Chapter 1039 The crystals are assembled! Exchange for the kingdom of elves! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The heavy price paid for this fierce battle far exceeded Du Yu's imagination.

Serena's left arm was bitten off, and even her thigh was torn bloody by the crazy ogre because of the loss of the treasure!If it weren't for the vampire queen's ability to transform into a bat to save her life, she would hardly have survived!
Zhou Zhiruo even tried her best, combining the martial arts of the Nine Yin Scriptures with her innate realm, severely wounded an ogre, but was broken by the ogre's giant stone hammer, breaking one of its legs.You need to lie in bed for at least 1-2 worlds, and you can't do it.

Dugufeng's long sword pierced the eyeball of a troll, but because of this, he was hit on the arm by the troll's fist, and his face turned pale.

Thanks to the little dragon girl and Elven Queen Galadriel who are at the peak of the Jindan period!

At the critical moment, Galadriel summoned the dryad and summoned a full 10 Merlon dryads to fight against the ogre, while the little dragon girl performed super-level, with one against three, holding the front line.

The final lore came when Galadriel brazenly took out the Silmaril, moved out the power of sunlight that was blessed by the gods contained in it, and illuminated the dark cave of Osgilias like a golden crow Out of the mountains, bright as day!

This finally killed the trolls, whose only weakness is sunlight.When they met the sun, they finally turned into stones, and the little dragon girl chopped off the dog's heads one by one.

Although the cost is great, the rewards are also extremely rich.The hearts that burst out from the six-headed trolls are excellent building materials!Once it is installed in the body of mechanical beasts such as ink unicorns, wooden cows and horses, the mechanical beasts can have the ability to quickly self-heal at the cost of accelerating energy consumption.As long as it is not exposed to sunlight, it can function normally.

But with the continuous return of the crystal of true knowledge, Du Yu's confidence also filled up.

Because, he used more trump cards to deal with Saruman.

In the past 5 days, the news from Catherine is that the siege of Essingard is over.

The victor is Saruman with the One Ring.

As the price of victory, Treebeard and others lost too much, their morale collapsed, and on the way to escape, Saruman personally led the troops out of the city, forcibly using invisibility + lightning, killed Treebeard, and got Treebeard The core of the ten thousand year heartless tree.And according to Catherine, the spy, after the battle, more than 300 Ents were killed, and a lot of rare wood-type building materials were obtained, such as the AA-grade material that is not commonly found, such as the heartless wood. Hundreds!
Of course, as a legendary existence, Treebeard is not so easy to kill. In the final battle, Treebeard's root assassination and body entanglement also caused terrible damage to Saruman.Catherine went to look after Saruman herself, and found that his chest and thigh injuries were far beyond imagination.

And the whole night, Saruman moaned and turned sideways on the hospital bed.

The time has come to murder Saruman.

Du Yu asked Catherine to make a small plan, and let Saruman see the picture he expected to see!
This technique of manipulating Saruman's perception and emotion was precisely Sauron's art of misdirection.And the trader is Galadriel who is super magical and familiar with the crystal of true knowledge!
In order to retaliate against Saruman's Silmaril trap, Galadriel naturally gritted his teeth, retaliated against him in the same way, and misled Saruman well.

Reminded by Catherine, Saruman saw the next target of greed in the crystal of true knowledge.

Ring of Power!

Sauron died, and the 19 Rings of Power imprisoned by the Supreme Lord of the Rings surfaced one after another.Among them, the nine Great Lord of the Rings that belonged to human beings fell into Du Yu's hands one after another because of the fall of the ring spirits!
Saruman couldn't sit still when he saw Ge Lima's clever words, which made people jealous and lucky enough to collect all the nine human rings.

Under the misleading of Catherine and the crystal of true knowledge, he took it for granted that Du Yu got the Lord of Power Ring by chance when Sauron was killed by Manwe and the ring spirits fell one after another.

Therefore, he resolutely issued an ultimatum to Du Yu—requiring his servants to rush to Ozark Tower within a week with 9 magic rings of power.This is the only chance allowed for survival.

But what made Saruman stunned was that Glimmer, whom he looked down upon, flatly refused the gift of kindness from his former master - he refused to hand over any magic rings and disappeared without a trace.

Saruman, who defeated Treebeard, wiped out all enemies, and dominated Middle Earth, was of course furious.

