Chapter 1037 Crystal of True Knowledge!Insight into the sky! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Seeing that Saruman wasted no hesitation on mana, the old man chatted about the boy's wanton waste of mana, bombarding Treebeard, Catherine looked at the Ozark magic tower under her feet, which was called the treasure dreamed by magicians, and just smiled lightly.

"Teacher, this magic tower looks very good."

Du Yu naturally wouldn't hide anything from Catherine.Therefore, Catherine already knew that the Heart of the Castle had been sacrificed by Manwe, and could freely receive news from various supreme fairylands and legendary places in this world.

And Catherine looked at Ozark Tower at this time, like a hostess, looking at a sea view villa facing the sea and blooming in spring, which is a free gift without paying, just waiting for the man she loves , paid for the goods to myself.

"This level of weakening should be interesting enough, right?" Catherine looked at the already abundant and murderous Essingard, who looked like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out. Only the crazy Saruman was left squandering his own money. Magic, supporting the overall situation alone, against the surging Ent army, smiled slightly.

At the same time, Du Yu was sitting leisurely in the courtyard of the Holy Tree Garden, admiring the withered holy tree.

Since the death of Aragorn, the seeds that Elendil personally picked from the sacred tree of the Numenor royal family and transplanted by himself have completely withered, symbolizing the noble blood of Elendil. dry up.

The smoothness of the attack on Baicheng was simply outrageous.With the support of the internal response Hou Jie, it is easy for the defenders to believe that the regent Sima Yi returned and opened the city gate.

The unbreakable white city of Minas Tiris fell into the hands of Du Yu.

He was playing with a clear and bright crystal ball in his hand. It was from the palace of Minas Tiris, in the bedroom of the dead King Denethor II, that he found the crystal of true knowledge.

"As expected," Du Yu got his wish and received a space reminder.

"You got De Naith II's crystal ball of true knowledge, and opened the hidden villain mission [Omniscient]!"

"You have to collect a total of seven crystals of true knowledge scattered on the Middle-earth continent to complete this task."

"The reward for this task is 21000 villain points. And unlock your privilege of using this set of crystals of true knowledge [insight into the secrets]!"

"After you have [Insight into Heaven], you will be able to influence the perception and judgment of the owners of the other six crystal balls of true knowledge through the main crystal ball - the Dome of Stars at any time. They will only see what you want them to see, just like Sauron misled Saruman and Denethor to form an intelligence suppression on them! But you can see the intelligence on their side individually. At the same time, you can monitor the communication between any two crystals of true knowledge at any time. "

"Note: The crystal ball of true knowledge can see everything except darkness. There is a method called "masking", which can be used to interfere with the crystal ball of true knowledge and keep secrets. This method has long been lost, but Sauron probably understands it way."

"Each crystal of true knowledge can detect the effective range of 500 kilometers around, and any scene you want to see. High-tech shielding instruments such as satellite jammers cannot interfere with its use and efficiency. Therefore, it can be used in any world without restrictions .And wearing the crystal of true knowledge will increase the wearer's magic value by 10% and magic damage by 10%."

After Du Yu saw these powerful reminders, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"As we predicted, this crystal of true knowledge is indeed a treasure of the ancient elves." Du Yu stroked the crystal ball filled with immortality, and smiled in his heart: "The 500-kilometer detection capability of all-weather, all-terrain, and all-scenario, coupled with the terrifying The magical buff ability is enough to make anyone who gets it put it down and wear it with them, and this is just a moth lamp that lures the enemy to take the bait. After the enemy's intelligence, location, and even perception are misled, their demise is only a matter of days , in your own hands at any time."

Galadriel felt the same way and nodded, "My grandfather is proud to be able to make such a treasure. Even Auli, the god of manufacture, is amazed at his craftsmanship."

Du Yu immediately took out the Dark Soul Stone: "Sauron?"

In the dark soul stone, a certain younger brother who was beaten by the three Diablo brothers got up with a bruised nose and swollen face, and rushed to the top screaming: "Get me out of this damn place! Please!"

Du Yu smiled and said, "It's not difficult for you to come out. As long as you give me the crystal of true knowledge, and then teach the method of concealment to my woman Galadriel, how about letting you go out for ten days?"

"Ten days?" Sauron was dissatisfied and roared, "I am an extremely precious fetish!"

It turned out that the three dark brothers behind him, known as prison tyrants, had already grinned grinningly behind him, and saw that a new round of sexual tragedies would be staged again.

At this time, the terrified Sauron only wanted to escape, even for a moment, so why would he care about the length of ten days?
"I promise! I promise! Hurry up and get these three beasts away from me!" Sauron yelled in despair.

With a smile, Du Yu grabbed Sauron and suppressed him under the light of He's Jade Seal.

Sauron looked at the three dark brothers who were gnashing their teeth with lingering fear, and quickly spit out the location of the crystal of true knowledge.

