Chapter 1036 Beauty tricks!Saruman shows off! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Their torches did cause terrifying damage to Treebeard and the others.Many treants were even thrown and ignited by more than a dozen torches at the same time during a large wave of attacks, and rushed under the city wall frantically, and were smashed into a pile of waste wood by the orcs defending the city with rolling thunderstones!

But the torches of the orcs are also limited, and Treebeard and others will not sit and be knifed.
The way the treants deal with the fire attack of the wargs is to take root in the earth!
The strong and intertwined tree roots, after piercing deeply into the ground, stretched and extended underground at an astonishing speed, like black pythons, circling underground.

When the warg knights charged, these cunts that had been lurking underground for a long time thrust out brazenly, piercing through the soft underbelly of the warg like a horse repelling stake, and smashed the orc's asshole and the underbelly of the warg, While wearing in the air!
Orcs and Wargs often don't die immediately, but are impaled on sharp tree roots, howling, bleeding, internal organs leaking out, but they can't die!

This kind of horrible injury, the blow to the morale of the wolves can be imagined.

Johnson also risked his life. Not only did he use a torch to ignite 5 or 6 Ents, he even used his good rocket sniper technique to shoot and kill two dying Ents and ignited them into a fire.The machete chopped off three or four wolf knights who dared to escape, and regardless of sacrifice, drove the wolf to attack the tree man frantically.

The tree people even resorted to a terrifying move, that is, melee entanglement!

Their dark branches suddenly twisted like a giant python, entangled the wolf and orc weighing hundreds of kilograms together, and strangled them bit by bit.

Neither the bite of the warg nor the ax of the orc could stop the terrifying brute force of the treant. He could only look at his chest in despair. With the air inside, he was squeezed out by the treant bit by bit, fractured and suffocated. In the end, the flesh and blood burst, and the flesh pulp flew across the sky, and was even absorbed by some evil treants directly as fattening

If it weren't for these strong orcs, they all accepted Saruman's transformation, avoided the timidity of their ancestors' half-orcs, and possessed almost infinite loyalty to Saruman's master, and they rushed up at any cost.
In the Catherine Crystal, nearly ten thousand wolf knights and countless tree-man Ents were killed with flesh and blood and flames soared into the sky.

But when he went to the leader of the Ent, Treebeard, regardless of his partner's life or death, he saw a strange smile that shouldn't have appeared on Treebeard's wrinkled face that had gone through vicissitudes and experienced the world.

"How could it be?" Johnson was not an ordinary orc, and immediately felt a chill from the bottom of his heart!
"Stupid Saruman! Stupid Orc!" Treebeard gritted his teeth, "Did you ever think about the wrath of nature when you felled the Black Forest with your axes? Not only do we have great power, we can also use nature the power to destroy you!"

Following the angry sound of the treebeard that had gone through countless years, waves of earth-shattering sounds rolled from the edge of the sky.

The entire continent was shaken by it!

Johnson exclaimed: "Water attack!"

Ever since Sima Yi flooded the Seventh Army and shocked the mainland, all forces with a little knowledge have seen the power of water attack.Johnson is also a keen person, and immediately felt that something was wrong, and roared: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Treebeard laughed loudly: "Brothers, take root in the earth and hold on! The flood is coming!"

It turned out that he had learned from Sima Yi's experience in easily defeating the elven coalition army, and quietly sent Ent Shuren to dig a big hole in the dam on the upper reaches of the Essin River.

With the Ents' wood-type strength, it really shouldn't be too easy to do this.

As a result, the Essing River flooded and rushed towards Essingard.

Catherine looked at the wolf knight who was defeated and fled without a fight in the crystal of true knowledge, and said lightly: "This group of Ents couldn't bear the huge loss of being attacked, and launched a water attack in advance, so I saved this ent Singard."

It turned out that she and Du Yu had long thought that the Ents might launch the flood of the Essien River to break Essingard as in the plot.The purpose of sending out the Warg Knight this time is not entirely to consume Saruman's power!
It's for kicking the tree people's conspiracy ahead of time!

Some people want to ask, which side is Catherine on?

The answer is that she belongs to Du Yu.

For Du Yu, what kind of outcome is in his best interest?

Of course it's a lose-lose situation.

