Chapter 1044 Strong Orc Gene Allocation Technology! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Everyone has watched the American drama [Prison Break], a basic fact is that the more people escape, the higher the probability of failure due to leaks/pig teammates/various accidents!
Later, it will become more and more difficult for the devil to escape from prison.It often forms a deadlock where everyone wants to leave together, and if I can't, no one else can leave.

After absorbing Saruman, the dark soul stone, which was originally red, appeared even more blood-red and plump, almost dripping red.

Liya, who has studied this stone deeply, said pleasantly: "Unexpectedly, after the two demons, Sauron and Saruman, are sucked in, the state of the dark spirit stone will further evolve. Although I don't know what specific effect it has, but The huge magical power contained in it has increased by more than 5% compared to before."

However, Du Yu knew the function of this dark spirit stone, that is, as the stone of the world, it exists as the support of space.

But he was attacked and persecuted again and again at this time, this time the wolf pupil team was attacked, maybe there was also the intention of the emperor and Su Daji in it, and there was no place to vent his grievances, so how could he dedicate this thing?Do you want to help your enemy and stabilize the space so that you can continue to plot against yourself?

The real purpose of this thing must be to use it at a critical moment when the space is precarious after encountering wind and thunder and changing into a dragon!

Anyway, although the building of the space is about to collapse, there are three catty nails on the rotten ship, and the space has been corrupted for more than a while. It seems that there is no problem if it can last for a while, so Du Yu will simply wait a little longer!
In each world, Du Yu can harvest a few demon souls and throw them in to enrich the soul stones.Think about it with your toes, as the number of demon god souls increases, the power of this soul stone can only become stronger and stronger!
And Saruman's treasure does not seem to be such a good thing at present.The second thing to be thrown out was the solitary book of black magic of Morgoth!
【Gods fall】!
This kind of Morgoth's black magic book, Galadriel was only contaminated a little, and then lost all its magic power.If it falls into the hands of Catherine, and she can conduct in-depth research and carefully set up a plan, it is definitely not impossible to assassinate other powerful existences like Saruman in the future.Not to forget, Catherine is in the palace and has many political enemies.This kind of god-level black magic of Morgoth can kill people invisible. It is most suitable for court battles and is of great help to Catherine.

After being thrown to this book by Du Yu, Catherine rushed forward with joy and kissed her passionately.

Du Yu has great beauty in his heart.

As his forbidden private pet, the stronger Catherine is, the more she will help him.

And Catherine's Ozark magic tower was also included in Du Yu's heart of the castle, which would further increase Du Yu's combat power.

The third treasure of Saruman is several skill books.

Speaking of it, skill books are more affordable than ordinary treasures.No matter how powerful a treasure is, it always occupies an item slot, and there are various disadvantages of wear and tear.Powerful treasures need to be cooled down, or need to be driven by energy, which must be replenished from time to time.However, the skills in the skill book are directly transformed into the abilities of adventurers, which is much more economical.

It's the truth to say that you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills.

Regardless of his character, Saruman, as the most profound scholar in the mainland, is pedantic about heaven and man, and all kinds of knowledge are first-class.

Otherwise, how could he have created such a large foundation in Essingard that he could fight against the mainland countries by himself?
There are three skill books in total.

The first book, [Strong Orc Gene Allocation Technology], LEVEL5. It tells how to use the beast cage and the existing half-orcs to continuously create the terrifying creature Strong Orcs that shocked the mainland.

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Although he slaughtered countless orcs, he had to admit that Saruman's technology in biological genetics created a new and powerful main battle species out of thin air--orcs!

In a one-on-one situation, a strong orc has a 55% chance of beheading an experienced elf warrior.

With the expansion of the scale, when 100 vs. 100, the winning rate of the elf fighters who cooperated with each other increased to 65%.In other words, due to coordination and martial skills, the orc's winning rate at this time is only one-third.

But don't forget, production costs!
An elf warrior, that is an expensive and heavy product that needs millennia of time to polish.

But the orcs, like an assembly line, can throw a humble half-orc that can be seen everywhere in the Misty Mountains into the hatching nest. In just 15 days, a three-times stronger orc can burst the membranes from the cultured womb full of amniotic fluid Come out and roar to the sky!

And the iron armor, steel shield, and spear equipped on him cost less than one tenth of that of an elf warrior!

This is like during World War II, during the Soviet-German tank battle, the German Tiger King and Leopard King were indeed majestic. One counts as ten, but it needs a full [-] kinds of parts to maintain!
But the Soviets used the T34 directly produced by the tractor factory, and all the parts were added together, but there were only a thousand!

