Chapter 1045 Massacre and looting!Wolf Castle is burning! - Ask for a monthly pass!

After deducting these war payments, Du Yu's villain value was only 11900 points, and he really didn't dare to move anymore.The next world is Dynasty Warriors.Elf warriors and orcs can play a great role.

Back in the space, there is no chance to get villain points, so I can only seize the opportunity to get the 9000 villain points of the Ring of Power and the 10000 villain rewards of the Lord of the Rings.With a hoard of 30000 villain points in hand, Du Yu can have enough cards to deal with the next world of the Three Kingdoms.

Du Yu stood on the top of the Ozark Tower, staring towards the northwest, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

In his hand was a compass of the Pirates of the Caribbean world.The compass was already worn out and looked bad, but Catherine, who was following Du Yu, showed an incredulous gaze.

"You even have a compass that doesn't know how to guide?" Catherine exclaimed, "You have only experienced 10 worlds, and you don't have any background, how can you get so many good things?"

He's jade seal, angel wings, dark soul stone, castle heart, compass that doesn't know how to use a compass, weather compass, these unique good things in space, each of which can be called a big force, is a town of a country. national treasure.

Du Yu smiled, and the compass pointed to the direction of a crater in a mountain range near the sea in the northwest.

"It seems that Mr. Smaug still has the last Ring of Power, lurking there."

Du Yu laughed lightly.

"There is still half a year left in this world." Catherine's beautiful eyes blurred: "It's the first time I'm on a mission with you, and I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

"In the early stage, it was close to death." Du Yu smiled, his face became gloomy: "I don't know what's going on with the battle at Wolf Castle."

At this time, the bloody city, Wolf Castle.

Wolf smoke billowed, rubble piled up, and corpses lay everywhere.

The fighting is basically over.

Although in the depths of Wolf Castle, there were still shouts of killing from time to time, but with the strange armor array and various vicious and solid defensive measures on the periphery, they were destroyed one by one, and the rest of the battle was just a trapped beast.

A golden carriage pulled by the four-headed space AA-level monster Purple Wing Lion King, under heavy guards, slowly stopped in front of the razed Wolf Castle.The purple-winged lion king has a violent temper and kills people at every turn. To tame this terrifyingly powerful and violent monster to the point where it can be used like a finger, the price spent is extremely high.

A guard stepped forward respectfully and quickly opened the car door.Then he knelt down, respectfully invited the distinguished guests inside, stepped on his shoulders, and got off the carriage.

This guard is a powerful leader of adventurers in the inner city, and behind him are 50 top adventurers in the inner city.Murderous, following the nobleman.

A noble boot stepped on the guard's shoulder and stepped down.

He felt that he had stepped on something, frowned in disgust, and looked up, but it was a human hand.

The pale human hand, the blood on it has not yet solidified, should have been chopped off in the fierce battle just now.

But on the finger of this human hand, there is an eyeball!
It should be using martial arts such as Eagle Claw Kungfu to grab the enemy's eyeballs abruptly, and the enemy, who was shocked and angry, chopped off his palm with a knife.

The nobleman kicked the man's hand away in disgust. Hearing the sound of killing from a distance, he frowned and said, "It's been 6 hours, why haven't you finished killing?"

The commander said with a smile on his face: "Duke Zheng, you don't know something. This wolf pupil team is really a hard nut to crack! When they built the castle, they had ulterior motives, and they built it to be even with the city wall, and there were a lot of Qimen dunjia formations." And vicious institutions, canine teeth intertwined! Thanks to your old man's family temple, only one third of them stayed behind while their main force was performing tasks outside. Otherwise, brothers would suffer heavy casualties just by rushing to the city wall. Even so, kill them all The 18 people who stayed behind also cost the lives of 17 of our brothers."

The nobleman had a gloomy expression on his face: "You guys are a team from the inner city, why do you have to fight for a full 6 hours to deal with a mud-legged team from the outer city? It would be bad if that bastard Yimei came with the city guards! "

The leader gritted his teeth: "This group of guys are not afraid of death, and they always take out valuable treasures at critical moments, and fight back vigorously. I really don't know if the wolf pupils don't steal or snatch them. Where did they get so many precious defensive items? Although Du Yu, Mai Xuela, Li Tang and other team leaders were not there, Hu Yijun and others left behind resisted desperately and did not retreat. Launched various formations to surprise us. She had a changeable mind. Seeing that our army was powerful, she even dropped all kinds of treasures worth tens of millions of survival points in the Wengcheng. The brothers immediately exploded the nest and looted After a pass, the enemy exploded instead, and the six brothers died tragically in Wengcheng."

"Trash! I don't want to listen anymore!" Behind Zheng Guogong, the son who had been humiliated by Du Yu stood up with a gloomy expression: "I want to go and see for myself, who is so kind? When I occupy this Wolf Fort, Everyone must be killed! Well, the flowers of the Guo family sisters should be left for you to taste slowly."

