Chapter 1046 Get the Lord of the Rings!Soul search spy! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Using a compass, Du Yu found Smaug who lived in seclusion on a volcanic cliff by the sea, and a fierce battle broke out immediately.

There is no need to repeat the battle process.Du Yu can plot against Sauron, Gandalf, Saruman and Sima Yi, and make Manwe helpless. Could it be that he can't deal with an ignorant dragon?

Lord of the Rings Stealth + Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms sneak attack on the left chest!
Smaug, who was seriously injured, was about to fight back when Legolas pierced his eyes again with an arrow!

Leah turned into Diablo, threw herself on the dragon's head, and kicked hard together.

Galadriel's magic restraint prevented the dragon from flying.

Morel, the Queen of Dragons, went out to fight Smaug herself.

In front of such a luxurious and terrifying lineup, what reason does Smaug have for not dying?

So without any suspense, Smaug was pierced through the left chest by Du Yu's palm, forcibly digging out the dragon's heart.

Under Wang Yuyan's professional guidance, its keel, dragon scales, dragon wings, dragon tendons, dragon blood, and dragon whip were sorted, cut off, and thrown into Du Yu's space.

The remaining dragon meat was rewarded by Du Yu to the dragon queen Molier.After devouring the dragon meat of the thousand-year-old dragon, Molly's strength should have been greatly improved.

And the remaining dragon souls were also carefully stored by Du Yu in the Summoning Tower.Although Sauron and Diablo are eager to devour Smaug's soul.But in view of the fact that the dragon soul can create powerful weapons, Du Yu was not willing to throw it to two wild beasts to devour it.

Smaug's wealth, indeed, piled up like a mountain, but most of it was shiny pebbles, worthless.

That's right, he was in such a mess that when he escaped from the lonely mountain, he could barely save his life. Naturally, he couldn't talk about coercion, and all he could bring out were his belongings.

But it was also an inconspicuous ring among them that caused it to be murdered.

Du Yu found the ring of power from under a dragon scale.

The Ring of Might of the mightiest of Durin's dwarves.

When he touched the ring and threw it into the ring of power plastic bag, the Supreme Lord of the Rings and the 19 rings of power in his hand burst out with brilliance at the same time!

The long-awaited news arrived.

"You have successfully collected 20 Lord of the Rings and completed the hidden mission, you will be awarded the title [Lord of the Lord of the Rings]!"

"You have received a reward of 7 villain value from the 9000 rings of dwarf strength."

"You have been rewarded with an additional 10000 villain points."

The Supreme Lord of the Rings trembled slowly.

Immediately, Sauron let out a scream.

The three Diablo brothers, who were also in prison, laughed and looked at Sauron's finger, bursts of black smoke came out, and then turned into fly ash and dispersed!

Sauron cried out mournfully, "My darling, don't leave me!"

But his priority naturally cannot meet the requirements of the plot.

Because Du Yu collected all the Lord of the Rings and completed the legendary epic deeds, he was recognized by the Lord of the Lord of the Rings and could exert 100% of the power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. (The Supreme Lord of the Rings naturally abandoned Sauron, and Sauron was unable to pass the Lord of the Rings, bewitching and corrupting Du Yu's heart, so there was no hidden danger)
At the same time, Du Yu will unlock all 19 power rings, the hidden attributes controlled by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and can use the 19 power rings to complete your purpose of controlling others or subordinates.

"The Lord of Power and the crystal of true knowledge?" Du Yu stared at the western sky and smiled slightly.

At this time, Du Yu's villain value also reached as much as 30900.

The main quests of Catherine and Yang Guo are naturally not a problem.After occupying Baicheng, it was completed within 2 days, and the benefits were huge.More importantly, within half a year, Empress Shinra doesn't need to do any more tasks, and she can safely and boldly manage her own power.

The remaining half a year is the rest period.

Du Yu moved his base to Minas Tiris. Apart from playing with beauties, cultivating together, and making love wantonly, his daily tasks are to discover hidden tasks all over the continent.

This is the favorite time of beauties.Only in this carefree time can they return to their female side and fully enjoy the tenderness and consideration of their lover.

The strong joining of Galadriel, Arwen, and Iowyn not only allowed Du Yu to have two more top-notch beautiful magicians and a female knight, but also made Du Yu's harem more three top-quality western blonde beauties , plus Elizabeth, Serena, and Leah, Du Yu's stunning Western daughter is already so spectacular that it is enough to make a bed of absurdity.

Galadriel and Arwen, who had to avenge their vengeance and solve the future troubles of the Elven Kingdom, let go of their worries, and were infected by the bold and unrestrained atmosphere in Du Yu's harem. Serve a husband and let Du Yu take what he wants.


While Du Yu was preparing meticulously, he also focused on interrogating several captured adventurers.

Hou Jie didn't need to interrogate, and told everything he knew.

It turned out that his life experience was just as tragic as the previous complaint.

Hou Shenjiang's army of dead soldiers is horrific, and all the recruits are desperate adventurers.In space, everything else is scarce, except for desperate adventurers.Especially for those who still have hope in their hearts and lovers who need support, the lack of resources and lack of security are enough to make them want to give birth and make any crazy choices.