This determines that the Soviets can use five times, ten times, or twenty times the number to completely crush the sophisticated and expensive war machines of the Germans. defeat!

Moreover, don't forget that Du Yu still has enough villain points, which can be exchanged for the huge orc lair in Essingard.

Under the ground of Essingard, in the unfathomably deep beast lair with a diameter of hundreds of meters, Saruman's orcs burned trees day and night, forged weapons, and raised their offspring.What a terrifying war machine this is.

If this lair can be directly moved to the heart of the castle, besides elf warriors, mages and archers, will Du Yu have more orcs?
Imagine that after the war started, on Du Yu's side, tens of thousands of strong orcs, brave the wind and rain, roared and marched forward in order. Under their protection, the unscrupulous elf warriors, Throw a deadly hail of arrows and magic onto the enemy battle hordes and bombard them indiscriminately.

The strongest war race in Middle-earth will be under the control of Du Yu.

If this [Strong Orc Gene Allocation Technology] can be used properly, its value will definitely not be inferior to some artifacts.After all, giving a sword can only arm a warrior, and forging tools can produce an army.

After consultation, the summoning price of the orc warriors was indeed much cheaper than that of the elf warriors.For each powerful orc, the daily summoning cost is only 1 villain point.Calculated in this way, an army of 1 people, after a high-intensity battle, is only worth 2 to [-] villains.

The second book, [Mineral Extraction and Smelting Technology] LEVEL5.
Saruman is not only an outstanding geneticist, but also an excellent chemist!

His orcs, equipped with all steel armor, are inseparable from his dedication to chemistry and metallurgy.

This ore extraction and smelting technology can be applied in space to greatly increase the yield and output of ore.Even Catherine's eyes lit up when she saw it, and begged Du Yu to reward her with this item.

Du Yu thought about it, and readily agreed.

Because Catherine can maximize the value of this thing.

She possesses the power of the state machine, so she can justifiably look for ore, smelt, purify, and make steel on the land of Shinra. As long as she can get enough steel and alloy materials from it, why bother to do it herself?
Of course, Catherine also promised to find the most suitable candidate to learn this technology and implement the plan of the two of them.

As for the whereabouts of these alloy steels, it is not a problem - Du Yu's Shan Wanjing is a top-level blacksmith, and there is no problem in making high-end weapons. Elf craftsmen and orc blacksmiths will do.

The third book is the hard work of Saruman Chemistry [Black Powder Technology] LEVEL5.
In the plot, when Saruman attacked Helm's Deep, he used the wild beastmen, held up the torch, rushed into the water outlet of the city wall stuffed with explosive barrels, immediately blew up a large section of Helm's Deep, and finally succeeded in breaking in.

Theoretically speaking, this [Black Powder Technology] must lag behind the various technologies in the future theme world, and it seems very weak and dismissive.But space is balanced!

The most terrible limitation is that the technology of future themes cannot be directly brought into the world of cold weapons and magic themes!

This is an iron law.

But this [Black Powder Technology], as a self-produced and sold product of the Magic Age, is not included in the restrictions.

To put it simply, adventurers who carry powerful plastic explosives either cannot bring them into the Lord of the Rings or the Three Kingdoms world, or after bringing them in, they also want to cry without tears and find that they can only exert 20% of the explosive effect-about the same as black powder.What's even more unfortunate is that the total amount carried will be limited, and the city wall cannot be destroyed at all, and one will be one less.

However, [Black Powder Technology] can use this original black powder formula unscrupulously, and mix black powder in the Three Kingdoms era to bomb the city walls!Of course, if the black powder evolves to level 10, the effect will not reach the sky-defying level, but it does provide a lot of convenience.

Du Yu gave the black powder technology to Li Mochou, who researched poisons, and let her learn and prepare it. They are all killing techniques, and Li Mochou is also very interested in black powder.

After doing all this, Saruman was completely drained, wanting to cry without tears.

Later, even the mysterious continental fortress of Essingard was taken into the heart of the castle by Du Yu using the agreement reached with the main god Manwe at a price of 15000 villain points.

After exchanging the three major elf kingdoms, the villain value of 34000 points dropped straight to 9000 points. After obtaining the Supreme Lord of the Rings, 10000 points were obtained, and another 10000 points were obtained by killing Saruman. Du Yu's villain value fell back to 14000 points again.

He no longer intends to exchange these villain points for the legendary fairyland of Middle-earth, because he killed Saruman twice and used the elf troops. The total battle time was only 3 hours, but he spent a full 2100 points, which made Du Yu very heartbroken. .

War is indeed a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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