Chapter 1040 Let's talk about the next topic! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Saruman was feeling overwhelmed, and waved his hands in disgust: "Let's talk about the next topic! What else have you done to disrespect my master?"

Du Yu was stunned for a moment, then continued: "That means that he was not loyal enough to his master and hid the treasure privately."

Saruman's eyes lit up: "What treasure is hidden? Hand it over quickly!"

Du Yu nodded, took out a tattered handkerchief with disgusting stutters on it, and dumped it casually.

Just hearing Hualala, Saruman's eyes were completely rounded.

What did he see?
Lord of the Rings!

Lots of Lord of the Rings!

Ring of Power!

Among them, there are the 9 Lord of the Rings of the Human Nazgul.

There are 3 Great Lord of the Rings with the Three Rings of the Elf.

There are 5 Lord of the Rings out of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves!
These 14 priceless Lord of the Rings, just like a pile of one-dollar coins, were dumped on the ground at will by this humble servant!
Saruman was petrified.

He was too excited to speak.
Why did he hate elves so much?
Didn't the "shipbuilder" Cirdan see that he was not upright, so he didn't give the Ring of Fire to him, but gave it to Gandalf?

One Ring of Fire made Saruman lose his composure. Now that he saw 14 Rings of Power, how could he not be envious?
"You maggot that deserves to be hacked into pieces!" Saruman panted heavily, panting like a cow: "There are so many good things, how dare you not pay me a tribute? Keep it for yourself? See if I don't cramp later Skinning?"

He was about to rush down and snatch all the treasures, but Du Yu had already said numbly: "I am really sorry for you, Master, because I still stole your things!"


Saruman was already going crazy with anger, when Du Yu said this, he jumped into a rage and said, "What did you steal from me?"

Du Yu squatted down, slowly picked up the Magic Ring of Power, pointed at the palace and said, "Master, please move, here is the evidence of my crime of stealing from Master."

Following Du Yu, Saruman opened the gate of the palace, and was immediately overwhelmed by the light in front of him!

Real knowledge crystal!

The legendary seven crystals of true knowledge are all here, neatly arranged!

Saruman was already numb, staring blankly at the seven crystals of true knowledge.

"The Dome of Stars?" He circled around the huge crystal of true knowledge twice, looked at the servant with blank eyes and said, "Why did you steal my things?"

Under a series of shocks, Saruman, who is so delicate, didn't even know that his crystal of true knowledge was stolen!
Du Yu pointed to the crystal ball on the far side, and said respectfully: "I'm really sorry, master. I sent someone to steal the crystal ball from your home just after you left the house, and made a set together."

Saruman looked at it blankly for a long time, and finally confirmed that the crystal ball belonged to him!

is his!
Saruman jumped up!
This shows what?
Ozark Tower is not a place where you can come and leave as soon as you say it!

With Catherine's protection and many magical restrictions, how could Du Yu steal the crystal ball?


Saruman's blood suddenly froze and cooled down, falling into the ice cellar.

"When did she wake up?" As expected of a generation of heroes, Saruman gradually straightened his waist.

If he didn't know at this time that he had fallen into the trap and was tricked by Du Yu pretending to be stupid and scheming, and just now he was beaten by this hateful servant who seemed to repent, showing off his wealth and slapping his nose and face swollen, he would still be fine. Saruman?

What are you apologizing for?

It's clearly a slap in the face, or the kind of slap in the face that flaunts his wealth for fear that others won't know he's rich!

The hatred in Saruman's heart.

Why don't you hate yourself, why don't you think that when someone apologizes to you, you think he is cowardly?

They lifted you up on purpose, and then slapped your face hard!

Being played with by this servant instantly made Saruman deeply humiliated.

And this crystal ball guarded by Catherine suddenly appeared here, which made Saruman fall into an ice cave!
He stared at Du Yu with icy eyes, and said coldly, "When did she get rid of the enchanted state?"

Du Yu shrugged and bowed.

The fragrant wind blows, a beautiful woman dressed in a black phoenix skirt and dressed up to attend, walked out of the palace gracefully, holding Du Yu's arm, who is it if it's not Catherine?

Saruman's face was bloodless, he took two steps back, and said fiercely: "You are a magic apprentice, you are a loyal one."

Catherine said indifferently: "From the beginning, I was never controlled by your charm at all. You are the one who is innocent!"

Saruman barely stood still as if struck by lightning, and said bitterly: "No wonder I think Johnson's defeat is so strange, no wonder my judgment will be misguided, it turns out that it is you and it is you!"

"Your judgment is not misleading by a woman." Du Yu said with a smile: "I invite Queen Galadriel."

From the brilliance of the Star Dome, Galadriel, dressed in a golden long dress, appeared at Du Yu's side, smiling like a flower, and gently took Du Yu's arm, letting Saruman know that Du Yu's cabbage was arched by a pig. Yes, it's not just talking nonsense.

But in private, Galadriel twisted Du Yu's soft flesh from an angle that no one else could see, and laughed in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Who said such a vulgar word to me?"