If the Ents did not suffer too much loss and easily occupied Essingard, how could Du Yu accept all the incomparably rich wealth in Ozark Tower, the Crystal of True Knowledge, Saruman's Supreme Lord of the Rings and his head?
Therefore, the plan made by Catherine and Du Yu is to consume Essingard to the maximum and defeat Ent!

Then Du Yu came to pick up the fallen peaches.

The flood was raging, but due to the early detonation of the dam, it failed to form a terrifying flood that could destroy the walls of Essingard as promised.

But the wolves like Johnson are doomed to tragedy.No matter how fast they escaped, they couldn't cross the flood quickly.

As for the Ents, although they are also in the floodplain area hit by the flood, their slender roots can easily be caught ten meters deep underground.You see, after the flood, what is left?
Big tree!
Therefore, these flood peaks are not only a disaster for Ents, but many Ents who are on fire and scurrying around plunge the canopy of trees into the flood peaks, and when the fire is extinguished, it can be called life-saving rain.

Taking advantage of this terrifying flood, Treebeard pushed the attack to the city of Essingard step by step.

It is indeed the lair that Saruman painstakingly managed. Even in the face of the flood launched in advance, the city wall of Essingard has withstood the test. It did not collapse like in the plot, and was washed in by the flood, messing up all the facilities. .Of course, Catherine's use of the wolf knight to force Treebeard to attack in advance is also an important reason.

Johnson led the wolf knight, rushed to the gate of the city frantically, and roared: "Open the door! Open the door!"

Behind them is a monstrous flood, and their lives are dying.

Catherine said indifferently: "The flood is imminent, please General Johnson find another refuge, otherwise I will be responsible for the breach of Essingard."

Johnson roared furiously: "I, Essingard, have today, and it's all about you, a hateful woman! I'm going to tear you apart!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was hit by the torrential flood and hit the city gate fiercely, and then a flood wave rolled up and disappeared

Facing the panicked orc defenders, Catherine said calmly: "Everyone don't need to worry, as long as you stick to your posts, the instructor will take action!"

Mention of Saruman inspired these beasts to stick to their posts against Treebeard.

In order to strengthen the defense, Saruman placed hundreds of fire crossbows on the city wall, and if they were shot down, they could also cause terrible damage to Treebeard.

Catherine sighed, made a sad expression, and knocked on the door of Saruman's research room.

Saruman's impatient cry came from inside: "What's the matter? I told you to retreat."

Catherine said respectfully: "I'm sorry, the teacher, but the student is incompetent. General Johnson fell in battle with Treebeard and lost over ten thousand wolf knights. Backwatering, flooding the city. Our defense has reached the most dangerous moment."

"What?" Saruman's angry face appeared in front of Catherine, his hooked nose almost touched Catherine's face.

Catherine looked at the nose, looked at the heart, and sighed: "It's all students who are not good at doing things. They failed to prevent General Johnson from going to war without authorization, and ask for heavy punishment."

Heaven is pitiful to see Johnson, his life and death are unknown at this time, how can he defend himself?

With his ferocious wildness of a strong orc, he can't say that he can't do such a thing without authorization!
Catherine eats the unlucky boy Johnson!

With a livid face, Saruman ran to the railing, looked at the entire battlefield from the highest point of Ozark Tower, and couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

It turned out that he thought that the impenetrable and impenetrable Essingard defense line had already been hit by the treebeard Ent, surrounded by floods, to the east and west, and it was in a state of being defeated.

However, due to "Johnson's rash attack", the once abundant military strength has been completely lost and stretched.The remaining strong orcs are less than [-], relying on the city wall, fighting against the flood and Treebeard, struggling to support.

"How did it become like this?" Saruman growled.

Catherine sighed: "Even if the students are smashed to pieces, it's not enough to make up for the teacher's loss. But the most urgent thing now is how to fight against Treebeard and save the overall situation."

Saruman stared at the Ents in the flood who were constantly wading into the water and hitting the city wall, and murmured: "But even if I am supernatural, it's hard to say that I can deal with so many Ents."

It takes thousands of years for an Ent to have a very small chance of being born with spiritual consciousness, and it takes thousands of years to cultivate into a demon and start activities.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Black Forest is the largest and oldest forest in Middle-earth, stretching thousands of miles and boundless, so many Ents can be born.

Catherine lowered her head and said faithfully: "At present, as far as I know, Sauron is dead! You can rest assured and use the Supreme Lord of the Rings boldly!"