He ruthlessly used the crystal of true knowledge to detect the whereabouts of Ge Lima.

Under Saruman's magic power, Ge Lima said that even if she was thousands of miles away (500 kilometers), she would never escape his detection.

The facts also satisfied him.

Without much effort, Saruman found the trace of Du Yu with the crystal of true knowledge.This kid actually lurks in Minas Tiris, trying to be the regent again!

"The courtier is the clown, the clown's tricks, it's time to end." Saruman said to Catherine coldly.

This is the order to kill.

Catherine bowed her head respectfully: "But he was my friend after all, please allow me not to go with you this time."

Saruman said generously: "It doesn't matter, I will go back tomorrow after a while. Get back his head, the magic ring of power, and the crystal of true knowledge in the White City by the way."

Catherine nodded with a smile.

Of course Saruman would not leave an empty magic tower to Catherine.No matter how much he trusted Catherine, it was the same.

But he obviously overlooked a problem.

Catherine's talent.

In the past few months, Catherine has been deeply trusted by him, has read most of the magic books, and has mastered various secrets to mobilize Ozark Tower to open it.

After Saruman explained Catherine's various precautions, he immediately turned into a golden eagle with a white forehead, flashing colorful lights, flew away in the air, and went straight to the sky.

Catherine pursed her lips when she saw that Saruman used Transfiguration but not the portal.

One leaf can tell autumn.
Essingard is too far away from the White City. Saruman, who had just fought against Treebeard, did not use the portal. The only possibility is that he cherishes the mana and is unwilling to spend it.On the other hand, driven by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Saruman's magic value was also consumed seven or eighty-eight, and has not yet fully recovered.

With such an exhausted body, under the misleading guidance of the crystal of true knowledge and himself, he left the lair of Ozark Tower to deal with all kinds of well-prepared interventions with home court advantage. The result can be imagined.

Catherine smiled.

Not long after seeing off Saruman, a golden giant eagle flew to Ozark Tower.

"Are you the Xiao Guan Du Yu mentioned?" Catherine was overjoyed, stroking the elegant and charming golden feathers of the Wind King's bloodline.

Xiao Guan panted and said: "I'm exhausted. Sister Shang wants me to bring back the crystal of true knowledge before Saruman arrives in Baicheng, and then I can collect 7 crystals of true knowledge, give that guy a villain mission reward, and exchange for three in time." The Kingdom of the Great Elves."

Catherine smiled and picked up the crystal of true knowledge that had already been packed, and tied it to Xiaoguan.Such a heavy package could not be transported by the jadeite pigeon with limited load. Fortunately, Du Yu took over Xiaoguan in time, and Xiaoguan learned to fly very fast, and he could travel across the ocean in just a few days.

Xiaoguan sighed humanely, devoured the strips of meat given by Catherine, and flew high towards Baicheng.

Worthy of being a descendant of the Wind King, Xiao Guan hardly needs time to learn to fly, as if flying is as natural as eating and sleeping, and he is born with the Wind King's wind skills, which can accelerate flying for a long time.

It only took half a day for Du Yu to welcome Xiaoguan back.Also present is Arwen's team.

The last expedition team, Arwen's team, has just returned smoothly, bringing back the crystal of true knowledge from the ruins of Amonsu's Watchtower.As expected, the watchtower of Amengsu had been destroyed, and the defenders inside had become lingering ghosts, guarding the abandoned military fortress.

Arwen and the others struggled to snatch back the Crystal of True Knowledge, but under the attack of these terrifying wraiths, Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou and Li Mochou suffered more or less damage while covering Arwen's retreat. hurt a little.

When Xiaoguan was so tired that he stuck out his tongue and threw down the last crystal of true knowledge at will, Haierfa, the star lion beside Du Yu's feet, roared, jumped up, glared at Xiaoguan angrily, and dropped the true knowledge crystal. The crystal lay at Du Yu's feet.

At this time, the seven crystals of true knowledge made by the ancient elves have gathered together, reflecting each other into brilliance.

The largest one is naturally the dome of the main crystal ball star, which is half the size of a room.Everyone gasped when they saw it!
The reason why it is named the Dome of Stars is because the upper half of this mysterious crystal ball seems to form a universe of its own, with a bright and gorgeous galaxy flowing slowly in it.Cosmic aurora, nebulae, star clusters, black holes, big bangs, annihilation, and other colorful and mysterious celestial bodies are all in it. Cao Cao's poem is the most appropriate description!
The journey of the sun and the moon, if you come out of it; the stars and Han are brilliant, if you go out of it!