Du Yu called out Shi Feixuan and ordered her to ride the fledgling eagle "Xiaoguan" (named by Shang Xiuxun) who had just learned to fly, and quickly disappeared in the direction of Doomsday Volcano to retrieve the collapsed Bala Demon. In the tower, the remaining crystal of true knowledge.

Xiao Guan is worthy of inheriting Guan He's bloodline of the Eagle King, and in just a few days, he has grown into a giant eagle that is not small, enough to move a beauty.And this trip, it only took a few hours to complete the round trip.

Get the second crystal of true knowledge.

Galadriel suggested: "Since this mission is real, we should divide our forces into several groups to speed up the collection. The location of the three Arnor: on the tower of Eros Tirian, Yang Guo is responsible for retrieving them. The Watchtower of Amonsu, to Arwen and Hadir, Anuminas of Lake Everdine, to Legolas. Osgiliath's Orb of Knowing, which is the Dome of Stars, Leave it to me to retrieve it myself. Anyway, there are many flying monsters in your Pegasus Ranch, even if you delay a little time, you can complete the round trip within 10 days."

Du Yu originally wanted to get it by himself, but when he thought about Saruman's war, there might be changes at any time.These beauties and brothers have powerful power, and they are enough to rest assured. After thinking for a while, they said: "These lost crystals of true knowledge have not been seen for a long time, and I don't know if there are any powerful legends. They are secretly collected and guarded. Don't take it lightly. Simply Send out all the beauty teams to follow you separately to retrieve the treasure for me."

Therefore, the soldiers were divided into four groups.

The Star Dome group is led by Galadriel, and the team members include Xiaolongnv, Serena, Elizabeth, Zhou Zhiruo and Dugufeng.

Eros Tirion's tower team, led by Yang Guo, accompanied by a senior elf elder Khedira who is familiar with history, the team members include Ning Zhongze, Shen Luoyan, three sisters Fu Junzhuo, Li Xiuning and Song Yuzhi.

Amonsu's watchtower team, led by Arwen, with Hadir as his deputy. The team members include Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Li Qinglu, A'Zhu, Wang Yuyan, and Li Mochou.

The team of Annuminas from Lake Everdine, led by Legolas, is most favored by beauties because of the good looks of the captain. The team members include Yilin, Leah, Iowyn, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wan crystal.This group also brought the Queen of the Dragon, Molier, the little eagle Xiaoguan, and the horse king Jieying.

As a result, there was nothing around Du Yu.Shen Luoyan expressed his concern for Saruman, but Du Yu showed a knowing smile.

"All you have to do is go on an expedition. If you get the treasure, you will be rewarded. I don't have to worry about it. When you come back from the expedition, I should have got Saruman's treasure." Du Yu smiled like a little fox.

The beauties acted according to the plan and headed to various parts of the mainland separately.

But Du Yu entered the photo leisurely, and his consciousness sank into the imprint of space.

In the Spirit Evocation Tower in the Heart of the Castle!
Sima Yi's remnant soul was inside, being tortured day and night.

Needless to say, the beauties who are interrogating are Li Mochou, who is best at poison, and Wan Wan, who likes to play tricks on people. Together, these two witches will melt even Iron Man.

Therefore, although Sima Yi made up his mind not to say anything, in front of the terrifying instruments of torture aimed at souls in the Summoning Soul Tower, in front of Li Mochou's poison and Houhou's celestial demon Dafa, his remnant soul Still suffering, spit out a lot of useful things.

For example, the whole story of this assassination against Catherine.

Another example is the details of the Hou family's plan to launch a rebellion in the near future!

Du Yu had been busy running around dealing with the affairs of this world before, and finally freed up his hands to interrogate this great enemy.

Sima Yi was dying, his skin was ripped apart, obviously Li Mochou hated Sima Yi for murdering her husband, and she often used vicious methods during the interrogation.But the wicked have their own grind.If you don't use these things, you can't imagine knocking out so many things from the old fox's mouth.

Du Yu sat coldly opposite Sima Yi.

Sima Yi panted, "I've told you what should be said and what should not be said. You have already plundered all the treasures and even the weather. What else do you want?"

For some reason, Du Yu could always sense a lurking crisis from Sima Yi's downcast eyes.This is the result of Du Yu's spiritual consciousness becoming more acute after upgrading to the fifth level of Dragon and Wolf Weather.

Although the old fox was down and out and was severely punished, he seemed to always be holding a trump card that Du Yu didn't know, and while he was being tortured in secret, he cursed himself viciously.

Du Yu took a deep breath: "Don't be like this, Lord Zhongda. Although we are enemies, it is not impossible to reconcile. Do you want to get out alive?"

Although Sima Yi remained motionless, a flame was burning deep in his closed eyes.

Du Yu said slightly: "God has the virtue of good life. I am not going to imprison Mr. Zhongda until he dies in this summoning tower." "+" sign, choose to add a public account in adding friends, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public account, and never miss every update again!)
(End of this chapter)

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