Du Yu grinned his teeth in pain, frowned and begged for mercy: "Her Majesty, please forgive me. It is Her Majesty who takes pity on the little one, so I can kiss Fangze. I was wrong!"

Saruman's gaze moved numbly from Galadriel to the Dome of Stars, and he suddenly realized: "It turns out that you are a bitch! Using the main crystal made by your grandfather misled my perception. No wonder my perception In addition to the strength of Ozark Tower, you can't feel the fall of Sauron, the fall of God, the unlocking of Gandalf and other major events, and you are the one who didn't realize the strong rise of this kid!"

Galadriel smiled and said: "It's not rude to come here. I also want to thank you very much for using the Silmaril to trick me, but we turned it around and calculated it with the crystal of true knowledge."

Saruman said in grief and indignation: "What's so good about this kid? Why do you refuse to obey me, but you want to give in and marry this bastard?"

Galadriel's beautiful eyes were clear, and she said decisively: "Your intentions are not right, and your actions are dirty. If you want me to marry you, you might as well die! On the contrary, Grema, although his strength is low, but he is kind and righteous, and repays me. I have revenged my husband, I have revenged my brother, and I want to take revenge on you, an old pervert, for cursing and framing me!"

She waved.

Legolas, Arwen, Gimli, Iowyn and others rushed in, besieging Saruman at the core.

Saruman took a step back and said angrily, "Hmph! Even if you deceitfully tricked me here, even if you are numerous and powerful, and I have the Supreme Lord of the Rings, how could I be afraid of you? Come on!"

He smiled coldly, and brazenly put the Supreme Lord of the Rings on his finger.

"Master." Du Yuqian sat on the chair and raised his legs: "I advise you not to touch the Supreme Lord of the Rings lightly."

Saruman sneered and said, "What? Are you afraid? It's too late to regret it now! Unless you give me all the beauties and treasures you have!"

He licked his lips, barely able to hide his ravenous lust.

Du Yu lazily said: "No. It's just that I heard that this Supreme Lord of the Rings seems to have a slow and firm backlash against the master's will. Although you are Maiya, your will is beyond ordinary people, but after a long period of time, you can't let it go. It's amazing!"

Saruman sneered.

He has the Supreme Lord of the Rings and has fully tasted the sweetness.That Treebeard, who was regarded as a serious threat to him at one time, couldn't hold on for ten rounds in front of him with the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his hand, and was blasted into a piece of lightning strike wood.Even such treasures as the Wannian Wuxinzhimu were acquired by him.

In terms of the power of magic attacks, after the fall of Sauron, there is no one in the entire continent who is his opponent!
"You house slave who betrays the master, pickling things!" Saruman waved his wand cruelly, "I will tear out your intestines, hang them on the White City, and show them to the public for three days."

In an instant, he put the Lord of the Rings on his hand.

Then, Maiya in the colorful robe who was surrounded by everyone disappeared in an instant.


The invisibility technique of the Lord of the Rings, with high priority, can hardly even be found by the gods.

At this moment, Saruman pulled back from an absolute disadvantage!
He has mastered the transformation technique, and he can break out of the encirclement in an instant.

"Want to keep me?" Saruman sneered in his heart: "I have the Supreme Lord of the Rings, no one can keep me! Unless Sauron comes back!"

Before he could finish thinking, his pupils suddenly retracted!
Because he saw Du Yu lazily pulling out a stone.

This blood-red stone contained terrifying dark power, even with Saruman's critical eyes, he admired it.

"This little thief, how come there are so many treasures in his hand?" Saruman was shocked, but then he said in relief: "The more treasures he has, the more things I will take away after he dies. Anyway, I have Lord of the Rings, who can stop me if I want to go?"

Saruman had activated his invisibility at this time, and walked quickly to the gate of the palace.Be wary of Legolas and others who surrounded him, but they didn't find any trace of him at all.This made Saruman more convinced of the power of his Lord of the Rings, and he sneered in his heart.

When I return to Ozark Tower, I have that terrifying magic buff, and I have the Supreme Lord of the Rings. I can call wind and rain, and my spells can be magical. Let's see what you can do to me?

However, at this moment he suddenly felt dizzy.

If this kind of dizziness was seen by the dead Frodo, he would immediately exclaim: "Sauron's call!"

It was Sauron's call.

Du Yu didn't do anything, just lazily leaned on the throne that should belong to Aragorn, one arm in each hand, with Galadriel and Catherine in his arms, facing the dark soul stone, who had just spent 10 days of vacation and was once again dark. Sauron's soul said softly: "As long as you can summon the Lord of the Rings and make Saruman unlucky, I will give you ten more days of freedom!"

What do people in prison long for most?
Of course, I hope that other accomplices and villains will also come to taste the feeling of Lao Tzu being raped in a big prison!

What's more, Sauron and Saruman couldn't even talk about using each other.Sauron didn't like Saruman at all!
(End of this chapter)

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