He said he did it, and immediately lifted his foot and walked inward.

"Aotian" Zheng Guogong was mature and prudent, and prevented the son's plan of revenge: "The son of a thousand gold can't sit down, just let them do it."

The so-called Long Aotian, the son of Zheng Guogong, had a look of resentment, and the Fire Cloud Palm in his hand was fiercely placed on the bricks and stones of Wolf Castle, and the bricks and stones flew wildly.

"Report!" A blood-stained adventurer in the inner city came out with a smile on his face: "We have killed all the resisters. There were 20 people left behind in the wolf pupil team, and we wiped them all out. But brothers At the last moment, a chick activated a personal fairy magic treasure and killed two motherfuckers, I must kill these two chicks."

"Two chicks?" Long Aotian had a keen sense of hearing, and immediately slapped him with curses.The man was taken aback for a moment, and was about to explode, but found that the commander was kneeling on the ground respectfully, so he could only admit it.

"Why don't you quickly bring the two chicks here?" Long Aotian cursed.

Not long after, Guo Fu and Guo Xiang, sisters Guo Fu and Guo Xiang, with bloodstained faces and unruly expressions, were pushed out by the group of adventurers in the inner city controlled by Duke Zheng.

Along the way, the two sisters saw the wolf pupil team relying on the Wolf Fort, swearing to the death, and the corpses of the guards who fought to the death, their eyes filled with tears.

However, when they saw Long Aotian, the eldest son of Zheng Guogong with a sinister smile on his face, their faces immediately turned pale!
Only then did I understand why such a powerful team from the inner city would descend from the sky and brazenly attack the heavily guarded wolf pupil team!

It was for them!
This vicious attack was actually to capture their sisters.

Zheng Guogong's eldest son, Long Aotian, walked up to Guo Fu and Guo Xiang with a sinister smile, staring at the Guo sisters with fire-breathing peach blossom eyes, because of the five flowers tied together, they looked more bumpy, exquisite and curvy, and slightly blood-stained like flowers Delicate and frivolous, she provoked Guo Fu with her fan: "Little beauties, I just like your pungentness, hehe, there is no woman that I, Long Aotian, can't get. Even if Du Yu is a fourth-rank sesame official? Even if you So what if you hide in this Wolf Fort? Are you going to be eaten alive by me, or captured alive?"

Before he finished speaking, Guo Fu spat on him.The son of Zheng Guogong couldn't dodge in time, and was sprayed straight on.Guo Fu raised her brows upside down, and scolded softly, "You bastard! How dare you do such evil things! Waiting for Du Yu and Yang Guo to come back, I'll look after you!"

Her face was red and swollen from being slapped by the angry Long Aotian.

Guo Xiang rushed over to protect Guo Fu, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Long Aotian had a grim expression on his face: "Fuck your mother! What kind of bastard is a Du budget? He is just a fourth-rank official, or a dog of my Long family! Yang Guo? Hehe, of course I know. I also know you two She is the daughter of Guo Jing and Huang Rong! I know that Guo Xiang is Yang Guo's woman! But what about Guo Jing and Huang Rong? I play like a famous beauty! I will fly you both tonight"

The leader pointed at Guo Xiang and said, "It's this little girl who knows the Qimen Dunjia and caused us a lot of losses!"

Zheng Guogong looked serious, and said sharply: "Aotian, don't talk nonsense! These two women are still useful as fathers. The city guards are coming soon, leave quickly."

As the royal family of Tang Dynasty, he naturally understands the rules of the game.As long as you do things without anyone noticing, others can't get conclusive evidence, it's a big basket, and it's harmless.At most, Du Yu sued the emperor through Yimei, and he was scolded by the emperor to make him lose money.

Does money matter to Zheng Guogong?
What's more, the big conspiracy will soon be launched.

Du Yu probably won't come back.

Not even a sufferer, what could Yimei use to sue?
As for the remaining two-thirds of the wolf pupils, without Du Yu, without Wolf Fort, their lives will be lost in the next world!

Against himself, beating his son, and even threatening the existence of the Hou family, he would never bear it.

The carriage drove away slowly.

Wolf Castle is originally located in a remote place, with few people around.Before the battle started, these strong inner city teams even sent people to clear the field. There were vicious inner city bullies blocking the way, and no one could see the truth about the Wolf Castle attack.

But in the so-called dark world, there is God's will.

This large-scale siege, vicious raid, also fell into the eyes of one person.

Especially when Guo Fu and Guo Xiang were captured and forced into the carriage, the man's gaze was even more icy cold!
"Among the carriage, there are also two masters from the Imperial City." The man stood in the air in the void, but under his feet was a simple long sword, filled with immortal energy: "There are 4 other people from the Imperial City around. Thieves are afraid of death, so be cautious, and you will have to spend a lot of thought."

(End of this chapter)

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