Chapter 1043 Absorbing Saruman's Soul! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"I'll kill you!" Saruman looked crazy, raising his wand.

Galadriel wanted to defend, but was stopped by Du Yu.

"Let him and his students fight fairly." Du Yu sighed deeply, "If not, this venerable magician would not be willing to die."

When Saruman heard this, old blood was about to spurt out of his nostrils.

"What is a fair duel?" He couldn't help complaining: "I already"

"The oil is dry?" Du Yu glanced at it, and asked with a half-smile.

Before Saruman could answer, a purple lightning flame as thick as a big tree erupted suddenly from the [-]-meter-high tower.

There were still 300 meters away from Saruman, and the breathtaking magic light had already illuminated Saruman's face, making him jump with fear.

What kind of terrifying black magic power is this?
"Catherine, you've been hiding your true cultivation!" Saruman gritted his teeth.

He finds himself completely lied to.

It's been a scam from the start.

But he was so thoroughly and impulsively fooled.

On the one hand, Ozark Tower buffed the damage by 50%, and on the other hand, she was exhausted, her mana was exhausted, and she was seriously injured. Catherine won this battle without any pressure.

After three consecutive magic duels, Saruman finally fell to Catherine's endless variety of black magic.

Ozark Tower's terrifying magic buff ability was fully demonstrated in this battle.It is obvious that Saruman is more sophisticated in magic, and his magic power is higher, but in the end, he was still completely defeated.

He was defeated by Du Yu's scheme.

"How did this Ozark Tower come into your hands?" No matter how Saruman summoned it, he couldn't activate the various restrictions on Ozark Tower.

"You told me everything about Ozark Tower's protection and prohibition." Although Catherine was also beaten by Saruman's counterattack, her robe was broken, her snow neck was shocking, and a large area was scorched black, but after defeating this evil wizard, her graceful appearance Zhuo Chuo, in high spirits: "When you are not here, I have the command of Ozark Tower. Therefore, I agree to Du Yu's application for purchase. The subplane he owns can absorb Ozark Tower and become a favorite a part of!"

Saruman looked up to the sky and sighed.

He was a total failure.

But Saruman turned his head and looked, and immediately laughed grinningly: "This is not the White City, but Essingard! As soon as I climbed up and shouted, thousands of strong orcs besieged me. Their obedience to me was before I was trained. Just prepared it, you, Catherine, have no ability to control these orcs!"

After he finished speaking, he let out a long whistle, as if he wanted to vent all the depression in his heart.

Sure enough, as Saruman said, thousands of strong orcs rushed out from various military camps, animal cages and hatching rooms, wearing steel armor and holding icy spears, full of murderous aura.

Saruman looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Even if you are as cunning as ghosts, you will not be able to turn the waves in my Elsingard."

Catherine smiled coquettishly and said: "My respectable teacher, you told me to make a decision before acting. Since I decided to choose this place for the final battle, why didn't I do anything?"

Sure enough, there were bursts of shouts of killing on the outer city wall at this time.

A coalition of more than 3000 Rohan knights and more than 8000 elf warriors traveled across mountains and rivers, and sneaked around Essingard in the past few days.Once the decisive battle broke out, these fighters immediately launched a general offensive.

Saruman's face was ashen. Due to Catherine's information shielding, he even failed to find such a large army when he touched Essingard.

"But I, Essingard, is protected by an impregnable city wall! Even Treebeard couldn't break through the defense!" Saruman shouted excitedly with a ferocious face.

The successful defense of Essingard last time gave him great confidence.

Unexpectedly, Catherine smiled slightly and said, "My tutor, during my studies, I am very interested in your chemical alchemy. I really like the gunpowder you configured, right? It is used to attack human city defenses." gunpowder!"

Saruman was stunned for a while, and shouted wildly: "Impossible! You can configure it!"

"Yes!" Catherine simply activated a button.

Essingard is protected by the city wall, but the last time Treebeard led Ent, the crazy attack and water attack caused serious damage to the city defense.And Catherine, who replaced Saruman in power, naturally wouldn't arrange for repairs.In fact, she did a lot of tricks in the dark—for example, she stole the gunpowder successfully developed by Saruman and buried it under the city wall of Essingard!
At this time, there was an earth-shattering explosion sound from under the city wall of Essingard, and more than 20 explosives laid by Catherine exploded in a row!
Originally, after hearing the news of the enemy's attack, the strong beasts immediately rushed to the city wall, ready to deal a head-on blow.

But these big explosions one after another blasted the strong orcs on the city wall to the sky, smashing their bodies to pieces.

The strong orcs under the city wall who were about to besiege Du Yu and the others were also crushed by the debris flying all over the sky.

