, the power of weather.

The dragon wolf roared and jumped out of Du Yu's body. While leaping, his body suddenly swelled up!

The only magical power in space [Dragon Transformation]!
Just mastered the fifth-order supernatural power!
The Mo Dao wolf is humble, devouring the dragon and finally becoming a dragon!
The dragon wolf weather has absorbed so much dragon energy that it is enough to transform into a real dragon wolf in a short time.After performing Dragon Transformation, the body becomes a dragon wolf, which can devour the heaven and the earth, swim in the universe, and compete with the real immortals.Duration 5 minutes.

However, even if the dragon wolf transforms into a dragon, the image it turns into is different from the traditional giant dragon. The overall image is still a wolf, but the fur on its body has turned into dragon scales one after another. The claws have become the five claws of a dragon. The wolf's head remains the same, but two golden dragon horns have grown out. The neck has become longer and covered with blue dragon scales. The originally narrow wolf tail has been replaced by Replaced by a majestic Longwei!

This is the dragon wolf!
It was also the first time for Du Yu to see Longlang's supernatural power of transforming a dragon, and he was also taken aback for a moment.This supernatural power is very clear, it will attract all kinds of strange beasts from the world to devour and compete for supremacy, and it will consume a huge amount of meteorological energy, so don't use it indiscriminately.

But after transforming into a dragon, the appearance of a dragon and a wolf is really incomparably mighty.

It exudes a majestic aura, looking down on the world, wild and unruly, and bloodthirsty. At this moment, it stands in front of Gandalf, staring at Maia with disdain.

"What a majestic supernatural power" Du Yu became excited.No wonder Sima Yi and Su Daji planned to devour their weather. The power of weather has reached a certain level, and it is indeed a super weapon that can influence the situation of the battle.

What's even more frightening is that the battle of weather power is largely unavoidable.Once the weather is swallowed, even the strongest adventurers will inevitably die.

After the dragon wolf turned into a dragon, the first thing it did was to launch a fierce attack on Gandalf.

When Gandalf saw the real body of the dragon wolf, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

From Longlang, he felt a completely different violent power from the main gods and Maiya he had contacted in the past.If that power continues to develop, it may even reach the level of the main god Vera, or even a higher existence.

But Gandalf is well-informed after all, and although such power is astonishing, it is not enough to drive him into despair.He sneered: "The beast will die!"

The enemy's fencing sword slashed at the dragon wolf who had turned into a real dragon.

The huge body of the dragon wolf flashed red, and violently activated [Bloodthirsty] and [Hurricane]!
The two speed-increasing meteorological skills immediately increased the speed of the dragon and wolf by 30%!

The dragon wolf flickered, and Gandalf's attack fell through.

Dragon Wolf's [Fear] is activated at level 7, and everywhere in the sky is the paralyzing and frightening dragon aura pressure!

After absorbing the aura of many emperors and true dragon emperors, and just devouring the aura of the holy tree of Aragorn, the emperor of the West, the dragon wolf is full of arrogance and energy, and crazily launches various skills to attack the archenemy Gandalf more than.

Gandalf's powerful god-given body exempted this fear effect.

But the cunning look of the dragon wolf flashed through the wolf's pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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