Chapter 1042 Saruman whose house was sold! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Brothers, ask everyone for the monthly pass at the beginning of the month!Four more votes! Please be sure to check the ticket folder immediately, and vote for the old pig right away!The beginning of the month is very important.

There were more than 30 long swords of the elves in an instant, stabbing at Saruman.

Saruman waved his sleeves and said with a big laugh, "Let you see the true strength of Maiya."

It really is Maya!
The bodies they have seem to be weak, but they are actually as strong as the Balrog.

The essence of the Balrog is Mai Ya who has fallen into the evil way.

More than 30 gleaming elf swords were broken by Saruman in an instant!

But Saruman's price was a long arrow that passed through the heart!


Marksman Elf King.

Saruman was led two steps forward by the powerful magic power.

"Fool, as Maia, I don't have a heart at all, let alone die." Saruman grinned.Immortality is the Maiya privilege he has obtained.Although the gods have deprived him of his Maya status, the immortality of body and soul is still valid.

But Legolas just smiled slightly.

In his finger, a fiery red gemstone ring flashed past.

That's Naya, the Ring of Fire!
After Du Yu obtained the Three Rings of the Spirit, he also seriously thought about the whereabouts of this treasure.According to Sauron's confession, when he created the Three Rings of the Elves, he set them to be very powerful in order to lure the elves to wear them, but they were only effective for the elves or Maier physique.

In other words, only Galadriel, Arwen, and Legolas under Du Yu's account can wear the Ring of Fire.

The first two have the ring of water and the ring of wind, and the ring of fire should naturally fall on Legolas.Moreover, the ring of fire can increase the wearer's attack with powerful fire damage. For the elf prince who has strong physical damage and lacks means of magic damage, getting the ring of fire is bound to further enhance his strength.

An irresistible and vigorous flame gushed out from Saruman's wound, burning Saruman's body and soul.

"Ahhh!" Saruman screamed in pain.Although his soul is immortal, there is still a lot of severe pain.

"You actually gave the Ring of Fire to this elven prince?" Saruman was puzzled.

In his opinion, a series of treasures like the Ring of Fire can only be used by himself, so why would he give it to others so easily?

Du Yu crossed his legs, hugged the beauty's slender waist, smelled the pleasant fragrance of her hair, and said with a smile: "Because I dare to give all my treasures to others, I can watch them beat you leisurely now. Have you tasted the power of precepts?"

Saruman was shot in the left shoulder by another arrow from the elven prince. While enduring severe pain and fire, he was stabbed into the vest by the elven swordsman behind him!
Although Saruman, who was furious, smashed the elf swordsman's brain with one blow and died tragically on the spot, but his injuries continued to increase.

"Bastard! If you have the guts, come down and challenge me one-on-one!" Saruman noticed that there were more and more enemies around him, almost drowned by the sea of ​​people, and he was extremely frightened and furious, and shouted at Du Yu.

Du Yu shrugged: "Out of respect for the master, I didn't want to participate in this operation, but since you don't mind, master, I will leave."

He smiled and put on the Supreme Lord of the Rings!
This thing fell into his hands, so the little brother Sauron naturally didn't dare to do anything—at least not when Du Yu had many guards.Otherwise, being thrown into the dark soul stone by Leah, and raped by the three prison tyrant brothers would be very uncomfortable.

Du Yu immediately disappeared in place.

"Why are you okay after using it?" Saruman's eyeballs almost popped out!

A huge irresistible force slapped Saruman from the void.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Saruman was thrown into the air and vomited blood.

Du Yu followed up with a dragon swaying tail, and lifted Saruman who was about to land into the air again, and then something even more shameless happened.

Just when Saruman was about to use his ultimate move, Du Yu disappeared again.

He used the Lord of the Rings recklessly, jumped around Saruman, and beat him up and down!

How depressed is Saruman right now?
A mage meets a monk who can make himself invisible!
How depressed do you think he is?
What's even more speechless is that the monk's stealth skill doesn't seem to consume his own mana.

Is there anything more shameless than this?
Saruman was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his colorful robe was broken, and he was forced to fly up.

He will still be hunted down by Legolas' arrows following him in the air!

Saruman was truly miserable to the limit.

But he deserves to be the leading Maier in Middle-earth.

Even in this desperate situation, he still has a way to escape.

The moment Legolas hit another arrow, Saruman's figure snapped and shattered on the spot.

A ray of brilliance rushed to the sky.

"He's going to run!" Galadriel stamped anxiously, and was about to catch up immediately.

"Don't worry." Du Yu smiled and stopped the Elf Queen: "He has nowhere to run."

The elf queen was very anxious: "If this old thief escapes to his old lair, Ozark Tower, where his magical lethality can be enhanced, and there are countless magical restrictions that can help him defend, it will be even more difficult for us to kill him."