Saruman turned his head suddenly, and the eagle's eyes burst into a frightening light.

"Zoro is dead?" He asked word by word, "How do you know?"

"Teacher, don't forget." Catherine said with a smile, "On the surface, I still kept in touch with your servant Grima. He told me in a special way just now that because Gandalf unlocked the identity of Maia, he did not care about the consequences. , blatantly attacked Sauron, and with the help of the Lord God Manwe, Sauron died! His mind and soul were all wiped out. Ge Lima escaped by chance and invited me to meet him in the past."

"Hmph! Stupid low-class person!" Saruman was satisfied, and intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Catherine, a female student with a hot body and overwhelming beauty: "You don't need to associate with him anymore. He is useless to me! Next time I will take his life myself!"

Catherine bowed her head and said yes, a spark flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Saruman walked up to the crystal of true knowledge and opened it - he is not someone who trusts others easily, even if he felt that Gandalf's Maya power had exploded and unlocked, he had to personally confirm the authenticity of the news.

Fortunately, the True Knowledge Crystal is known as the strongest investigative treasure in the entire continent, and it can respond to the situation at the first moment.

What caught Saruman and Catherine's eyes was the collapse of Doomsday Volcano.The doomsday volcano erupted, red flames spread thousands of miles away, and the city of Minas Morgul collapsed and was submerged under tens of thousands of tons of volcanic ash. Countless subordinates of the Demon King were howling crazily, fleeing in all directions over mountains and mountains

This situation cannot be faked.

And the magic flame tower that never goes out all the year round, with the collapse of Doomsday Volcano, finally collapsed and turned into ruins

"He's really dead!" Saruman was overjoyed, standing awe-inspiring on the top of the Ozark Tower, staring at all living beings and the vast land, wishing to roar angrily, the sound shook the whole field!

"Sauron! You are finally dead!" He stretched out his arms to his heart's content, and the colorful wizard robe emitted amazing magic light.

"I can finally be unscrupulous and formally accept your treasure—the Supreme Lord of the Rings." Saruman stared greedily at the Lord of the Rings in his hand.Before Sauron died, he didn't dare to wear the ring, for fear of being controlled by the ring, but now that Sauron has fallen and the ring has no owner, Saruman is naturally not afraid!

He grinned grimly, looking at the treebeard who was constantly attacking under the city of Essingard, brazenly put on the Lord of the Rings, and whispered a word from his lips: "Ants!"

Immediately, Catherine felt the terrifying magic power unlocked from Saruman's body!

The magic power of the Lord of the Rings on Saruman was so terrifying, no wonder the white-robed Maier did not hesitate to abandon the main god to get the Lord of the Rings.

Saruman raised his staff aloft, and a deadly bolt of lightning the size of a house fell from the sky, striking heavily on an Ent who was ascending the city!

Nan Ente didn't say a word, and was immediately hit by the thunder, his body was scorched black, and he immediately turned over and fell into the water, turning into a lifeless piece of lightning strike wood.

"Hahaha!" Saruman's eyes were red and he looked crazy, and he kept raising his wand, sending out fatal lightning strikes: "I feel the magical power surging in my body, it is inexhaustible! The Lord of the Rings is indeed Good stuff! Why do I have to imitate the Lord of the Rings? Just use the original one, how can an Ent of the Black Forest be put in my eyes?"

Catherine's seemingly unintentional on-demand, lured Saruman to finally put on the Lord of the Rings brazenly, and launched a crazy counterattack against the invading Treebeard.

And Catherine is keenly aware that it seems that on the towering Ozark Tower, the spells cast by Saruman will get a powerful buff from the magic tower. Speaking of data, at least 50% of the magic power can be buffed!As for the casting distance and casting range, it has been doubled to four times!
She couldn't help asking: "Teacher, why is your power so terrifying on the top of the Ozark Tower?"

Saruman, who had successfully cracked the restriction of the Lord of the Rings thanks to the advice of his beloved female disciple Gao Ming, was in a good mood, so he couldn't control himself, and said with a cold smile: "It's time to tell you some advanced knowledge This Ozark Tower is by no means an ordinary magic tower! It represents the magic power of ancient times. I transformed this already legendary magic tower according to Morgoth's vision. It is my most powerful My magic weapon, no one can challenge my authority within the magical coverage of Ozark Tower!"

(End of this chapter)

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