Rohan knights and elf warriors swarmed in, and quickly fought fiercely with the orcs who were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

The orcs, who had undergone a sudden change, were immediately in danger under the massacre of the Rohan knights and elf warriors who had been preparing for a long time.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, 700 elf warriors poured out from the heart of the castle, joined forces from inside and outside, and attacked the orcs together.

The biggest advantage of these elf fighters is that they can be accommodated in the heart of Du Yu's castle, ready to join the battle at any time.The disadvantage is the high cost of summoning.

Essingard's army, under attack from both front and rear, soon collapsed.

Saruman was finally at a loss.

He looked around in a daze, and there were strong orcs who had been chased and killed everywhere. They were chopped down to the ground by the brave Rohan knights and elf warriors, and their lives were taken away by the precise arrows like locusts.

He turned his head furiously, stared at Du Yu, and said word by word: "Do you dare to fight me one-on-one?"

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Good!"

Then Saruman found out tragically that his servant was really a completely unscrupulous person.

Because his so-called one-on-one is to put on the magic ring and shamelessly fight with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon!
This trick again!
Saruman was already exhausted, but the frightened bird ran away and exhausted the few mana points left. Under the long-planned Du Yu's attack, he really had no ability to resist.

This is Du Yu's conspiracy.

He first gathers advantages little by little, digs holes for the enemy little by little, and waits until his own advantages are large enough to launch them in one fell swoop!
Saruman was so calculated by Catherine and Du Yu that he got all-powerful abilities, and he couldn't even perform two of them, so he suffered a miserable defeat.

He finally had no way out, and was blown up by Du Yu's blow. When he stood up again, he had already reached the edge of a large mine pit with a depth of [-] meters!
Saruman stood up in embarrassment, his white hair was covered with blood and mud, he was really in embarrassment.

"You can't kill me!" Saruman roared hoarsely: "I am Maiya, noble Maiya, immortal!"

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "That's right! But I didn't intend to kill you either. Don't you still have freedom if you are a lonely ghost? That's too cheap for you. Who knows if you have any way to die And resurrection? It’s better to eradicate the weeds and roots!”

Hearing this servant's words, for some reason, Saruman's hairs stood on end!
"Could it be?" Saruman trembled.

"Yes!" Du Yu showed his white teeth and said with a pleasant smile, "My honorable master, you will enjoy extraordinary VIP treatment—just like Sauron, you will be put in the demon god's VIP room!"

In his hand is the blood-red dark soul stone.

At this time, after ten days of letting the wind out, Sauron, who was floating outside, roared excitedly: "Yes! Imprison him! Well done!"

The so-called accomplice to the tiger, when Sauron imprisoned the nine ring spirits and drove these people to become lackeys, did he ever think that one day he would also be accepted by the tiger as a minion, cheer for Du Yu, and even charge into battle?
There was only one thought in his mind.

If he catches Saruman, he will no longer be a new kid, and the prison bully trio will shift their firepower!
Taking a step back, even if he is still being bullied, he can finally bully Saruman, who is weaker, to vent his depression, right?

Saruman took another step back. From the blood-red soul stone, he felt 8 souls of demon gods not inferior to his own, and even felt that Sauron's soul was among them!
This Ge Lima is so heaven-defying?

Can collect demon souls?
With a scream, he was about to turn into a bald eagle and escape.

As long as you can escape, you will pay any price.

But it's a pity that Du Yu had already laid a net in the sky, and Molier, Xiaoguan, the horse king Jieying in Tianma state, and all kinds of beauties riding flying monsters were densely packed, blocking the sky.

Saruman failed to escape the [-] meters, and Xiaoguan scratched his face miserably. The sharp golden claws of the new generation of Wind King almost gouged out the eyes of the bald eagle.

Shang Xiuxun rode Tianma Jieying and slashed at Saruman's wings with a sword. The merchant's swordsmanship cut off the bald eagle's wings abruptly and threw him down.

Du Yu grabbed Saruman and let the hapless colorful-robed wizard turn into a bald eagle, neighing mournfully, but he stabbed the dark soul stone into the bald eagle's forehead!
The bald eagle seemed to be sucked into the soul by the dementor, and gradually became stiff, and slowly changed back to Saruman's original shape.

The whole body of the Dark Soul Stone became hot and blood-red, and the demon god inside sighed sweetly, finally ushering in new partners and new flesh and blood.

The broad forehead of Saruman in the colorful robe was invaded by the hot dark soul stone, making a sizzling sound, like a hot knife cutting butter, and penetrated into the brain.

A soul that was exactly the same as Saruman himself screamed and struggled unwillingly, trying to escape the fate of being sucked into the soul stone.

But this soul stone is the stone of the world, the stone of destiny, the priority is so high that even Diablo can't resist it, even though Saruman is the head of Maya, he can't escape!
(End of this chapter)

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