"Let him run like a lame dog." Du Yu said slowly, "The more he consumes his physical strength and magic, the less he will be able to exert terrifying lethality. We are using wolf pack tactics, and Saruman It's just a fierce tiger. The longer he tosses, the harder he is, the faster he will collapse. Shang Xiuxun, prepare flying monsters for everyone, let's take a rest and follow Saruman home."

At this time, Saruman was already panicked, and regardless of his physical strength, which was about to dry up his magic value, he drove the fastest magic, desperately rushing back to Ozark Tower!

Although Catherine stole his magic tower, as long as he returned to Ozark Tower, he could defend it against danger, and it would not be a problem to defend it for a few years.

The magic tower can maximize its own magic damage, and there are endless magic potions and mechanism traps.

Grema, Galadriel, Catherine, you traitors, if you dare to attack, you will surely die at my hands.

Saruman was heartbroken, like a cornered beast, he roared anxiously.

Gondor is really far away from Ozark Tower, and Saruman, who was seriously injured, really understood it deeply.

By the time he got back to Ozark Tower, he was too tired to vomit blood.

The colorful robes that were majestic and distinctive were completely tattered and torn, and blood was pouring out from the wounds on the chest, waist, abdomen, and limbs, dyeing the robes blood red, even his iconic His flowing white hair was also burnt by Legolas' ring of fire, curly and black, and fell a lot.Saruman was extremely embarrassed at this moment.

But as long as you can return to Ozark Tower, everything will be fine, kill these slaves who betrayed their masters, and the elf queen!
As long as I can get back to Ozark Tower

Ozark Tower

Where is the Ozark Tower?
The Ozark Tower, which was supposed to stand in the center of Essingard, is empty!Nothing at all!

"How is this going?"

Saruman was so angry that his eyes went black for a while.

Ever since his footsteps left Ozark Tower, everything has been completely out of control!
He flew down at high speed, ran to a strong orc who was cleaning the battlefield and buried the corpse, grabbed it and shouted angrily: "Where is my magic tower?"

The orc was suddenly grabbed by someone, and was about to fly into a rage, biting the other's hand, but felt Saruman's momentum, and immediately knelt down respectfully and flattered him in a low voice: "Your noble student Catherine, according to your According to the instructions, with great magical power, I packed Ozarkta with me and sent it to you, why didn't you see her?"

Saruman was choked with anger!
This group of slaves who betrayed their masters actually wanted to take away Ozark Tower?

He seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

This is my only house.

You bunch of heartless liars.

The strong orc didn't know how to read words and expressions, and still flattered and smiled: "Tsk tsk, we didn't believe it at first. Such a big Ozark Tower, if you say it will be moved away? Unexpectedly, Lady Catherine cast a magical spell, which The magic tower really flew up as a whole, together with the foundation and basement below, flew into the air together, and walked with Lord Catherine! We all bowed to the ground and dared not ask any more questions. In the world, only Lord Saruman You, who else can have such supernatural powers?"

Before he finished speaking, he felt a burst of attraction.

He was thrown directly into the huge beast cage pit in the center of Essingard by Saruman's thought power!

The mine pit hundreds of meters deep resounded with the screams of the orcs falling.

Who else in the world can move this Ozark Tower away except Lord Saruman?

This is really flattering on the horse's legs.

Saruman was in a daze, really didn't know how to go.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered the three kingdoms of elves that he saw in mid-air!

The scene of the magnificent whole mountains and forests being uprooted and flying towards the holy city is simply unforgettable!
"Could it be?" Saruman was dumbfounded.

These three elven kingdoms were not destroyed by the main god at all, but were moved away by the Grema of Baicheng as a whole just like Ozark Tower?

So Ge Lima actually has such a trick?
He froze again.

My biggest mistake was that a dog looked down on people, and actually regarded such a dragon as a snake on the street.

"Hahaha!" Du Yu's triumphant laughter came from mid-air.

Saruman's face was dull, watching Du Huai call out from the heart of his upgraded castle, an Ozark Tower with a height of several hundred meters, which is as luxurious as a 70-story five-star hotel.

Although the Ozark Tower still stands in the interior of Essingard as before, and its power shakes the entire plain of the Essien River Basin, Saruman does not feel the slightest magical connection with the Ozark Tower before.At this time, Ozark Tower has clearly changed hands.

He murmured: "Thieves! You are thieves!"

Catherine smiled charmingly, disappeared in a flash, and appeared coldly on the top floor of the Ozark Tower, holding up the phoenix wand in her hand: "Teacher! You once taught me that a great magician must have his own magic Tower. This Ozark Tower looks pretty good to me. Why don't you give it to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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