The six crystals of true knowledge around are exactly the same, like six planets, surrounding the star, the main star, arranged in a regular manner, just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can know the incomparably close inner relationship between the dome of the star and the other six crystal balls connect.The bursts of light emitted by the dome of the star can almost cover the entire audience, and the other crystal balls faintly emit inner echoes, as if the naked eye can see the effect of gravity.

As expected, when the seven crystals of true knowledge were gathered together, Du Yu received a spatial prompt: "You have completed the hidden mission [Omniscient] in this world! You have been rewarded with 21000 villain points! You I have obtained the privilege of this set of crystals of true knowledge [Insight into Heaven's secrets]!"

After some looting, Du Yu's total villain points at this time reached 34000 points, and he finally got the villain points needed to exchange for the three major elf kingdoms.

At this time, the eagle transformed by Saruman was already faintly visible, appearing in the western sky.

Du Yu said to himself, "My master is here, why don't you line up quickly?"

He smiled, and immediately chose to exchange for the Three Great Elf Kingdoms!

At this time, Saruman, who was flying in the air, suddenly found a trace of abnormal movement in the continent under the eagle's eyes!

His eagle eyes were sharp at this time, and even a hare on the ground a thousand meters below could not escape his eyes. How could he not see the three major elf kingdoms, all trembling violently?
"Rose Lorraine? Mirkwood? Rivendell?" The smug Saruman was walking across the wind, fantasizing about accepting the Nine Human Lord of the Rings from his servant Grema and getting the infinite scenery of the White City's Crystal of Knowledge. Unexpectedly, he saw three rays of light soaring into the sky, shining from the three great elf kingdoms.

"Could it be an earthquake? And it's just targeting the Elven Kingdom?" Saruman couldn't help complaining, but he was very satisfied with his sense of humor in his heart.But since Cirdan the Shipbuilder gave the Ring of Fire to Gandalf instead of him, he became mad with jealousy and angered the Elves.What was once a close relationship with the elves turned to hatred.

The elf country was condemned by heaven, which made him most satisfied.It is best that this earthquake can completely destroy the Elven Kingdom.

He coveted Galadriel very much.According to the screen information of the Crystal of True Knowledge, Galadriel should be in White City at this time.

Thinking of the treasures and beauties at the same time, Saruman became excited and flew extremely high.

But randomly, Saruman found a trace of abnormality.

Why do the three major elf kingdoms seem to be floating in the air?
The entire kingdom, together with its mountains, rivers, land, and forests, was uprooted to form a floating continent?

Saruman's eyeballs popped out.

This kind of power seems to have surpassed the magical power of any legendary existence, and directly entered the scope of God!
Only the main gods of Aman Continent have such great power that they can move mountains out of thin air and sink land into the earth!

Could it be that the Lord God has come to this land?

Sauron should have been taken care of by the Lord God Manwe?

The more Saruman thought about it, the more likely it was, and the cold sweat broke out.

If he said that his servant Ge Lima could defeat Sauron and achieve such a great event, he would be the first to not believe it.

Actually, Saruman's guess must not be wrong.Because Du Yu was able to brazenly uproot the three great elven kingdoms and fly them to Minas Tiris, the only reason was that he had the permission of the main god Manwe to mobilize his divine power and take away the three forests directly.However, Saruman didn't know the reason.

At this time, the shaking of the entire continent became more violent, and the entire three major elf kingdoms floated into the sky, and countless birds and griffins flew in all directions, and the three elf forests that occupied about one tenth of the area of ​​the Middle-Earth Continent were overwhelmed by Mount Tai. With the majestic momentum, it flew towards the holy city of Minas Tiris relatively slowly but unswervingly.

Saruman's speed, of course, was higher than that of these elven kingdoms, but the movement that shook the continent had already completely shocked the colorful robe wizard.He followed the golden forest Lose Lorraine in amazement, and watched the vast golden forest fly forward.

"Would you like to run away?" Saruman wondered.

But when the three elven kingdoms flew over the white city, a ray of light suddenly flashed, and the three elven kingdoms disappeared one after another! (Want to know more exciting news about "God-Level Villain"? Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right, select Add friends to add a public account, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public account, and never miss every day update!)
(End of this chapter)

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