But Hou Jie is not Sima Yi. Even if he has a deep hatred with Hou Shenjiang and wants to help Du Yu overthrow the enemy in one go, he can only roughly say that Hou Shenjiang seems to have changed recently and is preparing to launch a full-scale rebellion against the Tang court.

As for the strength of General Hou Shen, Hou Jie can only give an answer about 3000 soldiers in the inner city and 5000 troops in the outer city.As for the higher-level adventurers in the imperial city, they couldn't give an answer.

Du Yu pondered.

He didn't believe the strength shown by General Hou Shen.

The Great Tang Empire has a population of one million. Even if it has the most people in the slums that are not useful, with 50 people, the military strength in the hands of Lord Hou Shen is too limited.Don't forget that this is a bloody city where all the people are soldiers.With an order from the imperial court, the adventurers in the outer city of more than 50 can arm themselves at any time to fight against the rebel army.

Less than 1 people, against 49 people.

Where does the odds of winning this God General come from?

Even if we add these adventurers and bring back some dead soldiers, ghost soldiers, and ghost generals from the plot world, can we turn the world upside down?

The captured Vulcan believers were interrogated by Catherine to spy on specific information.

After the interrogation, Catherine's expression was also very heavy.

"The Pope's control and infiltration of the Dark Council is far beyond my imagination." Catherine gritted her teeth and said, "No wonder he knows my identity like the back of his hand. There is a traitor working in the dark."

"Except for Hou Jie, other enemies cannot stay." Du Yu nodded decisively.

Nor is he a blindly benevolent and abusive good person.It is an undeniable fact that the wolf pupil team suffered a surprise attack from the enemy and suffered heavy casualties.So with a wave of Du Yu's hand, the punishment for these assassins was extremely cruel!
Except for the surrendered Hou Jie, everyone else was killed!
Then the Soul Calling Tower collected them all!
In the Soul Tower, continue to torture and interrogate all possible useful information.

"As the intelligence leader of the Black Dragon Society, Bei Ye Nan has very high intelligence value." Catherine's beautiful eyes were clear: "I can't say, I need to use some means."

Bei Ye Nan seems to be easy-going and soft-headed, but if she is underestimated because of this, it is a big mistake!

She is an intelligence leader of the Black Dragon Society, and she is extremely loyal to the Black Dragon Society. Even if she is killed by Du Yu, her soul is extracted, and she is imprisoned in the Soul Calling Tower. She is tortured by Chilian fairy Li Mochou every day, and she will not reveal any information.

But Du Yu was a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, so he gritted his teeth and finally performed the soul-searching technique on Bei Ye Nan!
The enemy is the enemy.

Although Du Yu was reluctant to use this method, the tragic fact that the Wolf Eyes Team was attacked and the Wolf Fort was breached made Du Yu unable to forgive the enemy!
Fight poison with poison!

After Bei Yenan was searched by Du Yu, his soul screamed, his voice was shrill.

But Du Yu gradually knew how many shameful and unreasonable things Bei Ye Nan had done for the Black Dragon Society secretly. The unbearable look on his face turned into a sneer at the corner of his mouth!
After performing the fairy art, he walked out of the Soul Summoning Tower with a tired face.

Catherine came up to her and asked with concern, "Are you okay? You look ugly."

Du Yu smiled: "I don't know if I don't search for the soul. The harvest of the soul search is really not small! As the intelligence officer of the Black Dragon Society and the main contact person for the Hou family, Bei Yenan knows a lot about the recent conspiracy of the Hou family: Hou The plan of Jiahe Black Dragon Society is that after hearing about the assassination of Catherine, taking advantage of the chaos in the west, Zheng Guogong and Su Daji will encourage Tang Emperor to fight against Shenluo, and send out all the best soldiers and good generals in the country. Stir up a wave of beasts, attract the few remaining troops of the imperial court to the East China Sea again, take the opportunity to launch an attack, wipe out the mobile forces of the Tang Dynasty, and finally launch an attack on the capital.

Only an intelligence chief at the level of Kitano Minami can obtain such highly confidential information.

Du Yu looked stern.

Hou Shenjiang's conspiracy can be described as full of calculations.With the prince of the court and the concubine favored by the inner palace, the situation in the west and the beast tide in the east sea are both involved, plus all kinds of power he has secretly accumulated, there is great hope for success.

But Du Yu also intuitively believed that besides this plan, God General Hou should have a deeper plan in private, otherwise he might not be able to make a comeback and plot against the success of the Tang Empire.

Catherine said worriedly: "I can understand Hou Shenjiang's plan. But the question is, Zheng Guogong and Su Daji, why should they intervene to assist Hou Shenjiang? You know, Su Daji is now favored by three thousand people, and Zheng Guogong has also They are extremely human subjects, even if Hou Shenjiang succeeds in rebelling, they will not get anything more. Why help outsiders to overthrow their own emperor?"

Du Yu sneered and said, "Duke Zheng is ambitious, and most likely his idea is to become emperor himself. The relationship between him and Hou Shenjiang is to use each other. When the critical moment comes, there is no guarantee that he will have other plans. And Su Daji is even more of a vixen." , the skills she practiced seem to be related to the chaos in the world. The world is full of chaos, the more power she can absorb, the faster her strength will improve."

(End of this chapter)

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